Origin – Jessica Khoury

Origin – Jessica KhouryTitle: Origin by Jessica Khoury
Publishing Info: September 4, 2012 by Penguin
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult
Find it on the web: Buy from Amazon // GoodreadsDate Completed: September 5, 2012

    Pia has grown up in a secret laboratory hidden deep in the Amazon rain forest. She was raised by a team of scientists who have created her to be the start of a new immortal race. But on the night of her seventeenth birthday, Pia discovers a hole in the electric fence that surrounds her sterile home―and sneaks outside the compound for the first time in her life.
Free in the jungle, Pia meets Eio, a boy from a nearby village. Together, they embark on a race against time to discover the truth about Pia's origin―a truth with deadly consequences that will change their lives forever.
Origin is a beautifully told, shocking new way to look at an age-old desire: to live forever, no matter the cost.


Well, I have to admit I was quite disappointed in ORIGIN. I really liked the concept and thought it was a refreshing and unique idea for a story (at least unique to me — I hadn’t read anything like it), but I felt very little connection or emotion from almost any of the characters. Pia seemed incredibly flat to me and I just couldn’t make any kind of emotional connection with her.

I think also maybe a part of it was that I felt like the world building was lacking a little bit. Okay, so we’re in scientist labs in the middle of the jungle. I really couldn’t picture any of it though. I pictured generic jungle surrounding images that I borrowed from Lost and the Origin book trailer. I also felt like the world was so enclosed and encapsulated that I didn’t really feel like much was developed.

Just a touch of mild insta-love and I was zoning out. I ended up racing through the end of the book just to finish.


Pia: I really didn’t feel anything from Pia. Maybe it was the scientific aspect of it that made it totally cold, but I just really couldn’t identify with her at all. I appreciated the immortal side of the story. Anyone ever see Small Wonder? Yeah… That’s kind of what I felt like with Pia.
Eio: Nah, not much with him either.


Library Read

The concept was interesting but the characters were a total miss for me. If I don’t connect, it kind of ruins the whole thing… But I also would dissuade others from trying because you may have better luck!

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16 thoughts on “Origin – Jessica Khoury

  1. Heather

    That’s so disappointing! I have this one and I heard the author speak last weekend, so I’ll probably be reading it. It’s a shame you didn’t like it because I LOVED meeting Jessica – she was so eloquent, smart, and interesting and I had high hopes for this book. I’m still hoping I like it more than you did. 😉

  2. ocdreader/Elisa

    Huh, great idea for a book, too bad it fell flat fo r you! I will pick it up when I come across it, but won’t go rushing out to find (my TBR pile is threatening to fall and crush me anyway, so that is a good thing!)

    1. Brittany

      thank you!
      I know, I was so disappointed that the book wasn’t what I expected. Oh well! Guess that happens. I do know of some people who really liked it though so it might be that I just never made that connection with the characters. *shrugs*

  3. Vyki

    I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy this book much. I hate it when a book I was looking forward to turns into a disappointment for me, I just had this recently with Kissing Shakespeare. I enjoyed Origin, though and I am glad it was a one-shot kind of book.

    1. Brittany

      Yeah, I don’t know why but I just never connected with the characters 🙁 Really not sure why! But I’m glad you did enjoy it!!! I really liked the concept. It just didn’t come together for me.

      1. Vyki

        I can understand that. That kind of how I felt for Under the Never Sky. A ton of people really loved it, I enjoyed it, but I didn’t connect with the characters like I wanted to and Tempest by Julie Cross also. But I did like them both enough to continue the series, they probably won’t be at the top of my list, though.

  4. Livvy @Nerdy Book Reviews

    I have heard similar thoughts on this one, so I might leave it for a whole even though I was super excited. A shame really. I like your new review set up, it works really well and it’s easy to find the information you want! 🙂
    Lovely review.

    1. Brittany

      Thank you!! 🙂 I feel much more organized with the new layout.
      Yeah, I know some people really loved it so I wouldn’t write it off, but I just found it really boring and lifeless 🙁

  5. Candice

    I’ve been seeing this one marketed like crazy, but I feel like I haven’t actually read any GREAT reviews of it. I mean, it sounds good, and I really want to be pumped to read it… but I dunno. Just seems like it’s falling flat.

  6. Kelsey

    I’ve been debating whether I should put this on hold at the library lately, but I think I’ll hold off for now. I will read this someday, but if I have trouble getting attached to the characters I sometimes have trouble getting through the book, and I have a lost of others to get through right now. Thanks for the review!

    1. Brittany

      Yeah, my main problem was with the characters. I felt like it dragged on because I really didn’t care about any of them 🙁 I think the actual storyline could have been a lot better too. Oh well!
      I’ve seen that a lot of people really, really enjoyed it too so I guess it really varies from person to person on this book! 🙂 If you try it, I hope you like it more than I did lol

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