Hey there, blog lovers 🙂
A couple of small announcements before a really exciting one!
First, I just got a library card! Sounds like a stupid announcement, I know, but I haven’t been to the library in ages because I was depending on buying used books and swaps. What was I thinking!? I was limiting myself so much by only reading what was available for “inexpensive” (I can’t afford to buy new books all the time, after all!) – I’ve been itching to get my hands on some really good YA books, but since they’re so popular and relatively new, they were really hard to find used or on swaps. So I finally got my butt out to sign up for the library card, and I swear, I heard the Hallelujah chorus as I walked over the shelves, card in hand. I already picked up three books (Jellicoe Road, Where She Went, XVI), one of which I already finished last night (check out the review for Where She Went)! Now I’m in loooove with the library! That might be my primary source for a while until I get my fill of all the books I am dying to read!
Okay, second – As adamant has I have been about reading hard copies of books, I have a lot of really great ebooks and ARCs from NetGalley that I need to catch up on! The problem is, I’m just not a fan of reading on my computer, which is the only option I have at the moment. Seriously thinking about getting a Kindle now so I can curl up on the couch with a good ebook and not have to use my computer! If anyone has recommendations as to what to buy, I am fully open to suggestions! Throw em at me 🙂
Next – The Grown-Up YA blogger book swap is almost ready to launch!!! July 1st is the official go date. Have you signed up yet!? Check out all the guidelines (as well as a super fabulous blog!!!) over at Candice’s page at The Grown-Up YA!
And FINALLY my very, very, very exciting news!!!! As you know, I have been trying to implement more features on my blog and get more involved with authors as well as with my lovely, lovely readers. SO, I am very excited to announce that I am working on a special to feature a wonderful group of YA authors – specifically in the dystopia/paranormal/fantasy/sci-fi genres. I just contacted a group of authors this afternoon and I’ve already gotten three who said yes!!! This feature will be posted the week of July 23rd, hopefully featuring a different author each day. The features will range from author interviews, guest posts, and giveaways! I am SUPER excited to feature some awesome up-and-coming YA authors and am so appreciative of their participation! Once I get the full line-up of authors and days, I’ll update with another post to let you know who all of the participating authors are and when you can expect to see them. Keep checking back for more news on that exciting feature!!!!!!
As always, thanks SO much for keeping up with my blog and all of the wonderful comments and support! You guys are the best 🙂
8 thoughts on “Exciting Blog News!”
i have a Kindle that i just use for reading (have an ipad for all the other stuff) and i love it. i get so used to reading on it at times, that i don’t want to read a regular book. i can’t believe i just said that… but i did! i just have the old style keyboard one. my mom had the touch one and I’ve used it a few times, i think i like my keyboard one better.
you will LOVE it for your netgalley titles!
Thanks so much for the input! That sounds like exactly what I’m looking for. I’m the same way too! I love reading paperbacks and hardcovers so much, but maybe I didn’t like ebooks as much because I didn’t have the right resources! Looking forward to picking something out 🙂
I also have a Kindle Fire which I like quite a bit, though I’ve spent more time playing on the internet on it than reading on it at this point. My library offers e-books and audiobooks for loan (but the selection is kinda small), so you might see if your library offers this and if it would be compatible with whatever device you are considering. Also, I’d highly recommend you go to Best Buy and play with the e-readers they have out on display. That really helped me get a feel for what I actually liked!!
Thank you, that really helps! I think that might be my project for this weekend 🙂
Congrats on getting your library card!!!! I love being able to borrow as many books as I can carry. 🙂 And, just letting you know —- if your library doesn’t own a book you’re looking for, ask if they can get it through interlibrary loan (which is almost always free!)
Kindle is totally the way to go! I have a kindle keyboard and kindle fire (http://thecheapreader.wordpress.com/2012/02/09/kindle-fire-review/). They’re both fantastic. The best part is you don’t need a credit card to buy books from Amazon!
Awesome! I just read your review and that actually helped a lot! Since I’m just using it for strictly ereading, I’ll probably go for a cheaper model. I won’t really need to surf the web or listen to music or anything so I’d like to try to save a little and cut out all the extras. Thanks again!
I own 2 kindles and I really like and recommend both of them. I bought a kindle fire earlier this year. I did a little ‘review’ of it if you’re interested (http://thecheapreader.wordpress.com/2012/02/09/kindle-fire-review/). I think you’ll be happy any type of kindle.
Let me know if you have questions or anything! I’ll help the best I can.