October 10 – October 31, 2012
Okay my blogger friends! It’s time for the Something Strange and Deadly Read Along! I know I’ve got Something Strange and Deadly in my queue of Halloween reads and I thought it would be great to get even more people involved! It was such short notice that I have no co-hosts so I will be coming at you with all of the posts! Here’s how I have it scheduled:
October 3rd: Intro post and sign-ups
October 10th: Week 1: Chapters 1-7 (through page 90)
October 17th: Week 2: Chapters 8-14 (through page 178)
October 24th: Week 3: Chapters 15-20 (through page 278)
October 31st: Week 4: Chapters 22-end
UPDATE 10/11: Susan Dennard has graciously donated an “Aim For the Knees” T-shirt as a giveaway as well!! This will be for participants only, so don’t forget to add your links! One automatic entry for signing up (as long as I see your participation posts) and additional entries for each week you link up with the read along! This will be the official giveaway instead of the original book. I’d like to keep the giveaway SS&D related 🙂
Grab the button for your sidebar here:

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Week 3 Questions:
1. We’ve watched Eleanor chase after the Dead and after Daniel without hesitation. Do you perceive Eleanor as brave or foolish to act with little thought to consequence?
I really admire her bravery to face the Dead, but honestly, I felt like she was a bit careless! It seems like she’s doing a lot of acting without thinking. But I guess that’s what makes for an interesting story! Someone who sat back and watched wouldn’t be nearly as much fun 🙂
2. Eleanor gets a letter from Elijah to tell her to stop searching for him – that it’s a bad idea and it’s hurting him rather than helping him. Is Eleanor in denial that her brother is working with the necromancer? Or do you think the necromancer is threatening Elijah now that he knows Eleanor is searching for him?
I was SO torn on this idea when I first read it. I wanted to believe that Elijah was working for the side of good, using his knowledge to fight the necromancer – BUT – the more we progress in the book, the more I’m starting to think that Elijah may be working really closely with the necromancer… maybe he even IS the necromancer! It’s getting pretty intense.
3. We find out the history of Daniel Sheridan in these chapters and that he has quite an interesting connection to the Fitt family that Eleanor never knew about. Were you surprised to find out Daniel’s history in Philadelphia? If you were Eleanor, how would you have taken the news?
To be honest, I was surprised that Eleanor took it as well as she did. If it was me, I would have probably blamed him for the father’s death and the family falling apart. I was really shocked to hear the true news of Daneil’s past, but also that Eleanor seemed to be okay with it!
4. We also find out the real story of the Wilcoxes and that both Clarence and his father have a major connection to the Fitts also. We’re clearly getting closer to solving some of the mysteries that have been building up in the story. What do you make of this connection? How do you think this will affect the climax of the book??
Well, the Wilcoxes should be sworn enemies with the Fitts…… But it seems like the history between the two familes was kept quiet, and we didn’t really ever know about the Clarence connection until just now. I feel like this is going to lead to some kind of more serious confrontation. I’ve actually kind of grown to like Clarence despite the fact that there are some deeply seeded issues between his family and the Fitts. I actually kind of feel bad for him and he seems a little lost in his own life now. My hope is that Eleanor is going to need his help and he’ll be there to lend her a hand despite the loyalty he feels to his family, maybe as some kind of act of redemption. Those are my hopes, anyway!
Week 4 Questions: October 31, 2012
1. On page 284, Eleanor gives the same advice to Clarence as Jie gave to her: “You always have a choice.” Eleanor has started to evolve in her thinking a little bit and become more independent. How did Clarence take these words of wisdom? How do you think it’s affecting the relationship between Eleanor and Clarence at this point in the novel?
2. We finally find out what’s happened to Elijah – and it’s something that puts Eleanor in a very difficult position. Why do you think Elijah chose this path? And how do you think Eleanor handled the news? What would you have done in her situation?
3. The last quarter of this book brings us a LOT of surprises and twists. What would you say was the biggest surprise to you?
4. Now that we’ve finished with the book, what did you think? How did you feel about the book as a whole? Where do you think her story will take us in the next book?
This week at The Book Addict’s Guide…
Monday:A Fortnight of Fright: Guest Post from Kelsey – Haunted Walks Are Fun!, Series Catch-Up 2012 Challenge: Sign-Ups!
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Reads!
4 thoughts on “Something Strange and Deadly Read Along: Week 3”
I like the fact that Eleanor is not a scaredy cat, yeah maybe a little careless, but brave in my book. Great answers!
Check out the cover reveal for A Darkness Strange and Lovely.
I just saw it! How exciting 🙂 It’s gorgeous
I really enjoyed reading your answers! I agree, I was surprised that Eleanor took the Daniel load as well as she did. Love your answer for #4!
Eleanor really does take the news about Daniel in stride, doesn’t she? She’s still interested in him romantically even. Maybe you’re right and Elijah is the necromancer. That would be a good twist. That would be cool if Clarence gets some redemption at the end, though I’m still not crazy about him. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the book so far!