Time to start the Book Blogger Love-A-Thon, hosted by Alexa & Katelyn!
We kick off the Love-A-Thon at 12am (WHEW that’s early!) with an interview swap. I was fortunate enough to be paired with Vi who blogs at Confessions of a Vi3t Babe. She’s a book blogger, but also a mom and you can see her love and dedication in each of her posts! I had a great time interviewing her. I know you’re anxious for the questions, so check them out!
1. How did you first decide to start blogging? Can you tell us a little about your blog?
I actually started it when I was bored in my early days of Medical school. I didn’t pay much attention to it though, it was just there. Then, when my husband and I decided to try and have another baby, I turned it into a blog chronicling my trying to get pregnant. After that, it was about me being pregnant, then recording all the memorable moments in my baby’s life. Along the way I did a ton of product reviews and then I started blogging about books. Yes, books seem to be the main focus of my blog right now, but I really just want my blog to be a place where I write about whatever I want, what I’m passionate about. Right now, that’s books and my family. So you’ll see a lot of that. Who knows what the future holds and which way I’ll sway. I like to think of myself as a nicheless or lifestyle blogger.
2. Which genre is your favorite to read? How did that end up becoming your favorite?
I think my tastes have changed or have been fine-tuned over the years. It used to just be YA in general, anything really. After reading so many different genres in YA, I know that I love PNR. That’s probably my favorite, but I do have high standards for it since I read so many. It all started with Twilight, cliche I know, and then it really kicked in when I read Half-Blood by Jennifer Armentrout (my fav author). Besides that, I love Contemporary Romance, especially New Adult nowadays, but any Contemp works for me, as long as there’s more to the story than just the romance. Yes, I’m a sucker for the love, but a story has got to have a good plot for me to love it.
3. What’s the most exciting bookish/blogging event that you’ve been able to be a part of?
I’ve been to SO many over the years, and a ton in the recent months, but my favorite would have to be when I met my favorite author, Jennifer Armentrout, for the 1st time at YA Fest. She’s a gem! But besides that, I think I really love the the BIG events, like the NY Teen Author Fest, PAYA, etc. I really hope I can go to BEA or RT one day!
4. Playing off your blog name “Confessions of a Vi3t Babe”, do you have bookish confessions you’re willing to share? (For example, any reading quirks or peeves?)
My biggest pet peeve is that I can’t stand dog-earred pages. When people do it in front of me, I die a little inside. It seriously pains me! LOL. Personally though, when I read hardcovers, I like to take the dust jacket off because it really just gets in the way, and I don’t want to mess it up. I used to only be able to read one book at a time, but over the last year I’ve changed completely and can read up to 5-6 books at a time! Oh, and I’m meticulous when it comes to buying physical books. I like my books in the best possible condition and will scour a bookstore’s shelves for the perfect one.
5. What is your one must-read book that you recommend to other YA fans?
I can’t pick just ONE! LOL! I always recommend ANY and ALL Jennifer Armentrout books because I’m a serious fanatic! I even created a fansite for her and her books called
Deity Island. My favorite series from her is the Covenant series. Oh, Aiden! JLA aside, I always think about Touch by Jus Accardo, Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry, or Of Poseidon by Anna Banks.
6. What is the most rewarding thing about blogging for you?
It’s really when I get comments or emails saying they wanna read a book because I recommended it. I LOVE it when that happens and give myself a pat on the back for that, because then it really feels like people value my opinion and judgement. I’ve always loved the feeling of being the one to recommend something to someone, whether it be a song, book, restaurant, etc. I always cherish each one of those moments!
7. What’s your most prized book in your home library? Can you tell us a little about what makes it so special?
This would probably be my ARC copy of Deity by Jennifer Armentrout. First off, it was given to me by JLA herself, which was EPIC enough, but then I saw that she mentioned ME in her dedication! OMFG! I was speechless! Not to mention that book is freaking fantastic, probably my favorite in the series. I can’t love it enough!
8. What do you look forward to in your future of blogging? Do you have any events or features coming up that we should be on the lookout for?
I really hope more people become aware that I’m out there and that I can connect with more like-minded readers. I also want to get back to my roots and start blogging about other things besides books. I do have some features like
It’s a Viet Thing, where I talk about Vietnamese traditions. I’d like to talk more about entertainment, especially book-to-movie news, and just a ton of other things. I never know where my mind and interests will take me. I do have the
Companion Novels Challenge going on with Alexa Loves Books. Plus, a ton of things going on on the fansite. Busy! Busy! Busy!
Thanks so much to Vi for the interview!!! It was great getting to know a new (well, new to me!) blogger! Please do check out her blog and say hello!
And don’t forget to check out Vi’s interview with me over at her blog!
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9 thoughts on “Book Blogger Love-A-Thon: Interview Swap!”
It’s so cool to learn how her blog evolved! And I hate dog-eared pages, too! Great interview!
Yay! Great interview! Loved getting to know a little bit about a new blogger! Can’t wait to check out her blog! 🙂
One of the most rewarding things as a blogger (or librarian) is when people pick up a book that I have recommended! It really is the best! Also I can’t believe Jennifer Armentrout mentioned you in her dedication! SQUEE!!! Yay! It was nice getting to know you! :]
Oh, dog-eared pages make me die a little every time. And I also take the dust jacket off because I don’t want to ruin it (which sounds very logical – not). And I NEED to get to JLA’s books soon! I’ve heard brilliant things about them. Brittany – love your blog design and the colors especially 🙂 Very cute. And very lovely to meet you both!
Thanks so much, Judith!!!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! Always appreciated 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the interview!
Nice interview. I must admit that I really hate Twilight, but I’m so glad it has propelled many to start reading YA. I know some people who only got into the book thing after Twilight. It’s bittersweet.
And congrats on the ARC from the Queen herself! You’re so lucky, and I’m sure that dedication was well-deserved. Can’t wait to he like that someday!
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!! I’m on my way to check out your interview swap as well 🙂
I love, love, LOVE that her blog is not only just about books and that’s not even what it started as. To hear the story of how it’s evolved over time was so cool!
Hey, Katelyn!! Thanks so much for stopping by <3 I had a blast interviewing Vi! Glad you liked it and got to know more about her 🙂