Top Ten Tuesday – May 17, 2016: Ten Books I Picked Up on a Whim


May 17, 2016

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic was Ten Books I Picked Up on a Whim



This is the first book that comes to mind that I picked up totally randomly! I was super into mysteries and I found a copy at a thrift store. It looked like fun and I totally fell in love with the series!

2. IF I STAY by Gayle Forman

I was just getting into contemporary Young Adult books and ended up grabbing IF I STAY from the library! I don’t remember why I picked it up (I think because I had heard good things. Or I was just browsing the shelves — honestly can’t remember which) but I was so impressed with the book and totally fell in love!

3. ONE FOR THE MONEY by Janet Evanovich

I had binged a few mystery series and didn’t know where to start next. Years ago, I grabbed ONE OF THE MONEY to start a new series and those books carried me over for years!


I found this book through Netgalley but I really hadn’t heard anything about it when I decided to request it and I just loved the book! (And the rest of the series!)

5. MISTBORN by Brandon Sanderson

Okay, so I’d seen a LOT of good reviews for this series but I ended up grabbing the audio for MISTBORN when my library didn’t have THE NAME OF THE WIND. I got so sucked in and it’s now one of my favorite series! (As is The Kingkiller Chronicle, no thanks to my library.)


6.THE STORYSPINNER by Becky Wallace

I grabbed this ARC at ALAMW in 2015 but I hadn’t heard really anything about it before I started. I was looking for a new fantasy and ended up jumping into THE STORYSPINNER and just loved it!

7. THE 5TH WAVE by Rick Yancey

I don’t even remember how I ended up in possession of this book… I think I actually purchased it on a whim from Anderson’s and decided to read it randomly as well! I am not a fan of alien stories at all so this was a total whim for me. (Well, even though all of the reviews were ga-ga over it!)

8. HEIST SOCIETY by Ally Carter

I was just trying out audiobooks for the first time when I decided to try HEIST SOCIETY. I love Ocean’s 11 and I was totally up for some heists! Now almost four years later, I gave up hope of my library ever getting the other two books in this series on audio and used an Audible credit to keep reading!

9. INSIGNIA by S.J. Kincaid

Another series I still haven’t finished… shame on me! I don’t even remember how I read this book. Borrowed from the library? It must have been because I don’t own a copy. Several of my library reads were just plucked out based on sounding good instead of internet recommendations!

10. ATTACHMENTS by Rainbow Rowell

This is a perfect selection to close out this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. We were all major fans of ELEANOR & PARK but who read ATTACHMENTS before Rainbow Rowell hit the YA scene? Before they started a blog? I grabbed a copy of ATTACHMENTS when Borders was going out of business (RIP, Borders) and read it back in 2011 before my blog was even a hint of an idea! It’s weird to look back and see that I read it before I knew the blogging world and how big Rainbow Rowell is now.

What are some books you picked up on a whim? Do you usually pick up whatever you like or select based on recommendations?

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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9 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – May 17, 2016: Ten Books I Picked Up on a Whim

  1. Chrystal

    I loved the Heist Society! Great series!

    I still need to read Attachments, but have loved every Rainbow Rowell book I’ve read so far. Thanks for reminding me I need to read this soon.

  2. Zeee @ I Heart Romance & YA

    I totally missed this TTT post but I may be doing it anyway!

    I also picked The 5th Wave on a whim even though I love alien books but I NEVER heard of anything about it until I saw that there was a moving coming out (movie sucks btw) so I decided to get a copy…AND I WAS BLOWN AWAY!

    I still have to read If I Stay, though. I’ve had my copy for a couple of years now, too.

  3. Liselle @ Lunch-Time Librarian

    I’ve heard of Heist Society before and I’m pretty sure I’ve walked by the cover dozens of times. I’m picturing it in my mind right now actually. If I Stay would be a good book to pick up, did you end up reading the sequel?

  4. Tanya Patrice

    Pretty much all my books are picked up a whim 🙂 I did the same with The Fifth Wave too, and didn’t start out loving it – but got there in the end!

  5. Morgan @ Gone with the Words

    It’s so interesting to see what is on everyone’s lists! Sometimes I can’t even remember where I first heard about a book. Cinder was one I picked up on a whim 😉 And I’m sure glad at how that turned out! I’ve made some really good discoveries in the library actually. And some books like Simon Vs I hadn’t heard anything about until all my friends started freaking out. So that’s fun too.

  6. Lefty @ The Left-Handed Book Lover

    Great list! I almost included If I Stay on my list, but I’m pretty sure I read that because of blogger recommendations. And oh my, it is so weird to think back to pre-blogging and all the books I read, and then figure out how popular they are among bloggers. What’s also weird to me now is to pick up a book that is super popular in the blogosphere and try to talk to people about it who don’t blog and they have never even heard of it. Anyway, awesome list.

  7. Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    I loved that you read Attachments before any of Rainbow’s other books (and yes, RIP Borders). Heist Society is a good choice. I picked up Ally’s other series on a whim and loved it. Insignia is also a good choice, I liked that series. And if you do finish it, I thought it got better as it went on. Great list!

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