My Latest Bookish Addiction [3]



In keeping with the theme of my blog, I decided to start bringing you updates of the newest and greatest bookish addictions in my life so I can share with you some awesomely bookish things or discuss if maybe we share the same bookish loves. It seemed like a great way to get a little discussion going in a very relaxed way.

This Edition’s Bookish Addiction? Google Calendar + scheduling.

Okay, so Google Calendar doesn’t exactly scream “book nerd” but from the Twitter conversations I had after announcing I almost forgot to read a book for a blog tour (*GASP*), clearly it’s close to being a blogger-must! I wrote this book tour down in my good, old-fashioned paper planner. I love my planner! I feel all organized and keep it in my purse, carrying it with me everywhere. The only problem? I never cracked it open again. That fun little planner (which screams regular nerd) just sits in there and I barely sneak a peek at what I have coming up. PROBLEM.

I threw it out there in the Twitter-verse that I need to start using Google Calendar to schedule my big events and reminders, and the responses that I got were surprising! It sounds like a lot of us bloggers have started to use Google’s calendar feature to keep out schedules from getting away from us! I knew that I had this blog tour hanging out there, but I wasn’t exactly sure when it was. Then I realized I need to do an interview for it. And I still haven’t read the book for it. Then I panicked and decided to start my Google scheduling ASAP!

As an organization aficionado, Google Calendar makes it easy to keep all your different posts or commitments separated by color coding (Ooooh, ahhhh), so I chose to use a different color depending on what I have scheduled or what the post/event actually is.


The only thing that’s missing that I can do in my paper planner versus Google Calendar is a little notes field where I can write whatever and not have it be on the actual calendar. I would love just a tiny spot to type in something for books I need to read soon, but I guess I can always make yet another Goodreads shelf for that…. But that’s a whole different topic all together!

Do you guys use any scheduling for your blog? Aside from scheduling posts in advance, do you have to use calendars to keep from forgetting? Have you started obsessing with Google Calendars like I have?

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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22 thoughts on “My Latest Bookish Addiction [3]

  1. Chrystal

    I still love a paper planner! But like you said – I don’t look at it as often as I should. I tend to use my cell phone a lot for personal appointments and to do lists, so I think I better go back to using Google Calendar for my blog schedule again. I did have it all setup many moons ago, but then flipped back to a planner. So here goes… off to colour co-ordinate my blog posts on GC!

  2. Krys

    I tried doing this, but I’m just not a productive enough contributor – or I just can’t find enough content to write about. But I feel like I’ve seen something on GMail/G-Calendar that allows you to make little notes.
    – Krys

  3. Alexa Y.

    I have definitely started using Google Calendar as a way to schedule myself on the blog! I used to use a written planner, but I got tired of carrying it around and ended up just using the calendar (which I can access on a lot of different devices). While I only have two colors I primarily put into use, it’s helped me stay on top of things. I’m not late for blog tours and I’m also able to see what dates I have free to post reviews and stuff on.

    I also use Excel files for organizing my book pile – but that’s a story for another day of book nerding.

  4. Nancy @ Tumbling Books

    I use the Editorial Calendar plugin on to plan and organize blog posts. To organize what I need to read and when, I have a big dry-erase calendar on my wall. I wanted something that I can easily erase and write over since I tend to change what I’m planning on doing pretty often. Great idea to use Google calendar! I haven’t used it yet. 🙂

  5. Vyki @ On The Shelf

    I don’t actually schedule anything on any type of calendar or planner. I have a blog journal where I will write up future posts, but I don’t schedule any books. I might be organized for about a week with a planner of calendar, but it never lasts, lol. Kudos to you for keeping organized and I should probably attempt it!

  6. Heidi

    I use Google Calendar for scheduling too! I have a system where I put unread ARCs on the calendar for thier pup date (theoretically hoping to read them by then), read books get another color, and then once I actually review that book, or schedule another post, those change to a third color on my calendar. It works really well for me as a quick visual glance to see how much I’ve done/what I have planned/what I need to do.

  7. Ashley

    I used to be MUST USE PAPER CALENDAR. And then I got a google phone and it synches and *sigh* my life became so much easier color coding things in google calendar.

  8. Jenn @ A Glo-Worm Reads

    I have to use a schedule… lol I like to colour code as well because then I can see what I have so I don’t post too many memes or reviews in a row one week and then none the next or something like that.

  9. Candice

    I’ve never used my Google Calendar, but I really must check this out! You know I’m all about creating some stuff with Google (unless you didn’t know that… then… surprise!). I may be coming to you for help! 🙂

  10. Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

    Honestly, I just started using iCal on my Mac this week for the same reason you did! My schedule had spiraled out of control, and I was so stressed. iCal does not have color coding, so I’m kind of jealous of that. BUT it does have a notes section where you can write things out, but not schedule them. And I love that. 🙂

  11. Tara

    Google Calendar is the best! I use it for both my business and my blog and I’d be lost without it. I don’t think it’s what it’s meant for, but I use the Tasks function for notes or to-do lists. It’s great because I have one list for my blog and one for my business all in one spot. I also use the Stickies app on my Mac and have them chilling on my desktop (or I should say, cluttering my desktop lol) And let’s be for real–the color coding in Google Calendar is the best part 🙂

  12. Asti (A Bookish Heart)

    I don’t use Google Calendar, but I’m not quite sure why. I actually use Microsoft OneNote for everything. I created my own makeshift calendar in there that uses color-coded font to signify what type of post it is. I also italicize the posts that I have finished or thought about but have not yet completed, so I know if it’s italicized I need to finish it but it’s there for me to look at.

    And then on OneNote I have a tab for each type of post where I record possible post ideas, what’s been posted under that topic, work-in-progress posts, and anything else. And each tab on that OneNote section corresponds to the font color I use to mark it in the calendar.

    I think Google Calendar is probably easier, but my crazy organization system has been pretty helpful for me! 😛

  13. Christianna

    I need to start doing this as well as using my paper calender! Sometimes I want to sign up for something, but I can’t because I don’t have my paper planner with me. This is such a good post!

  14. Kelley (Another Novel Read)

    As an organization geek, I approve of your color coding. 😀 I also use my Google calendar to schedule my blog posts! It’s so convenient. I love it because I like to prep a lot of my posts beforehand, so then every day I just check my calendar and publish the appropriate post. And it’s a great way to see what I have upcoming so that I can write those posts ahead of time. Another feature I love is that if something changes in my schedule, I can just drag and drop calendar entries from one date to another one. So easy!

  15. Justine @ paperback heart

    I recently started using Google Calendar as well. It’s only kind of working for me, I’m managing to get posts up when they need to be, even if it’s not the one I had on the calendar for that day. It’s really helping me get ahead with TTT and WoW and filler posts. Reviews…not so much.
    The color coding is definitely my favorite part! So prettttty.

  16. Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook

    I love Google Calendar, although I haven’t been using it much lately. I need to get back on that though, so I don’t forget to read books around the release dates.

    Love the color coding, btw! Definite oooos and ahhs from me 🙂

  17. Rachel

    I used to use a paper calendar and that worked really well until I stopped looking at it lol. Then I just stopped writing down things and that’s put me way behind so as of last night I’m back to using scheduling. I have an app on my computer called iProcrastinate (best name ever) where I can color code all my different posts. My favorite part is that it’s more of a task app than a calendar, so there’s space to write down everything you need to do for that task (if that makes sense), like for a review, I have ‘write review’ and ‘schedule tweets.’ I used to use it for my normal daily life and it worked pretty well, so I’m hoping it helps me get back on track with my blog.

    1. Brittany Post author

      Ohhhh that sounds awesome! I know, my issue was that while I loved my paper planner, I never took it out of my purse. Kind of doesn’t help haha. I definitely want to check out iProcrastinate (totally love the title too) because I would love a place to schedule tasks as well! 🙂

  18. Katie

    I literally just started doing this last night on my iPad calendar! I kept getting the dates messed up for upcoming Anderson events and just needed to once and for all get them all together. I went looking for a nice planner a week or two ago and I literally could not find any! The only ones I found start in July, what madness is this!

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