It’s been an extremely rough work week (or month) for me these past few days (in fact, as you’re reading this, I may be pulling my hair out at my desk again). Rather than contribute more negative energy into the universe by complaining about it more, I thought I’d flip the switch and throw out some positive vibes to help me get out of the dumps and spread a little blogger love!
My blogging besties are amazing. I feel like through this incredible community of book bloggers, specifically YA book bloggers for me, I’ve been able to cross the line from just blogging buds to having really and truly best friends. When I started my blog a year ago, I never thought I would grow so close to some of the people that I could text them every day, plan trips, start features/groups/read-alongs, and have some great Twitter chats, to name a few. Remember in high school where you actually liked going to school sometimes because that’s where you see all your friends? That’s kind of how I feel about blogging. Whenever I switch online and check my blog, go comment on others, start chatting on Twitter, I’m like, “Oh, time to catch up with all my friends again!” (And I seriously hope you know what I’m talking about and that I don’t sound crazy.)
The truly amazing part is how many of these friendships extend so far beyond books and blogging. I’ve had so many off-topic Twitter chats, fangirl emails, talking about TV shows, sharing personal stories, and even turning to you guys when I have a serious question I need advice on. Even if I quit writing on my blog tomorrow (don’t worry, I’m not!), I know these friendships would carry over into day-to-day life. I really think it’s because this is a place that I feel safe. I love being able to be myself, especially when it comes to nerding out over books, and I know that all you book bloggers are nerding out right with me!
Now for a bit of a personal confession… I don’t have a lot of close girl friends anymore — Or close IRL friends at all, for that matter. After college, I just lost touch with a lot of people. We just simply chose different paths in life immediately after college and it was hard to maintain those friendships when our lifestyles simply weren’t matching up anymore. I still have my two best friends from elementary school and my two college roommates who I get together with, but we’re not the talk-every-day-type. We get together about once a month if that and of course we pick up right where we left off, but that’s not the same. I never felt like I could text them about something that happened or call them to share some good news. We share everything in person and somehow just never really communicated much otherwise.
I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve made some amazing friends through the book blogging community and they are my best girl friends. We text, tweet, email, gchat — you name it — and we talk every day, pretty much all the time. It’s just so different from the friends that I have who actually live close to me who I hardly talk to at all. I’m just so thankful that I stumbled upon this amazing community and these amazing people who have redefined how I think of my “best friends” and my friendships in general. So high five for that!
So a big thank you to the book blogging community and all my blogging besties! You guys are really one of the highlights of my day, you’re always in my corner when things get tough, and you’ve become my true best friends!
23 thoughts on “Blogging Besties”
I totally second everything you’ve said in this post! One of the reasons I absolutely love blogging is because of all the incredible people I get to meet through it. There are people who I’d consider some of my closest friends, who I can talk to about anything and everything (and it doesn’t matter if it has nothing to do with books). Blogging is an amazing way to meet people – and I’m so glad that you’ve made lots of friends!
There really isn’t much to say, since you already know all of my FEELINGS!! I am so thankful for you every day!! It is really strange and amazing to find a best friend 1. so late in life (late HAHA I’m mid-twenties, but ya know what I mean) and 2. before even meeting them face to face IRL! I feel so lucky to have met you and a few others who I really believe will be life long friends!! I love you lady!
Aw, this is such a great post! It’s amazing ho people can become so close in a community like this even though a lot of us have never met and may not ever get the chance to. Sadly, I have lost touch with a lot of my IRL friends once I graduated from high school and my one close friend I made in college had to go back to Austria. I love being able to do dork out with so many bloggers over books!
This is such a sweet post; I’m sure you made some people’s day with it 😀
It seems like the majority of my long-distance friends are of the type where only really communicate in person. We might text occasionally, or call every once in a while, but for the most part, we leave it up to when we can get together. Strange how that happens to so many people, eh?
I relate to this post a lot and I hope that me and you can only become closer. <3 I mean, you know you want a lot of gif related tweets!
So happy to read your thoughts on making friendships through blogging. It’s really true… despite the occasional drama, I feel like there is the possibility of life-long friends for everyone. I’ve certainly had my own mishaps in this area (sigh) BUT I can also agree that I have made some really good friends who I can talk to about other things that are not books. So important!
It really is tough after college, isn’t it? This is something I think about a lot. I’m 6 years out of college and with people getting married, moving away, it’s very hard to keep up connections if both sides don’t try. Unfortunately, moving on is just… the best decision sometimes. Or maybe not even a decision, something that just happens. With all the kindness and generosity of people in the blogging community, I have continual hope that good, solid people are out there for all of us.
Hope everything with you gets less stressful soon! It’s been a pleasure to get to know you on Twitter and through your blog, lady! xo
Estelle! That was such a beautiful comment 🙂 Firstly, thanks so much for leaving such wonderful comments on my blog! They always feel so thoughtful and heartfelt!
As much as it pains me (and I’m sure wasn’t pleasant for you either), I totally agree. Sometimes it is best to just let those friendships go. I had a really hard time being okay with losing those friends because I took it so personally, but in a way, it was personal. We developed different personalities after college, chose different paths, chose different lifestyles. No negative feelings, but painful all the same. I felt like I was the only one going through that for a LONG time so even though it’s not a pleasant experience, it does help a little to know I wasn’t the only one!
Even though we’re all spread out over the country, I really do feel like these are my people. This is the group of friends that I belong with. It may not be the conventional friendships like getting together over coffee or going out for each other’s birthdays, but it’s real and amazing all the same — Maybe even more so than my “conventional” friendships. Even though I only talk to these people online, they’re better friends to me than my close friends at home.
Thanks so much for the wonderful comment!!!! <333 It's been quite the pleasure getting to know you as well!
This is such a great post. I haven’t been blogging long, but am already shocked at how many friends I’ve made through the blogging community. Seriously— it feels so good to be able to hop on twitter to talk books, life, whatever. The best part is being able to make jokes about books and have people actually get it! On top of blogging, we started a book club a few months ago, but it honestly feels like a few years ago. I am closer to these girls than any of my other friends, some of which I’ve known for years. It’s amazing how books can be such a solid base for a relationship! Heck, look at Will & Tessa from Infernal Devices….. books definitely did them a lot of good. 😉 haha So… Cheers to bookish friends and hopefully a better month for you!!! <3
Thanks 😀 I know, you guys all seem super close (and jealous of your book club because I think we Chicago suburbanites are having a hard time getting together!) and that is so awesome! I agree — It’s just so nice to have this community at our fingertips and it feels like such amazing support for so many things beyond books too! 🙂
Awwww, this is awesome! I know exactly what you mean about IRL friends. I basically have my two best friends from childhood, and we only hang out / talk very irregularly. I don’t really have any friends that I talk to on a daily basis, unless it’s online friends. I have a few friends on twitter and I love being able to talk to them regularly. We’ve even begun reaching out and mailing each other cards and goodies for bdays and holidays! 🙂
I’m pretty new to the book blogging community, but I’ve begun to make some friends here. I hope they will blossom and grow just as yours have. I’m so happy that you’ve found a great group of friends whose company you can enjoy so often! 🙂
Thanks, Kelley!! I’m so glad you can relate too! I mean, sads about not hanging out with IRL friends often, but it’s so nice to have those blogging/online/twitter friends that you can grow so close to! 🙂
Boo for having such a rotten past month – totally get what you mean and fingers crossed it calms down for you!!!!
I absolutely love this post. I feel like you could have been talking about me (not that I’m turning this around and talking about myself!) in that you don’t have many close IRL friends. It’s funny how this group of people (bloggers) has become our BFFs and we’ve never even met! I know so often I’ll go to you SC ladies first whenever there is a problem or I need advice or just need to vent it out about something. Maybe it’s because we DON’T know each other IRL or maybe because we’re soul mates! Whatever it is, you’re right… these folks just “get” us! I know I say this all the time, but I’m so so so so so happy you’re one of my blogging besties! Heck… you’re just one of my besties in general! 🙂
Aww, thanks Candice!!! You’re one of my blogging besties too, of course! 🙂 It’s so nice to have the SC ladies and the rest of our super close blogging friends!!! I honestly can’t believe sometimes that we’ve all grown so close and we have yet to meet! Our connection through book is just THAT strong 😀
I feel like a lot of bloggers relate to this post too! I mean, the bond between books is just that powerful that we can easily bond over a passion like that!
Thanks so much for leaving such a lovely comment! Always appreciated and that’s why we’re besties too!!!
Wow, this is a great post. I feel the same way and I’m glad someone actually put it out there from a positive point of view. I don’t see or talk to my IRL friends as much as I used to but when we do get together we really try to make it count! It’s been hard finding other people that share the same love/obsession with reading that I have so blogs like yours really help. Thanks for the post!
Thanks, Joan! It’s strange, but true! I’ve grown closer to these blogger friends in such a different way than my IRL friends and it’s such an awesome friendship and so much fun to be able to get so excited about the same books/hobbies 🙂 Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I appreciate it!
Great post, Brittany! I love when people really “get” you. I love having people to talk to about books even if they are really far away.
Hope work gets better for you! <3
Thanks, Alison! Blogging and the book bloggers just brighten my day!! Thanks so much for taking the time to share a little love!
I wrote a post like this just the other day! And trust me, I know exactly how you feel. Even though I haven’t even been blogging 2 months, there are some people out there who I already just feel so close with! Which is great, because most of my friends were away at school this year, while I took a year off. I’m so glad I started blogging, and I can’t wait to make even more friends, and having the blogger friendships I already have grow and flourish! 🙂
Yes! I’m so glad those friendships happened for you so quickly too! 🙂 I feel like it took me a while to find my place in the blogging world, but when I found the YA community, I knew both from the books and the people that that was the place I was supposed to be! 😀
Awww, this is soo sweet. I’m glad you were able to connect to some other book bloggers. And that you wanted to put a little something positive out there.
Hope work is going a bit better.
Thanks, Quinn! Things are already getting a little better and just the comments on this post have brightened my day 🙂
This is such a sweet post I love it. I know exactly what you mean. I’m loving all the new friendships I’m making and the fun chats I’m having on twitter. I don’t see my IRL friends that much right now and it gets really lonely. I miss being able to talk silly stuff everyday so its so nice to have blogging friends to do that especially when you want to geek out over books. My IRL friends don’t “get” that sometimes lol. So sorry you’ve been going through a rough time. I know the feeling all too well but chin up, we’ll get there! <3 xxx
Haha yes! My IRL friends don’t really get the love for books and how big of piece of my life that is! The friendships I’ve created through blogging are simply amazing and so unexpected! So glad to hear it happened that way for you too! 🙂