Welcome to A Fortnight of Fright! Two weeks of Halloween any way you can possibly see it, hosted by me (The Book Addict’s Guide) and my wonderful co-host, Alyssa @ Books Take You Places!
Today, I’m very excited to have a guest post from Kelsey at Kelsey’s Cluttered Bookshelf – She went on a haunted walk this past weekend and is sharing her story with us about what kind of spooky things she encountered! She forgot to bring her camera (rats!) so I added in a couple of pictures thanks to Google searching so we can see what she saw!
Haunted Walks are Fun!
By Kelsey @ Kelsey’s Cluttered Bookshelf (http://kelseysclutteredbookshelf.wordpress.com/)
On the 17th of this month, I decided to go on a Haunted Walk with my fiancé Joe. They always have them here in Ottawa, and apparently the special Halloween version of the Original walk is the best. We got to go in at night and visit the Bytown Museum, which I can guarantee was creepy.

Chateau Laurier
We started downtown, and walked around to different areas, as the leader of the walk told us the stories. What I liked is that before the tour they actually mention that they go into great detail to research the stories, as well as get as many witnesses to the events at possible. There were some really creepy ones, like how the 5th floor on the Chateau Laurier was the most haunted and the ghost that kept setting fire to a certain house no matter what they did, and that we were standing on an old graveyard from when the city was founded.
Next, was the Museum, and before we got there apparently a local news crew was filming the museum for something, so I was probably on TV! I can’t find any link to it online, so it probably hasn’t aired yet, I hope, because that would be awesome to see.

The Bytown Museum… Yeah, it looks pretty creepy.
Now the museum itself is three floors, and has been around the Rideau Canal for ages. So much has happened around it, and there are many people who think there are different ghosts staying there. The people who work there are always reporting weird things happening, like things moving, footsteps on the upper levels among other things.
Things started acting up when we got to the third floor. I was near the back of the group, facing away from the entrance but closest to it. They had one of those doors that are split in two, so the bottom closes separately. So there we were listening to a story about

D’arcy McGee’s casted hand – Found on the “Let’s Go Ottawa” website (http://letsgoottawa.ca/2010/04/07/who-was-darcy-mcgee/) where I found the story interesting and pretty creepy.
someone’s casted hand (of which I was already freaking out for some reason and didn’t really listen), and we hear a creak. I turn around, and the bottom of that door slams shut. That scared the crap out of me, and I wanted to get out of that room right away. Back on the other side of the second floor, when everyone was sitting on the stairs to the first floor, Joe heard the plastic bags that covered the doors rustle, and no windows were open. I heard feet shuffling back near the third floor stairs, as well as voices (which they said were the other tour group but I didn’t think it would carry that far since it was coming from behind me, not downstairs.)
I kind of forgot to bring my camera, but I did have some experiences while there, and I left the place totally creeped out. I definitely want to go back next Halloween, or even check out the other tour that involves the old jail and only going through it with a lantern. If you’re in Ottawa (Ontario), check these tours out! And next time I’m taking pictures!
Thanks, Kelsey!!! Awesome story. Sounds like you had a lot of fun, and thanks so much for taking part in a A Fortnight of Fright!
7 thoughts on “A Fortnight of Fright: Guest Post from Kelsey – Haunted Walks are Fun!”
I visited the Rideau waterway historic site in July 2011. I never noticed anything unusual while there, but I just happened to notice something unusual in one of my photographs of the back side of the Bytown Museum. There is an inexplicable blurred swath in an arc shape along with a bright swath, also arc shaped. There was nothing unusual there when I took the photo, and unfortunately I only have one image from that particular spot, but it’s definitely some anomaly. My camera has never done anything like this before or since.
When I first noticed the anomaly I started to Google “Rideau canal haunted” to see what I could find and sure enough, it does appear to be a haunted spot.
That castle is beautiful and the tour sounds awesomely creepy! I did a walking tour in Charleston, SC, but it was nowhere nea as cool a this one sounded!
The picture of the Museum and the hand cast bring back that creepy night, but it was so much fun! Thanks for letting me guest post!