My Favorite Half-Night Stand – Christina Lauren

My Favorite Half-Night Stand – Christina LaurenTitle: My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren
Publishing Info: December 4, 2018 by Simon & Schuster
Source: Scribd
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Date Completed: February 7, 2019
Find it on the web: Buy from Amazon // Goodreads

Millie Morris has always been one of the guys. A UC Santa Barbara professor, she’s a female-serial-killer expert who’s quick with a deflection joke and terrible at getting personal. And she, just like her four best guy friends and fellow professors, is perma-single.

So when a routine university function turns into a black tie gala, Mille and her circle make a pact that they’ll join an online dating service to find plus-ones for the event. There’s only one hitch: after making the pact, Millie and one of the guys, Reid Campbell, secretly spend the sexiest half-night of their lives together, but mutually decide the friendship would be better off strictly platonic.

But online dating isn’t for the faint of heart. While the guys are inundated with quality matches and potential dates, Millie’s first profile attempt garners nothing but dick pics and creepers. Enter “Catherine”—Millie’s fictional profile persona, in whose make-believe shoes she can be more vulnerable than she’s ever been in person. Soon “Catherine” and Reid strike up a digital pen-pal-ship...but Millie can’t resist temptation in real life, either. Soon, Millie will have to face her worst fear—intimacy—or risk losing her best friend, forever.


This was super cute! I almost always enjoy a good friends-to-more romance and I really loved how this one was handled. The online dating aspect was brought about in a cute way, really getting the whole group involved and not making it so singled out for the two main characters. I really loved how there wasn’t a love triangle or anything and how everyone didn’t have to get paired off in the end.

The big friend group was a ton of fun and I had a great time reading about Millie and all of her guy friends! I really loved the dynamic and how each guy had a unique personality. With so many, it was a little confusing at first but as I got to know the group, they really did stand out on their own.

I thought the romance was cute and handled well! It had a great pace, in my opinion, and I liked the back-and-forth with the characters’ feelings and how they were unsure of what to do. It really felt natural but still fit a novel well, not dragging anything out too long and not jumping into anything too quickly.

Quite enjoyable and one I’d recommend for a nice, light romance! I would recommend for fans of THE HATING GAME (except THG is just so perfect).


Kept Me Hooked On: Adult romance. I haven’t read a lot of adult/romance books lately and I’ve been dipping into a few adult contemporary/romance noels. These have been ranging more on the romance end than just a love story and they’ve been really fun!
Left Me Wanting More: Friend time. I really did enjoy the romance kicking off right off the bat but I also wished for a little more friend time as well.

Addiction Rating
Read it!

This was a great read and really fun all-around! The sass amongst the characters was perfect and I enjoyed the world-building and story.




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Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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1 thought on “My Favorite Half-Night Stand – Christina Lauren

  1. Amanda

    this was my first Christina Lauren and I thought it was so cute too! I am excited to get to the rest of their books now!

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