Young Adult Meets The Princess Bride

Two of my favorite things are book recommendations and pop culture mash-ups. I had a blast coming up with some mash-ups to blend young adult novels and Disney movies as well as YA Meets Friends and as I was thinking about The Princess Bride (as one does) and started coming up with recommendations for the characters. Before I knew it, my new post was already in the works!

YOUNG ADULT meets the princess bride


First up, Princess Buttercup! I aimed to pick a few books about princesses in a jam or “commonplace” girls who got tangled up with royalty, and not always in the best way. I also, of course, had to include THE SCORPIO RACES for the girl who enjoys nothing more than riding her horse.

princess buttercup book recs


Westley was a hard person to choose books for… I almost chose two adult books — RED SEAS UNDER RED SKIES by Scott Lynch (because pirates) and THE NAME OF THE WIND by Patrick Rothfuss (because wit, humor, craftsmanship, and dedication) but since this was The Princess Bride meets YA, I had to stick to that!

Westley book recs

  • Josef totally reminded me of Inigo and I loved the witty and clever leadership from Eli. Okay, this is technically adult but I felt like it read even lower than YA so I went with it! | THE SPIRIT THIEF by Rachel Aaron
  • The greatest love of all time, pulled apart and reunited | DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE by Laini Taylor
  • Perfecting a craft and learning to own up to a new role, including figuring out the politics of the corrupt “royalty” | SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo
  • Mostly dead… “What you got here that’s worth living for?”   “Truueeee loooveeee” | IF I STAY by Gayle Forman


Inigo’s picks were solely badass main characters who are skillful and the best at what they do. Part assassin, part revenge, part loyal friend.

inigo book recs

  • The best at knife (sword) play | SCARLET by A.C. Gaughen
  • A badass assassin with a vengeful streak | THRONE OF GLASS by Sarah J. Maas
  • A royal assassin and muscle who is simply the best but sometimes whose skills are abused based on who she works for | GRACELING by Kristin Cashore
  • Stealthy, skillful, on the war path | GRAVE MERCY by Robin LaFevers


I had to include one more set of book recommendations for Vizzini because they were just too good. Some of these were just easy ones to pick including some anti-heroes (even though Vizzini is really just an antagonist and not an anti-hero) but I thought he’d align well with these characters/crews! (I also cheated a bit since technically MISTBORN and VICIOUS are adult books but MISTBORN did get remarketed as YA and VICIOUS is just a great crossover).

vezzini book recs

  • Heading up a crew of the The Dregs | SIX OF CROWS by Leigh Bardugo
  • A leader of misfits whose final goals are not necessarily the most noble | MISTBORN by Brandon Sanderson
  • A lead who is tangled up in a few war games and dabbles in the grey areas | WHITE CAT by Holly Black
  • A story of utter revenge and ruthlessness to gain power | VICIOUS by V.E. Schwab

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Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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6 thoughts on “Young Adult Meets The Princess Bride

  1. Amy

    This is such a fun idea! I must admit to being maybe the only person on the planet who hasn’t seen Princess Bride :/! I tried watching it once last year, but maybe since I don’t have that childhood connection to it, I just could not sit through like 30 mins of it. I love all your picks for Indigo and Princess Buttercup! Such awesome books and your spot on with the character descriptions! Great post!! 🙂

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