After five years of blogging, sometimes it’s hard to come up with new ideas. So much has changed over the years, including my blogging style, many times over, and I’ve gotten so much more into taking photos and posting on Instagram as a part of my love of books and bookish merch!
In an attempt to keep things interesting and fun, I wanted to started a little something new for me where I take a post that I had originally shared on Instagram — or “bookstagram” for those in the book community — and took it a little further in a blog post. There’s a limited number of characters that you can share on Insta and the point of those posts is more to get to the point, rather than writing a whole narrative, but sometimes each post deserves a few extra words, and “As Seen on Instagram” is a fun way for me to do that!
If you follow my blog/social media accounts, I’m sure you know by now that I’m a big collector of my favorite authors/series, one of those being The Lunar Chronicles. Most of my collections started out by accident — an extra copy of a book here, a different version there — until I started collecting and then really got into it!
By now, I have quite a few Lunar Chronicles books to the point where I’m needing more shelf space! I really enjoy collecting because it’s a fun way to support an author that has brought me so much joy with their books and I don’t always need to own or keep everything that I read so I spend a lot of time dedicating my shelf space to the series that mean the most to me!
Because I also have so much merch for the series, I don’t often share photos of my foreign and special editions outside of shelfies. The merch sits on top of and in front of my books so more often than not, I’m trying to take photos quickly and I don’t feel like disassembling my merch set-up to get to those books and then put it all away. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I wasn’t doing these books justice! What better purpose for these books than to photograph them and share those photos? I’m obviously not reading Polish or Greek (though I may try to read my Spanish editions) so they deserve to be shared and loved through the magic of social media!
My first shot at this was of my Spanish version of CINDER, as seen here. I positively adore how the Cs are crescent moons! The cover art is maybe not the most fitting but it’s interesting and unique and I love seeing the different cover choices from different countries!
Do you collect any books/authors/series? Which book do you own the most of?
If you want to read the original post, check it out above or head to my Instagram page where you can follow for all kinds of bookish photo updates!
1 thought on “As Seen on Bookstagram | Foreign Editions”
I accidentally ended up collecting a few copies of The Misadventures of Huckleberry Finn, one of which had Mark Twain’s annotations and notes. I have the original I read, a hardback copy from my school that my high school junior English teacher let me keep. I bought a paperback copy that is well-loved, and then there is the annotated copy.
I also have the boxed set of Harry Potter, and I am now working on collecting the illustrated editions for myself and my mom.