Whether you call yourself a book worm, book nerd, book geek, book addict, avid reader, or fangirl, one thing is for certain — we all LOVE reading. Reading is GREAT. Books are a way of life. This isn’t just a hobby for us — it’s a lifestyle. From re-reading to binge reads to author events, there are many things we book-lovers do that go above and beyond the normal “casual” reader. How many of these can you identify with?
1. You’ve stayed up all night/way past bedtime to finish reading a book.
2. You actually ended up passing out (and maybe losing your page) because you fell asleep while reading said book.
3. You joined a book club.
4. You’ve pre-ordered books.
5. You’ve pre-ordered books months before they’re available.
6. You’ve pre-ordered books the moment they’re available online to purchase because it’s just necessary.
7. You’ve read a book on its release day because you just couldn’t wait to read it.
8. You’ve started and finished a book in one day.
9. You’ve read more than one book in a day.
10. You’ve cancelled plans just to stay home and read.
11. Your friends and family don’t quite understand that reading actually COUNTS as plans.
12. You have friends that you talk to strictly for book talk.
13. You have multiple book boyfriends and at least one OTP.
14. Your local book store employees recognize you because you’re there so often.
15. Or maybe it’s your local library instead.
16. You have a massive book collection.
17. You’ve had to buy more bookcases to support your book-buying habit.
18. You have book collections that take up entire shelves.
19. You’ve both books in multiple versions/covers just to have them all.
20. You’ve purchased foreign editions of books.
21. And you’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time looking for rare editions or your favorite editions of your favorites.
22. You fan cast your favorite books/series.
23. You’ve spend (way too much time online) on forums to prove or hunt down theories from your favorite series.
24. You have book-related clothing and/or accessories.
25. You spend more time reading than watching TV.
26. You don’t even know what shows are on TV because you’re always reading.
27. You read multiple books at once.
28. And god forbid you have a moment in time when you’re not reading at least one book.
29. You’re always on the hunt for the next great book or series.
30. And when you find a great series, you often read them from start to finish. Quickly.
31. Hogwarts, Middle Earth, Westeros, and Narnia are all real. (But thank god the Capitol isn’t.)
32. You follow your favorite authors on social media…
33. … And freak out when they reply to you!
34. You’ve attended an author signing.
35. You’ve road tripped to an author signing.
36. You’ve taken time off work to go to a book event.
37. You’ve attended a book conference.
38. You actually bought a plane ticket to FLY to a book conference.
39. You’ve started a book blog.
40. You’ve become obsessed with said book blog.
41. You’re the person your friends come to for recommendations.
42. And they borrow books from your own personal library
43. But you constantly worry when they will give your books back and in what condition they’ll be.
44. And you worry whether they’ll enjoy your recommendations.
45. Picking out the perfect recommendation for someone is a labor of love and a work of art.
46. You own all of the movie adaptations of your favorite books.
47. You always try to read the book before seeing the movie.
48. And sometimes you can’t help it when you pick out the tiniest changes from the book that didn’t make the cut.
49. You have a hard time looking past the images from the movie that don’t match up with how you imagined the book.
50. But you’re also just happy that now people are reading some really great series.
51. (As long as they do love them and don’t say anything bad. No book-hating allowed!)
How many of these do you identify with? Honestly for me, it’s almost ALL of them. Book problems?
[bctt tweet=”Do you call yourself a bookworm? How many of these 51 epically book-nerdy statements can you say yes to? “]
20 thoughts on “51 Statements Bookworms Can Agree With”
I identify with a few of those but number 10 & 11 drives my mom nuts! Haha
I got like, 31 or 32? Haha, it was hard to keep count. I CAN RELATE TO SO MANY OF THESE!! Great post, Brittany!
Excellent! I’d also like to add: You’ve been late to work because of a book event.
I answered yes to 29 of them. The book recommendation ones rang especially true. I just want everyone to love the books I love!
#49 Yes! It drives me crazy sometimes. I try to force myself not to do this but it’s impossible. This is a great list.
This is awesome, I can answer yes to about 35 of them. Most that I say No to are because I don’t buy books.
Girl I can so relate to this! I am currently dealing with #17 – a trip to IKEA is needed in the immediate future.
Definitely have done quite a few of these, I have yet to go to an author signing which is awful, but hopefully going to Apollycon 2016 🙂
I loved looking at all of these and being like wow, yep, I’ve done that 😛
Yep, I can relate to just about all of them. The main ones I didn’t relate to were the ones about bookshelves. 95% of my books are on my Kindle so I don’t have to worry about that. Ha
Preordering a book is so exciting! Especially when you forget, which might not be a totally bookworm-ey thing to do but hey!, when it’s going to be published and so you get the glorious surprise of opening a package for a book you weren’t even expecting! Could anything bookish be better?
But you’re so right. We book lovers take our love seriously and we make a passionate, strong community. We’re a fierce bunch. I love it! I have to admit, though… I’ve never stayed up all night reading. I get too tired and staying up too late gives me a headache! (:
#31 is the truth!!!
I have done all of these but four only because I don’t purchase books that often (I am a library hoarder) and haven’t had the time to fly to a conference. One day I will!
Great post! Loved the whole list. 😀
I identify with way too many of these! Though I can’t say I’ve done the “flying for a conference” thing yet – hopefully next year’s BEA!
I’ll add that I actually have a favorite bookseller at my local BN 😀
I love this! #28 gives me hives in the worst way.
I got all but two. I’m looking to purchase foreign book covers, but I haven’t actually done so yet. This week=BEA so I’ll soon be able to check off the book conference one. I feel so accomplished now. XD
Okay, let’s do this:
1. Guilty as charge. I used to read with a flash light underneath my blanket, so my parents wouldn’t notice I was still up, haha.
2. Yep. And one time I fell asleep on my back and I woke up when I dropped the book on my face. Classic.
3. YES. Still one of the best things I have ever did.
4. Yes, but now I like to wait and order the book once it’s available.
5. Yep.
6. No.
7. Yes, of course. Some books have to be bought and read the same day.
8. Definitely and I still do it if I have the chance.
9. Yes, vacation time is reading time!
10. Haha, yes, and sometimes I’m a little ashamed.
11. My boyfriend doesn’t always get it.
13. Definitely!
15. Haha, yes, they used to know me. When I was younger they made the exception of giving me a library pass for adults, because I’ve read most of the books in the children section :p
16. Yes, but it’s never enough of course 😉
17/18. Yes and I actually still need more shelves..
24. And I want mooooore!
27. I HAVE to. I just can’t read one book.
28. That is a bad, bad time.
29. Yes, my obsessive behavior on Goodreads is prove.
39/40. Obviously 😀
44/45. True! It worries me, because if they don’t love it, that would be tragic :p
48/49. Yes and I bother other people with it, haha.
50/51. Haha. YES.