30 Days of Books: Day 29
Saddest character death…
Well, well, well. Isn’t this the biggest spoiler question out there! Okay, I’ll try to make this as least spoiler-y as possible!
First: Any of the good guys who died in the Harry Potter series. I got so attached to those characters so especially towards the end, I was in tears when they got killed off!
Second: (It’s not really a spoiler since it’s a main theme of book) Mia’s family in If I Stay. It wasn’t so much their death that was upsetting since it happened at the very beginning of the story, but throughout the book we get their backstory and anecdotes about what awesome people they were and how happy their family was. The flashbacks to me are the heartbreaking part!
Third: **** THIS IS THE SPOILER **** From Frostbite from the Vampire Academy series, so if you haven’t read it, STOP READING NOW!
I literally gasped when Mason died. I was so sad!!!! I was completely shocked and taken by surprise and was so upset by it. I think that’s probably one of the biggest surprises I’ve had as far as character deaths go.