Welcome back to BOOK AND A BEVERAGE!
Book and a Beverage was a featuring originally designed to spotlight book bloggers but I’m thrilled to extend the feature to interview authors and highlight their works as well! This is a special Author Edition of Book and a Beverage.
Give a big welcome to author JEN MCCONNEL!
Name: Jen McConnel
You know her best as the author of… DAUGHTER OF CHAOS (3/25/14), GODS OF CHAOS (3/31/15), TRIUMPH OF CHAOS (3/2016)
DAUGHTER OF CHAOS: Amazon // Goodreads
GODS OF CHAOS: Amazon // Goodreads
TRIUMPH OF CHAOS: Amazon // Goodreads
Also by Jen McConnel:
What are you reading? Right now, I’m enjoying Katie Bolick’s book, SPINSTER.
What’s important that we should know about this book? Would you recommend it? It’s part memoir, part literary biography of some awesome writing women, and I’m really enjoying it. I don’t usually read nonfiction, but I’m glad I picked up this book. I’d absolutely recommend this to anyone interested in feminism, writing, and literary biography.
What are your top three books you would recommend to other people? There are so many books I absolutely adore, it’s hard to narrow it down to just three recommendations, but I’ll try. The Violet Eden Chronicles by Jessica Shirvington, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman. (I lean toward fantasy, if you couldn’t already tell!)
What are you drinking? I mostly quit coffee when I had my little one, but every now and then, I want a treat, so today I cracked open my “emergency stash” (AKA an iced Starbucks coffee).
What’s your favorite thing to drink while reading/writing? Coffee or tea, preferably iced. I tend to lose track of the real world when I’m writing (and reading, come to think of it), and there’s nothing worse than taking a sip of lukewarm tea to pull me right out of my head and back into reality in an unpleasant way.
If you had one subplot or minor character that could go off on its own tangent, who or what would it be? I love this question, because it’s something I’m actually considering. I’d love to explore things from Justin’s POV (Darlena’s sort of ex in the Red Magic series). Once the trilogy is done, I might see what he has to say!
Do you have any writing rituals or superstitions? Writing IS my ritual! When I’m drafting, I don’t feel human until I’ve written my minimum of two thousand words a day, but before I sit down to write, I usually load the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen. I mostly work at the dining table now, and having a messy kitchen behind me makes it hard to concentrate. (Although I have to be careful not to get carried away, like I did yesterday: I cleaned the bathroom, too!)
Thank you so much to Jen McConnel for taking part in Book and a Beverage today! I absolutely MUST know more about her Red Magic series now! What do you guys think?? It sounds great!
LOVE the book recommendations. Always Sarah J. Maas and Neil Gaiman! I need to look into Jessica Shirvington too!
A Michigander by birth, Jen McConnel now makes her home in the beautiful state of North
Carolina. She writes NA, including the recently released Adventures Abroad series (Bloomsbury Spark), the award winning YA novel Beautiful Curse (Swoon Romance), and various other works. When she isn’t writing, she can be found on her yoga mat or wandering off on another adventure. Once upon a time, she was a middle school teacher, a librarian, and a bookseller, but those are stories for another time. Visit www.JenMcConnel.com to learn more!
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Would you like to win a giveaway of Jen McConnel’s DAUGHTER OF CHAOS? Enter the Rafflecopter entry form below for your chance to win! (Thank you to Jen McConnel for providing this giveaway!)
1 thought on “Book and a Beverage Author Edition | Jen McConnel”
Book and Beverage is the best. 😀 I love stopping by your blog to read these posts.