6 Bingeable Series You Won’t Want to Put Down

binge read books

Alyssa, Amy, and I read THE UNBECOMING OF MARA DYER in January for our On the Same Page read and we all pretty much knew once we started it, we’d end up binge-reading the rest of the series. I had heard so many things about the series and we had been waiting until the full trilogy was out for the express purpose of binge-reading. We finally picked it as our January read and I’m so glad I read straight through the whole trilogy!

There are some series you just don’t want to put down and they’re just so easily bingeable. The Mara Dyer Trilogy inspired me to think of some other series that I’ve binged (or wanted to) and I came up with my recommendations for series that you can start and finish one right after the other!


The Mara Dyer Trilogy by Michelle Hodkin
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (#1) | The Evolution of Mara Dyer (#2) | The Retribution of Mara Dyer (#3)

Being the inspiration for this post, it’s obviously the first on my list. There are so many wacky turns, crazy moments, and questions left for the reader to ponder that I just didn’t want to put this series down. I think it’s always helpful for me to read a series like this back-to-back-to-back so I don’t forget anything from the previous book. When there’s so much going on and so much more to discover, it’s great to be able to pick up the next book right away! Mara Dyer definitely had my mind reeling and I’m so glad I didn’t have to wait to see how this series concluded!

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
Mistborn: The Final Empire (#1) | The Well of Ascension (#2) | The Hero of Ages (#3)

Okay, so these books don’t exactly make for a short binge (each one is at least 500 pages long) but this was one of the first true series binges that I had. I started MISTBORN and couldn’t stop thinking about it so when I started THE WELL OF ASCENSION, I immediately had THE HERO OF AGES on stand-by. The books are so good that I zipped through them and really had a hard time actually stopping. This is still one of my favorite series to date and if you fly through these, there’s a whole second era of books that come after them! (And more to come too!)

I’d also recommend Brandon Sanderson’s YA series The Reckoners as a bingeable option since I inhaled those books (and then had to wait for the final book’s release… but it’s out now)!

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
The Raven Boys (#1) | The Dream Thieves (#2) | Blue Lily, Lily Blue (#3) | The Raven King (#4)

While I’m really glad that I’ve been a fan of this series (almost) right from the start, this is definitely the kind of series that you want to binge. These books leave you with so many emotions, questions, and desire for more that it’s hard to stop reading! I first read THE RAVEN BOYS a little after its release date and then I read THE DREAM THIEVES and BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE early as ARCs… The wait for each next book has been excruciating!! I’m both excited and nervous for THE RAVEN KING but the good thing about the wait is that it gave me time to re-read the series… and I binge-read my re-reads haha! If you’re new to the series, it’s one I highly recommend and with THE RAVEN KING coming out in April, you can start reading now just in time for the final book’s release!

The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski
The Winner’s Curse (#1) | The Winner’s Crime (#2) | The Winner’s Kiss (#3)

These books are filled with so much intrigue and angst (in a good way) that I just didn’t want to step away! There’s this fantastic push and pull between Kestrel and Arin (the two main characters and alternating POVs) that this series was one I just didn’t want to walk away from! Again, this was a series that I read each book as an advanced copy so I made the wait even longer for myself but the conclusion was definitely worth the wait!! With THE WINNER’S KISS coming out, you won’t have to wait like I did!

The Curse Workers Trilogy by Holly Black
White Cat (#1) | Red Glove (#2) | Black Heart (#3)

It took me a while to get from WHITE CAT to RED GLOVE, but that was mostly because I was waiting to see if my library was going to to get the audio for it (they didn’t). These books are fun, easy to read, and really hooked me with a few little twists and surprises. I loved that Cassel is sort of an anti-hero, though maybe not quite all the way to anti-hero status. There’s a lot of gray area with him and the reader is always meant to root for him, even if it means he’s not always doing pleasant things. The sarcasm and deadpan humor was great and I loved the magical ties with mafia spins.

the 5th wave trilogy

The 5th Wave Trilogy by Rick Yancey
The 5th Wave (#1) | The Infinite Sea (#2) | The Last Star (#3)

This is a series I wish I could have binged! I started when THE 5TH WAVE came out and there was just so much that went on in both books one and two that I just wish I could have read them all at once! They were SUCH quick reads for me and I totally inhaled them. I’m not even a fan of alien books but these had me hooked!


I wanted to feature series that I don’t talk about all the time (okay, so I do talk about The Raven Cycle and Mistborn a lot) but obviously you see me raving about series like The Lunar Chronicles and The Grisha Trilogy all the time. Those are definitely on my list of series to binge as well, especially since all of the books are out.

Then there are some heftier series like Harry Potter which I’d also obviously recommend but seven books is a lot and I figure at this point, you’ve either read them, know you want to read them, or know you don’t care so it’s kind of a pointless series to recommend! I binge-read my way through the first three books in the Throne of Glass series and I wish I could just read any of Sarah J. Maas’ series non-stop!

There are also other series that I’d like to binge but only the first books in the series are out, like ILLUMINAE, but I have to be patient and just wait!

Lastly, there are those series that I should have binged and wanted to but got sidetracked on other books, like HOLD ME CLOSER, NECROMANCER, THE DARKEST MINDS, and ALANNA.

If you’re looking for recommendations, you know I’m always up for some! I love a great book and a good series binge so check out any of the lists below for some of my favorites based on some of your favorites!

Do you binge-read any series? Which ones haven’t you been able to put down? Do you like to start series when they come out or wait so you can read them all at once?


Thanks again for checking out this month’s feature for On the Same Page! We had a blast reading The Mara Dyer trilogy and sharing our thoughts with you! And don’t forget to check out Amy & Alyssa’s posts today too!

Alyssa (Books Take You Places) // Amy (Tripping Over Books)

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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19 thoughts on “6 Bingeable Series You Won’t Want to Put Down

  1. Ashley

    Cassandra Clare is by far my favorite author she has 3 series going on 4 that all revolve around the same society but different characters and times or eras. The first series is Mortal Instruments with 6 books then The Infernal Devices with 3 books and her latest Dark Artifice with 3 books. Each one completely addicting to where that’s all you think about during the day until you can immerse yourself in the book again! Read it! You won’t regret it.

  2. Sarah

    I frequently binge read series’s. I hate reading a singular book. I always feel cheated out of a more in depth story. But, my favorite of all time is the Vampire Academy series. It’s just been the best series for me. I once read the entire six book series in less than a week.

  3. Carol

    I loved the Myra series and then jumped into the “Shatter Me” series, which were also awesome! I get into reading cycles and I’m in one now and loving it!! Thanks for suggesting the Myra series!!

  4. Stela

    Most of these I’ve been wanting to get into. Glad to know I’ll need them all almost immediately following the 1st. You should look into the Pendragon series by D.J. MacHale. I inhaled this series. I consider MacHale a genius and I put him right up there with J.K. Rowling. Don’t let the size of the series daunting you. IT’S AN UNFORGETTABLE SERIES!

  5. Rebecca @ Unbound Pages

    I just started the first book in the Mistborn trilogy last weekend and I’m planning on binge reading them! I’m only like 100 pages in, but I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s my first ever Sanderson book so I’m pretty excited about it. After that I’m planning on binging The Winner’s Curse series with Wendy from Book Scents. Yay! And Mara Dyer was on my list of books I vow to read in 2016. Oh also I just got HP for my bday and I’m a HP virgin so that series will be binge read as well sometime this year. 2016 is definitely the year of binge reading for me. 😀

  6. Beth W

    The only series I truly binge-read was The Hunger Games. All three books, cover to cover, in 3 days. I don’t think I ought to do that again. 😉
    I did binge-ish the Wheel of Time series, so the Mistborn series has caught my eye. I’m bookmarking these to reference later….thanks!

  7. Tessa

    I totally wish that I could have binge read The Mara Dyer series. I read the first book when it first came out, so I had to wait an eternity to finish the series. Fortunately, the series did not disappoint and I am glad that I read them. I also binge read the Splintered series by A.G. Howard. They were so creepy and mysterious that I just wanted to finish the series to get some answers.

  8. Anne @ Books Baking and Blogging

    Ooh, nice post! I haven’t read any of these series, but The Raven Boys has been waiting for me on one of my shelves for a while now. I haven’t bought the rest of the series yet, since it will be my first Maggie Stiefvater book, and I figured I should find out if I like her writing first!
    I’ve heard of most of these series, but now I’m definitely intrigued by some of them. Time to mark a few of them “To Read” on Goodreads!

  9. Anissa @ She Reads Too Much

    This is such a great compilation of series! I have yet to start the Raven Cycle because I’m waiting for Raven King to come out so I can binge the entire series because I know I’ll want to xD I have the Winners Kiss on my shelf waiting for me to start, I definitely need to soon!

  10. Jackie

    I suck at reading series. With the exception of Harry Potter and Twilight, I’ve never finished a series. Many of them seem quite daunting to me because there are SO many books to read before I reach the end. And while I love reading, I have the attention span of a fly, so really submersing myself in an authors world, especially if it’s 4+ books, can be really daunting. But, I think I can totally get on board with some of these “shorter” series. Mistborn has caught my eye recently. And now that the hype surrounding Mara Dyer has fizzled out some, I feel prepared to pick up those books as well!

  11. Lauren @ Bookmark Lit

    I’m so glad I haven’t had to wait as long between Raven Cycle books like everyone else!! I started a few months ago and was reading with one of my book buddies, so I read one book every other month. That wait was long enough for me!! I’m now reading BLLB (as you’ve seen on GR haha) and am not going to enjoy the wait until the end of April – I can already tell!

  12. Ari

    So many of these are on my TBR! I’ve only read the first book in The Raven Boys series, and absolutely adored it but haven’t had the chance to read the others yet. Wonderful post!! xx

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