30 Days of Books: Day 16 & 17

Okay, bloggers. I was just going to do three days in one tomorrow, but let’s face it… I can’t NOT blog all weekend! So I’m smacking days 16 and 17 together tonight and more goodies to follow tomorrow.

30 Days of Books: Day #16

Your “comfort” book.

I guess I’d consider a comfort book a book that I can go back to and read over and over again, still getting all those warm fuzzies and getting a nice feeling of contentment during and after reading. So in that case, the only things I can come up with are the usual suspects: Good old Harry Potter and Stephanie Plum.

I’d actually say HP even more so because I’ve actually lost track of how many times I read the series and now that there are movies, it’s even easier to enjoy. In fact, for part of Father’s Day today, we watched HP & the Chamber of Secrets from the HP box set that we bought my dad for this past Christmas. How much more comforting can you get!?

30 Days of Books: Day #17

The most hilarious book you’ve read.

Oooh that’s a tricky one. Of course we’ve got good old stand-by Stephanie Plum for this one too, but I’ll throw two more out there that I literally laughed out loud for:

1. The Spellman Series by Lisa Lutz: First book being The Spellman Files – A family business of private investigators that can’t even quit the habit long enough to stop spying on each other. Throw in a sarcastic and former-delinquent (well, mostly former) narrator and an usual style of writing and I was laughing the whole way.

2. The Princess Bride by William Goldman – This really was every bit as good as the movie, and maybe even better. When I finished my review for this book not too long ago, I mentioned how I was so glad that Goldman is actually credited for the screen play on IMDb.com, so I can only assume that meant he actually wrote it. There were direct lines from the book into the movie which are actually some of my favorite quotes so I was glad they were so similar! I loved all the humor from both.

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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2 thoughts on “30 Days of Books: Day 16 & 17

  1. attackthestacks

    Love The Princess Bride. And do you know, I have never read a single book in the Stephanie Plum series? It’s been recommended to me a few times but it just seems so overwhelming at this point.

  2. Cassie

    Oh joy, The Princess Bride. I think I’m going to re-read that this summer now that you’ve reminded me. I would totally go with Harry Potter for comfort as well! You’re so right in that one. : ) I always also read children’s classics for comfort like Alice, or Secret Garden. Strange, eh? Or poetry of course, it always makes me feel like my life can’t be AS depressing as theirs hahaha.

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