Top Ten Tuesday – December 4, 2012: Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish!

This Week’s Topic is: Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me
I know that Santa’s got magical powers, but since I already did my 2013 list, I’ll keep this one to books that are already published, ones I haven’t read, and ones I really want to read!

(in no particular order)

What do you think of these titles? Which books do you want in your stocking??

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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36 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – December 4, 2012: Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me

  1. Jennifer

    Ohh, My Life Next Door is another that I want. How could I forget that one??
    I absolutely love the Heist Society series. I can’t wait for the next book; I especially can’t wait for more Hale 😉
    A publisher gave me Asunder (Incarnate #2) at NCTE because I have a student who LOVED Incarnate, which I still haven’t read. I need to get that one as well!

  2. 1girl2manybooks

    My Life Next Door is cute… I want to read The Scorpio Races! I’ve enjoyed all of Stiefvater’s other books. I have Unearthly on my Kindle but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet

  3. Quinn

    Awesome list. I really liked Unearthly, but had didn’t love Hallowed as much. It’s a good book, just some things bothered me. But I want to read Boundless when it is released.

    My Life Next Door is good too. I love that family!

    I haven’t read Seraphina or The Scorpio Races either, but I want to. I think I’m going to listen to the audiobook of The Scorpio Races. I hear it is amazing!

    Hope you find a few (or all of them) under the three 🙂

  4. Livvy @Nerdy Book Reviews

    Incarnate and The Scorpio Races look really good, and I want them too. I have Seraphina, but I have yet to read it, so hopefully I’ll get around to that soon. Great list and thanks for stopping by!

    P.s. Change in headers again? 🙂

    1. Brittany

      Haha yeah yeah I know! I keep changing them, but I’m trying to make this one the KEEPER. I needed something a bit more…. “professional” looking and clean. I loved the other one but it was really busy! 🙂

      1. Livvy @Nerdy Book Reviews

        I get what you mean, I see that one being clean and professional. do you make them all?

      2. Brittany

        For some reason this went into my spam… How weird!
        Yes, I make them all. I got Photoshop so I’ve been playing around with it when I have the time 🙂

  5. Lucy

    I think you will love My Life Next Door, Brittany. I also just adore Unearthly and hope you’ll give those books a try. Ally Carter’s series is really fun too. Hope Santa brings you everything on your list!

  6. Tales Untangled

    I LOVED Seraphina and thought Unearthly was fun, even if it really is kind of trite (in the category of guilty pleasure). If you haven’t read Incarceron that is one worth putting on the Christmas list. I want the Grey Throne series by Chima in my stocking. Merry Christmas!

  7. Gone Pecan

    great list! I would like to read most of them too, so you can send them to me when you’re done. I am afraid I’ve been too naughty for santa. 🙂

  8. Briana

    My Life Next Door is amazing! I hope you enjoy it if it comes your way! And the author is working on a companion book!

    Unearthly is also amazing. Everyone else seems to have Boundless on their list, but I haven’t read Hallowed yet. Yay for being behind everyone else!

  9. Elizabeth

    I’ve read none of these, but I have the library copy of The Scorpio Races sitting at home waiting for me. I have heard it is kind of slow which worries me, as I’m struggling through another slow read right now!

    1. Brittany

      I heard it starts out slowly too 🙁 But I’ve also heard that the audio is fantastic so I might try to get that so I won’t have to worry about me putting it down if I get bored haha

      1. Elizabeth

        I’ve been on an audiobook break for a while now, not even sure why any more. I was DNFing all my audios for about a month and decided I needed a break entirely. Don’t want to start a difficult one as my first audiobook back.

      2. Brittany

        Oh really!? I usually just let my audios roll since that’s the only thing I Have to listen to in the car! I desperately need a new one too…

  10. Candice

    Oh Scorpio Races!!! How I loved it! And Unearthly!!! I wish I could share both my copies with you, but sadly their Kindle books and ones that can’t be shared! Booo! Hopefully you’ll get all your books you want this year though!

  11. Alyssa

    I have heard such good things about Scorpio Races but I haven’t read it yet! Also can’t believe you don’t own Seraphina, I LOVED IT!

  12. KateB

    I can’t believe how much I want Seraphina! It’s right at the very very top of my list… except that I may have sent the link to my sister a few months ago when she was trying to find out what to buy me so I sort of know that I’m definitely getting this one. I’m excited.

    The rest of the books on your list are ones I’d love to read too. Too many good books and not enough time.

    Hope you get some fantastic reads this Christmas 🙂

  13. bookgoonie

    Much love for Seraphina, Incarnate, Heist Society series, Scorpio Races & Tucker will melt you like butter in Unearthly. I hope you get them ALL.

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