Series Spotlight | The Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka

I listen to a lot (A LOT) of audiobooks while I’m working on candles during the day and sometimes I just need some easy, quick reads when I’m not in the headspace to listen to heavy fantasy or intense sci-fi. The Alex Verus series kind of hit that spot for me — meaningful while still maintaining a lightness that’s easy enough for me to follow!

I originally picked up the series ermmm… two weeks ago (it felt like a lot longer!) after I saw on Facebook that my old next door neighbor had been reading them and enjoying them. He and I usually have similar tastes in fantasy and after reading the synopsis for the first book, I knew I wanted to read the series!


The series kicks off with FATED, introducing Alex Verus, a 20-30 something mage who lives in London and owns a magic shop. He maintains an “independent” status after being an apprentice for a dark mage and never quite falling into the strict politics of the light mages. Hijinks ensue and throughout the series, hijinks turn to serious situations with perilous consequences.

Even though FATED starts off a little light and easy, I love how much the series progresses! The characters really grow, different friendships are highlighted, and the plot really keeps coming full circle back to Alex’s past and how it ends up affecting him long after he’s put his dark days behind him. The books really grow and I feel like each one really got better and better!

I also love how the series feels unique and yet it reminds me of other fantasy concepts featured in books like Harry Potter and The Magicians. It definitely its own feel and its own series but I kind of loved that pop that reminded me of another beloved fantasy book!

I binge read the first eight books of the series in less than two weeks (I would literally listen to a whole book in a single day while I was working. I just really enjoyed these books so much and the only bad thing about a series binge is that now I actually have to WAIT for the rest of the books to come out!! MARKED is book nine in the series and it’s slated to come out this summer so that will be something I’m looking forward to!


What’s a series that you’ve recently binged or fell in love with? Tell me the best binge-worthy series!!

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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