Welcome to the blog tour for
THE DETOUR by S. A. Bodeen!
I always love a good YA mystery/thriller and I feel like there has finally been a surge in thrillers for YA. When I heard about THE DETOUR, I knew I had to read it! Plus bonus points: the main character is also a YA author! It was really fun to read the book from her point-of-view and combine the world of books and YA in there too. I really enjoyed the book from start to finish and after checking out my stop on the blog tour today, I hope you will too! Before we hop into the interview, here’s a bit more about THE DETOUR:

Publishing Info: October 6, 2015 by Macmillan
Genres: Mystery/Thriller, Young Adult
Find it on the web: Buy from Amazon // GoodreadsDate Completed: August 13, 2015
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On her way to a writer’s conference, a bestselling teenage author takes a detour that has been deliberately set up by her biggest fans—a mother and daughter who kidnap her.
Livvy Flynn is a big deal—she’s a New York Times-bestselling author whose YA fiction has sold all over the world. She’s rich, she’s famous, she’s gorgeous, and she’s full of herself.
When she’s invited to an A-list writer’s conference, she decides to accept so she can have some time to herself. She’s on a tight deadline for her next book, and she has no intention of socializing with the other industry people at the conference.
And then she hits the detour. Before she knows it, her brand new car is wrecked, she’s hurt, and she’s tied to a bed in a nondescript shack in the middle of nowhere. A woman and her apparently manic daughter have kidnapped her. And they have no intention of letting her go.
I was lucky enough to be able to interview author S. A. Bodeen for today’s tour stop and I had a lot of questions for her! It was a really fun interview for me. Check out her answers below!
Brittany: I’ve always been a big mystery/thriller fan and often wonder how I would handle the situation if I was in the same circumstance. Would you have had the same strategy if you were in Livvy’s place?
S. A. Bodeen: I am about the most risk averse person I know. My husband always tells me that I should work for OSHA. So I probably wouldn’t have been on my own in the first place, let alone taken that turn-off…
B: THE DETOUR’s main character is also an author. Did any part of Livvy’s story parallel a personal experience in your life as a writer? (Hopefully not the scary ones!!!)
SAB: There wasn’t really anything about her writing life paralleled my own. She had a much easier time selling her first novel than I did, for sure. And she has far more zeroes in her bank account.
B: In the book, an author is mentioned who was ridiculed and reamed out by Livvy’s fans. That really hit home for me having seen this very thing happen on blogs and social media and seeing how devastating that can be for a person. Was there any sort of message or extra weight tied to this situation for readers to pick up on?
SAB: Not a message at all. More like it was something I had seen happen and realized it would not be a leap at all to put it into the story and have readers believe that it was possible. The pitfalls of social media were a big inspiration for me while writing this book, because there are so many things that can happen.
B: I’m always fascinated how mysteries & thrillers come together in the end and how many clues there are along the way! Did you always know exactly how the book was going to tie up?
SAB: Not at all. I knew how the twists would turn out, but not the very last page. The epilogue didn’t end up that way until the final round of editorial revisions.
B: Without giving anything away, will we see more of Livvy in future books or was this a definite stand-alone?
SAB: I wrote it as a stand-alone, but that door was left wide open at the end, I think…
A big thank you to author S.A. Bodeen for the enlightening interview! It’s always so much fun to learn more about the book after I’ve read it. I hope the last question & answer made you EXTRA curious!
Don’t miss my review for THE DETOUR! It was supposed to be a video review but errrr… the video didn’t work so catch this special AUDIO review! ;D
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