Welcome back to BOOK AND A BEVERAGE!
In case you don’t know the deal about Book and a Beverage, it’s a very simple yet fun feature: We read books, we drink beverages, we take pictures of them and then I share your photos and a little about you to the blogging world!
Let’s all say hello to Maggie from Just a Couple More Pages!
Name & Blog Name: Maggie @ Just a Couple More Pages
Tell us a little about your blog! I started my blog earlier this year because I stumbled upon this amazing blogging community and felt like I had found my people! All my friends (jokingly) made fun of me for how much I read and it was great to find other obsessive readers. I review pretty much exclusively YA books and in the YA genre mostly contemporary with some historical fiction and a few dystopians thrown in. Occasionally I’ll review a new adult book that I think crosses over into YA, but mostly I keep those reviews on Goodreads. I’m not someone who takes anything too seriously so I try to keep my reviews quick, light, and fun. I also almost always participate in the Top 10 Tuesday and Waiting on Wednesday memes.
What’s been your favorite post you’ve written so far? (Link us up!) I really like two of my Top 10 Tuesday posts: Best Covers and Worst Covers
Got anything special coming up we should know about? I’ve been working on a little challenge for myself to read my favorite authors’ entire collection of books. I like the idea of knowing an author’s work front to back and I was partially inspired to do this after reading the only Gayle Forman book I hadn’t read, Sisters in Sanity, for the Gayle Forman Read Along Brittany is currently hosting. I’m getting a post together with the authors and books so hopefully that will be up soon!
Whatcha reading? When You Were Here by Daisy Whitney
Where did it come from? (Library, purchased, publisher, etc) Library. I’m the daughter of two public librarians, I’d say 95% of my books come from the library.
Any special reason you chose to feature this book? I read it while I was reading my DSLR camera for dummies book so I had a fancy picture available 🙂
What’s important that we should know about this book? Would you recommend it? It was really, really, really good. I’m actually reviewing it today on my blog so you can read my whole review there, but I loved it and I highly recommend it.
Whatcha drinking? Ithaca Flower Power beer, a very good IPA that I am a big fan of.
What’s your favorite thing to drink while reading? I would say probably water or seltzer.
Favorite beverage of all time. Go! Seltzer, I am addicted. My Soda Stream machine is my most prized possession.
What are your top three books you would recommend to other people? This is a terrible question! (Just kidding!) Why Can’t I Be You by Allie Larkin, Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson, and Where She Went by Gayle Forman
What’s your proudest blogging/reading/writing moment? I think my proudest moment is kind of an internal realization on my part. I was kind of jaded about books and the publishing industry for a while (I worked in the industry for six years), but blogging and reading blogs whose authors love books so much has revitalized my love of books and made me excited to go into bookstores again!
Anything else you’d like to share? I think that’s pretty much it. I love finding new blogs so if you’re reading this and think we have similar tastes drop by my blog with your link. And of course thank you to Brittany for having me!
Thanks, Maggie! Mmm that IPA looks tasty! Sounds like I definitely need to pick up WHEN YOU WERE HERE too!
2 thoughts on “Book and a Beverage [14] – Maggie from Just a Couple More Pages”
Thanks again for featuring me! I know I thanked you on Twitter but I couldn’t believe it when I started catching up on blogs today and realized I never actually commented since I was on vacation and in and out of cell reception.
I want to read this book! Maggie is so lucky to be the daughter of two librarians! Course, I would probably never have left the library.