Book and a Beverage Author Edition | Becky Wallace

Book and a Beverage

Welcome back to BOOK AND A BEVERAGE!

Book and a Beverage was a featuring originally designed to spotlight book bloggers but I’m thrilled to extend the feature to interview authors and highlight their works as well! This is a special Author Edition of Book and a Beverage. 

I am SO thrilled to have Becky Wallace on the Book and a Beverage feature today! If you don’t know her debut, THE STORYSPINNER, then get thee to a bookstore or a website where they sell this book ASAP because it was one of my favorites of 2015 and I am so incredibly excited for its sequel THE SKYLIGHTER that comes out in March 2016! I hope you enjoy getting to know a bit more about Becky Wallace and her books today on the feature — and don’t miss the giveaway for THE STORYSPINNER at the end of the post!

Give a big welcome to author BECKY WALLACE!


Name: Becky Wallace
You know her best as the author of… THE STORYSPINNER (3/3/15), THE SKYLIGHTER (3/22/16)

The Storyspinner (The Keepers' Chronicles, #1)          The Skylighter (The Keepers' Chronicles, #2)

THE STORYSPINNER: Amazon // Goodreads
THE SKYLIGHTER: Amazon // Goodreads



What are you reading? I just borrowed a HUGE stack of books from a friend, and the book on top is Truthwitch.  So I think I’ll dive into that first. I can’t wait! I’ve heard a lot of good things 20150930_145030about it.  Other than that, I just finished re-reading Rae Carson’s The Bitter Kingdom series. It had been a long time since I’d read all the books, and I really wanted to jump back into Elisa’s world.
What’s important that we should know about this book?
Two things: First, the world building is fantastic. From the varied landscapes, to the different personalities of the cities, to the type of food, it’s all brilliantly realized.  And second,The Bitter Kingdom (Fire and Thorns, #3) HECTOR. If I say anything else, it will be spoilery.  I don’t want to spoil Hector for anyone.  Would you recommend it? For fantasy lovers, most definitely!
What are your top three books you would recommend to other people? Hmmm…it really depends on who is asking. For fantasy lovers who want a strong romance, I always suggest The Kiss of Deception by Mary Pearson and Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers.  For readers who want a thrilling ride, I’d say Tracked by Jenny Martin and Nil by Lynne Matson.  And for contemporary folks, I always, always suggest Stephanie Perkins’s, Anna and the French Kiss.


What can you tell us about your current work in progress? It’s very different from anything I’ve written before, while still being fantasy. The main character is not a particularly nice person….but I love her!  She’s a little manipulative, crafty, flirtatious, and smart. She has a tendency to do awful things for completely logical reasons. Her love interest is her perfect foil. He’s patient, kind, and thoughtful. He’s passionate about solving a family mystery, and the main character is standing in his way. I love it. I just hope the rest of the world will too!
Are you a pantser or a plotter? I’m an uncomfortable hybrid. I tend to write the stuff that pops into my head, but my agent and editors need to see outlines and proposal. So I do a bit of both!
Do you have a favorite spot to read/write? Honestly, I love to write in my kitchen, but it’s been invaded by a baby monkey (or my two-year-old daughter), who climbs on the counter and pounds on my laptop. Sadly I’ve been relegated to using the office I share with my husband.  My view is not fabulous. I get to stare at the back of his monitor.  

3What are you drinking? A dirty Diet Coke (Diet Coke with coconut syrup). It’s fabulous and
refreshing, and the only way I can stand Diet Soda. When it’s empty there’s all that delicious ice to chomp on. Bonus!

What’s your favorite thing to drink while reading/writing? When I can’t get to Sonic, which is far too often, I really like drinking water with an obscene amount of lemon slices or Mt. Dew Kickstart.

thoughtprovokingIf you could co-author a book with someone (anyone!), who would it be? Nicole Castroman (author of Blackhearts out February 9, 2016!) is one of my best friends and critique partners. We’ve been bouncing some ideas around about coauthoring, but we’re always stuck between deadlines and life. Someday a Light Fantasy (Historical Fantasy, if that’s a thing??) based loosely on the German Feudal system will make its way onto the page.
Which character from a book would you say you’re most like? Growing up, I was 100 percent Hermione. Super student, super bossy, super bad hair?? Yes. That was me. Maybe still is. Sigh.
If you had one subplot or minor character that could go off on its own tangent, who or what would it be? Of my own characters?  It would, without question, be Dom. I could write a whole book of that slightly naughty, work avoiding, guilt-ridden character. He is so much fun!
What type of scene is your favorite to write? Kissing scenes! I could write kissing scenes all day long. Sometimes when I get stuck in a story, I fast forward to the next kissing scene and write that to get my brain functioning.  I have sooooo many make out scenes that will never see that light of day. Sad face.  

 A huge, huge thank you to Becky Wallace for being on Book and a Beverage today! I’m so thrilled and honored!
Pretty much a big fat YES to all of your recommendations (and those that I haven’t read are going on my TBR because I’ve loved every other one!) and that dirty diet Coke sounds delicious!!
And of course, I am all for more stories about Dom. Love him. 


Becky Wallace
is the author of THE STORYSPINNER and its sequel, THE SKYLIGHTER (available March 22, 2016from Simon & Schuster). She lives in a happy little village in Texas with her own real-life Prince Charming and their four munchkins.

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Would you like to win a copy of THE STORYSPINNER by Becky Wallace? (The answer is yes, YOU DO!) Just enter the Rafflecopter form below to enter! Becky is generously giving a book away to one lucky winner! US residents only, please. Must be 13 years of age or older to win. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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3 thoughts on “Book and a Beverage Author Edition | Becky Wallace

  1. Stephanie @ My Bookish Itinerary

    Love Becky’s answers! The book she is currently writing sounds really intriguing. I haven’t had the chance to read The Storyspinner yet, but I have been really wanting to. I have heard excellent things. And Becky’s interview has made me remember how much I want to read it!

  2. Kristen@My Friends Are Fiction

    I loooooove Becky 🙂 this is an awesome giveaway and now I’m curious about that diet coke with coconut. Sounds intriguing. Guessing you can get that at Sonic? I NEED FOR BECKY AND NICOLE to co-author a book! That would be FANTASTIC. I love both of their writing styles, story and characters. This would be so amazing. And Becky’s new book sounds soooo good. This interview made me all sorts of excited.

  3. CassieopiaB

    Loved The Storyspinner, and after this blog post, I’m more excited for the sequel, The Skylighter.

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