Book and a Beverage [105] – Cassi from My Thoughts Literally

Book and a Beverage

Welcome back to BOOK AND A BEVERAGE!

In case you don’t know the deal about Book and a Beverage, it’s a very simple yet fun feature: We read books, we drink beverages, we take pictures of them and then I share your photos and a little about you to the blogging world!

Give a big welcome to Cassi from My Thoughts Literally!

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Name & Blog Name: Cassi from My Thoughts Literally
Tell us a little about your blog! I started My Thoughts Literally almost six years ago but for most of that time I was very bad at updating then a year and a half ago I got really motivated to blog again. I found the community and never looked back! Every month I pick a different theme like High Fantasy, Geek Books, or Adventure/Survival (this month’s theme) and I read and review a broad range of books that fit that theme including YA, classics, and audiobooks.
What’s been your favorite post you’ve written so far? (Link us up!) I think my favorite review is my review of Beauty Queens by Libba Bray because it’s a more in-depth look at the book. I also like my review of The Magicians Land by Lev Grossman because I filmed a video for it which was really stressful. As for discussions I really liked my talk about how I read and Book Polygamy which is not what you think!
Got anything special coming up we should know about? Well, I’m going to BEA at the end of the month so if you see me you should say hello. I did a tip post so you can check that out. I’m usually very review heavy but I also have a few discussion posts planned and I’m trying to do my feature Crossing Over, about books with crossover appeal, more regularly.


Whatcha reading?
Prodigy by Marie Lu.
Where did it come from? (Library, purchased, publisher, etc): I actually won it in a giveaway from GReads last October along with the rest of Marie Lu’s books when The Young Elites came out. I’m just now taking the time to marathon the series.
Any special reason you chose to feature this book? Mostly because I just started reading it yesterday. It’s always fun to flail about a new book. Especially one like this that I know a lot of people have read and loved.
What’s important that we should know about this book? Would you recommend it? Well, I can’t say if I can recommend it — I am only fifty pages in but you should definitely know that it is the second book set in a dystopian triology. I loved the characters in the first book and I’m really excited to explore more of the world in this one.

beverageWhatcha drinking? Well, I just got home from work and it’s 9PM so just water. But I’m drinking it out of my Wonder Woman water bottle so that makes it special!
What’s your favorite thing to drink while reading? Coffee probably. I’m a coffee fiend.
Favorite beverage of all time. Go! Such a hard question. I used to live in Rhode Island and I’m super obsessed with Del’s Lemonade. It’s frozen lemonade and I always crave it during the summer months.


What are your top three books you would recommend to other people? Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, and The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
What’s your proudest blogging/reading/writing moment? Tough question. Either reading over 110 books in 2014 because I had never counted and thought I would only read sixty books or any time someone says they read a book because I recommended it and that they loved it. It’s only happened a few times but that’s why I started blogging and it seriously warms my heart!
Anything else you’d like to share? First I want to thank Brittany by having me. Brittany, Alyssa, and Amy are an amazing part of this community with their #OTSPSecretSister program and their chats. It’s one of the things that I love about blogging. And I’m always on Twitter so if you want to chat about books come find me there. It’s been an absolute pleasure! I feel like I should end this how I end all my posts… Thanks for stopping by and HAPPY READING!

 Thanks, Cassi! SO happy to have you on Book and a Beverage and I really hope we see each other at BEA!!!
Oooh Mistborn and Fangirl. My kind of recs! I just love when someone loves your recommendation. It really is one of the best feelings!
Thanks so much for you support of the #OTSPSecretSister project! So glad you are enjoying it <3 

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Cassi! Connect with her at the links below!
Blog // Twitter // Tumblr // Goodreads // Instagram // YouTube

And don’t forget! You can participate in Book and a Beverage at any time! Got a book? Got a beverage? Just tweet or post your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #bookandabeverage and I’ll retweet or repost your photo!#bookandabeverage

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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6 thoughts on “Book and a Beverage [105] – Cassi from My Thoughts Literally

  1. Brittany T

    Love this girl! Your wonder woman bottle feels very suited to you for some reason!! I also will read every single one of the books you spoke about since I have come to heavily rely on your book recs!
    These are so fun!

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