TGIF – June 22, 2012

So I’m sad to announce the offical conclusion of Freaky Friday (unofficial announcement was Twitter, I guess). I really tried hard at keeping up with my brand new, original weekly feature! But I guess in retrospect, it was kind of a poor idea because I was essentially trying to relive books… But I couldn’t remember half the details! I’m pretty terrible at retaining knowledge from books for whatever reason (I think I just read too quickly sometimes), so after the first couple weeks, I was running out of books where I actually remembered the plot/characters/conflict, etc in detail (Pretty sad, isn’t it?) – So I decided to say “It was a nice try” and not force myself to keep up with something that was good in theory, but I started rushing through it, executing it poorly, and getting sloppy. It just wasn’t fun, and I didn’t feel like it gave very much back to my readers either, so I said sayonara last week.

I do still want to add on another weekly feature, but this time, someone else’s. I have a blast with Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish each week, and I think the Tuesday/Friday intervals are perfect. After taking a peek at what other people are updating with, and the obvious choice is Ginger’s TGIF feature at GReads! I love reading what other people update every week, so it was a pretty easy conclusion. Plus, Ginger’s awesome!

So this week’s TGIF topic is:
Authors Are Our Celebrities: Have you ever contacted an author you admired? How did that experience go?  If not, which author would you  love to have a chat with?

Well, I don’t think I’ve really contacted many authors. Most of my contact has been through Twitter. I was really not a fan of Twitter when I first joined and signed up for a personal account. I talked with my friends so I already knew what they were up to. Snooze. But I think Twitter is great for the blogging world! I admit, I’m borderline obsessive with checking it, updates, and replying just because it’s so much fun! It’s a great way to have info from authors at your fingertips and (here’s the whole points that I’ve been working at), authors get to see what you post when you mention them too.
I’ve made a few direct shout-outs to how excited I was to read someone’s book or how good it was getting as I was reading it, threw a mention of them tagging them in there, and I’ve gotten a few retweets or replys. To me, that’s super exciting! Authors really have become my celebrities and it’s fun because I feel like they really enjoy interacting with their readers (PS – come say hi @bookaddictguide)!
I’m sure by now you’re tired of hearing about me gushing over how much fun I had on the Fierce Reads tour (check that post out here), but it was a great opportunity to meet four awesome ladies with some really great books! It was a fantastic way to interact with the authors and it really was like meeting a celebrity with signings, pictures, and swag 🙂
Then finally, I’ve talked to a few authors on – Kelly Cochran who wrote the mystery Buying Time was kind enough to send me a copy of her book after we were in the same group on GoodReads and she saw that I was entered to win a copy (and didn’t win). That kind of spurred us to talking and she’s featured my review in quite a few places to help out her book and to help out my blog! It’s been great interacting with an author like that and I think I was just as excited to read and have my review posted as she was to have me review (I hope)!

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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