Woot it’s Wednesday! Halfway through the week already 🙂
30 Days of Books: Day #13
A book that you’ve read countless times…
This should come as no surprise…
Harry Potter! Whaaat?
But specifically #4 (HP & the Goblet of Fire), #5 (Order of the Phoenix), and # 6 (Half Blood Prince) since those are my favorites. Before I started adventuring into other books, I constantly reread Harry Potter whenever I needed something to read. And I’ve read the last book a few times too since there is SO much info that I keep forgetting it all!
And although I don’t talk about it a lot, I’ve actually read the Twilight series a few times. I actually currently have bookmarks in 2, maybe 3 of the books since I started them before the movies came out and never went back to finish. Oops. But they’ve been read more times than once.
I usually swap or sell my books as soon as I’m done reading them, but these two are probably 2 out of 5 series that I’ve actually kept on my shelves so I can keep for rereads later 🙂
2 thoughts on “30 Days of Books: Day 13”
If I were to reread a series, Harry Potter would definitely be one of them!
I’ve read Harry Potter countless times. I think I’ve read the first books more. Probably because I’d reread the series every time a new book was released.