The Book Addict’s Guide gets a little spooky…

Okay guys, so Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It’s inexplicable why since I’m a huge chicken, won’t go in haunted houses, hate being scared, and won’t watch scary movies…. Anyway, despite all of that, I still love the feel (maybe it’s fall), the decorations, the costumes, and the merriment that ensues during Halloweentime.

I’ve already picked up a few books that I’ve dubbed as “Halloween Reads” for myself to start, finish, review, and talk about in the last couple weeks of October as part of a Halloween feature on The Book Addict’s Guide. Since this is the first Halloween I’ll have on my blog and I always think this kind of stuff is always more fun when more people involved, I want YOU to be a part of it!
UPDATE 10/2: My wonderful friend Alyssa @ Books Take You Places is joining me on this Halloween extravaganza and we will be co-hosting! We’re putting together some posts of our own and still want you to join us with some more goodies. Here’s what we’re thinking as far as other blogger participation:

HALLOWEEN READS: For each review, I’d like to include links to reviews of the other folks who have read the book and a quick blurb to sum up your review (just a catchy sentence or two to draw people in). I know other people do this regularly, but since I do not, I wanted to share a little extra for these reviews. Here’s a quick list of what I have lined up so far (some are more “loosely” Halloween based than others): Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood, Anna Dressed in Blood by Blake Kendare, Ten by Gretchen McNeil, Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard (maybe more, but that’s the list for now) – If you would like your review/blurb added to my reviews, please fill out the form below!
Update 10/2: I’ll also create a separate post for any “Halloween reads” that I’m not able to read myself. I’d love to share your reviews, thoughts, blurbs, mini-reviews, etc! So keep throwing those ideas at me!!!

LITERARY COSTUMES: As part of Appraising Pages’ Month of Macabre, I’m putting together some Pinterest board-style literary character costumes. Mine are purely digital and 100% Photoshopped together, so I want to see any pictures that you have! If you made a literary costume, saw someone else wear one, or found a picture of a really good one, I want to see it! Then I’ll arrange a post with all of the contributions, and give you credit, of course 🙂 And of course classics like Harry Potter count!

GUEST POSTS/HALLOWEEN EXTRAS: If you have anything specific you want to write about, let us know! Otherwise, we’re creating posts that we want to hear your input on, and it’s not just about books either! Halloween movies, TV shows, or TV episodes; real Halloween facts; real ghost stories; spooky places; favorite villains – You name it, we’re talking about it, and we want to hear from you too.

Yep. I’m hosting my very first read along. First off, bear with me since it’s the first one I’ve hosted!  Since I haven’t read it yet myself, it may be less questions about the book and more fun themes and us throwing in some fun things that we enjoyed from each part, but I’m reading ahead so I can post the questions ahead of time for you guys – Just the first week will be a tiny bit behind and the questions will go up sometime between Thurs night and Saturday morning. Again, sorry everything’s so hectic, but just thought of it and it’s a work in progress! Hopefully Susan Dennard herself will help us out and maybe even make a guest appearance in the read along 🙂 I’d like read along to span with the first week starting 10/10 so we can end on Halloween itself. Therefore, I need to post sign-ups tomorrow (UPDATE 10/3: Sign-ups are now open!! Please go check it out and join in the read along!!)

Here’s the link to the participation form:  SIGN UP SHEET

Thanks so much, and I hope to see you there! 🙂

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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11 thoughts on “The Book Addict’s Guide gets a little spooky…

  1. stuckinva

    Your first paragraph totally describes me–I hate haunted houses, don’t like scary movies, but Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I think it’s because I love dressing up. 😀

  2. Kelsey

    Great idea! I’m not going to be part of the read-a-long since I already read the book (and loved it), but I’ve filled out the form! Let me know if you need help with anything!

  3. Elizabeth

    I’m definitely going to try to read some creepy books this month. I am still in the very early stages of coming up with a list, but I am doing the readathon next Saturday and intend to scare myself by reading mostly scary stuff all day. It’s going to be fun!!

  4. Lucy

    I will join in with the Something Strange and Deadly read-along. I’ve been meaning to read that one! There’s so many good creepy books out that I’ve been saving for just this month. I love all your spooky ideas!

    1. Brittany

      Thanks, great suggestions! I haven’t read them so if I have the time, I may add the first or I can also include a page for the “Halloween reviews” that I wasn’t able to read.
      Thanks 🙂

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