Red Dawn Blog Tour: Guest Post from Author J.J. Bonds!

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Today on the blog, I’m very excited to host author J.J. Bonds as part of the official Red Dawn blog tour! For those of you who don’t know, here is a little info about the Crossroads Academy series:

Crossroads (Crossroads Academy #1) – Available now!

When Katia enrolled at Crossroads Academy she knew things weren’t exactly going to be easy. The sole heir to the worlds’ most powerful vampire, her presence was bound to cause a stir. But nothing could have prepared her for this. Whispers follow everywhere she goes. So does trouble.
Bodies start turning up in nearby Rutland and Katia is sucked into a twisted web of danger and deceit. Haunted by nightmares she can’t explain and a thirst for blood that is never sated, Katia will do whatever it takes to keep her past buried.
Nothing at Crossroads is what it seems and Katia’s secrets may be the darkest of them all.

Find Crossroads at Goodreads!
Crossroads is also available for purchase on Amazon!

Red Dawn (Crossroads Academy #2) – Available now!

Katia’s done running. She’s fought fiercely to protect her identity, her secrets, and those she loves most. And while it hasn’t been easy, she’s finally making peace with the past. Katia’s even looking forward to the start of a new school year at Crossroads Academy.
Too bad things at Crossroads are going to be a little different this fall. There are new rules, new students, and new relationships. Katia quickly discovers that navigating the halls of Crossroads is as complicated as ever.
When a friend’s life is at stake, Katia will be forced to choose between the safety of Crossroads and an enemy more dangerous than any she’s ever faced. Will Katia have the courage to risk it all -including her life- for a friend?

Find Red Dawn at Goodreads!
Red Dawn is now out and available for purchase on Amazon!

In addition to promoting Red Dawn, I also have J.J. Bonds stopping by with a guest post which is a character interview with Shaye Walker. Thanks, J.J.!

Hi Brittany! Thanks for having me at The Book Addict’s guide today!  It’s day twelve of the Red Dawn blog tour and we’re still going strong. That means there are still lots of great posts to be read and giveaways to be had! And everyone likes giveaways, right?

20 Questions with Shaye Walker

Hi Everyone! *waves excitedly * I’m Shaye and I’m super excited to be here! We haven’t met yet, but we will. I’m a friend of Katia’s. Okay, you got me. I’m her only friend, but don’t let that fool you! She’s a total creampuff, despite what you may have heard.  You just have to, you know, get past the gruff exterior. Seriously. She’s the sugar to my spice. Or maybe it’s the other way around? After all, people say I’m the nice one. I don’t know. *shrugs* Whatever it is, it just works!

Anyway, enough about Katia. You want to know more about me, right? 😉

1. Favorite place to shop?
Goodwill. It’s awesomesauce! You can find the BEST stuff there. Plus, it drives everyone else at Crossroads crazy. Those vamps have no real sense of style.

2. Guilty pleasure?
Reality TV. The trashier, the better! I swear I’m addicted! Humans are HILARIOUS!

3. Favorite blood type?
AB positive. *flashes fangs* It’s practically a delicacy.

4. Favorite band?
The Ramones.

5. Is that your natural hair color?
I wish! Some days it’s black, some days it’s pink. Depends entirely on my mood!

6. Have you ever broken any rules at Crossroads?
Wouldn’t you like to know! Come on… *rolls eyes* Everyone breaks the rules at Crossroads! It’s practically a requirement.

7. Favorite subject?
Does bailing Katia out when she gets busted for sleeping in class count? If so, then it’s Anatomy for sure.

8. Sneakers or heels?
I’m five foot nothing, do you really need to ask?

9. How you maintain such a positive attitude in light of your illness?
I’ve got to have faith, faith, faith…. Oh, come on! You know that song! Alright, seriously? Every day is a gift and I tend to make the most of each and every one. I refuse to live with regret or fear.

10. Favorite movie?
Girls Just Want to Have Fun. Please tell me you’ve seen it! That movie is a classic!

11. You’re kind of obsessed with the eighties, huh?
Shhyeahhh! And all things punk rock!

12. Sunshine or snow?
Look, I know they say there’s no such thing as a stupid question, but, uh, you do know I’m a vamp, right? Allergic to the sun and all? So I guess it’s snow by default.

13. Favorite holiday?
Oh, Halloween for sure! I love getting all dressed up and glittery! I’ve got something really fun planned for this year if I can just talk Katia into it!

14. Do you have any siblings?
Nope. I’m an only vamp. I’ve always wanted a sister though. How fun would it be to bunk together and stay up all night gossiping and doing girly stuff?

15. Do you think Katia and Nik are ever going to get over this whole love/hate thing they’ve got going on?
Too soon to say, but I’m kind of team Nik. That vamp is divine. I swear I’d gobble him up myself if my boyfriend wouldn’t spaz out.

16. Oh? You have a boyfriend? Anyone we know?
Doubtful. The vamps at Crossroads don’t really notice the help. Not supposed to date them either, but what the heck. You only live once.

17. Speaking of boyfriends, what’s the deal with Nik and Blaine?
I think it’s pretty obvious; Blaine has a ginormous crush on Nik. Too bad Nik’s got his eye one someone else. I actually feel kind of bad. He may be a tool, but even he has feelings. Or so I’m told.

18. Cats or dogs?
Is there really a difference? They both taste like chicken. Kidding! Sort of. Actually, dogs are pretty cool, except for all of the drooling.

19. Do you think Katia and Jade will be able to keep their distance this year?
Let’s hope not! What? It’s been a while since Katia put Jade in her place.

20. How many times do you think Katia will get work detail this year?
How many weeks are there in the school year?

Bonus: Describe yourself in 140 characters or less, Twitter-style.
@ShayeSuperstarWalker: Crossroads Academy’s most fashionable vamp. Loves trashy TV, Starbucks, 80’s rock, and all things glitter. Obviously.

Thanks so much J.J.!! That was a really fun interview!!

About the Author: 
J.J. Bonds is an independent author who writes Young Adult Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy. Her debut novel, Crossroads, was released in fall of 2011. It is the first in the Crossroads Academy series. J.J. lives in Carlisle, Pennsylvania where her love of all things paranormal keeps life interesting. She lives with her husband, daughter, and two rambunctious dogs.

You can connect with J.J. online at any one of these links:

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I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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