It’s Friday fun with The Perpetual Page Turner and Jamie brought us another survey! This time it’s talking about your YA-self in YA titles. I absolutely LOVED this survey, but I admit, I had a hard time coming up with titles on my own… aka, I relied HEAVILY on Goodreads to lend me a hand! I also loved Jamie’s post about her YA-self with all the throwback photos so I decided to do the same because I love my blogging friends and I wanted to share a bit of my past with you! 🙂
(Photos: Homecoming week, hanging out after a choir concert)
How would you describe your 16-year-old self? The Trouble with Flirting (I had a terrible time with boys. I thought I was all coy and I was probably incredibly obvious & annoying haha!)
When You Looked Into The Mirror What Did You See: Something Strange and Deadly (Oh, I was never happy!)
Your 16-your-old self outlook on life/motto: Just Like Fate (I believed that everything would work out somehow)
How You Think People Would Describe Your Personality: The Pledge (I like to think I was pretty loyal to my friends)
Describe An Insecurity In High School: Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality (I was always the friend, never the girlfriend! — Basically the WHOLE THEME OF THIS BOOK)
Describe Your Worst Trait As A Teen: The Knife of Never Letting Go (Okay, ignore the knife part haha. But I wouldn’t let go of ANYTHING. People, ideas, etc. I was kind of clingy hahaha)
Describe the contents of your diary/journal: The Book of Broken Hearts
Your biggest Fear: Unremembered (I was ALWAYS concerned about people forgetting about me/being left out)
You excelled at: Our Song (CHOIRRRRR)
You were always concerned about: Uses for Boys (Boy. Crazy.)
You Thought Your Life Was: The Fault in Our Stars (I was very dramatic/emo)
(Okay, I didn’t have much of “love life” so much as crushes in HS so here are some dance pictures to whet your appetite hahaha)
How would you sum up your high school love life? Pivot Point (Basically all of my love life until I met Shane…….. There came a certain point where I messed. it. up.)
Describe your most serious boyfriend from high school? Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend (I was head over heels but we only dated for two weeks HAHA. He was two years older and my parents were NOT having that)
Describe your first kiss: Sloppy Firsts (It was totally innocent but a little messy haha)
Your philosophy on dating/love: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (I always thought my insta-crushes would TOTALLY work out)
Describe Your Worst Break Up: Wither (I was suuuuuuper super bummed. Tears, talks with friends, more tears….)
(Note: This picture wasn’t taken in high school, but this is my family! Taken at my sister’s wedding a few years ago)
Your relationship with your mom as a teen: The Sea of Tranquility (Mom and I have always been pretty good!)
Your relationship with your dad as a teen: The Madman’s Daughter (HAHAHA it wasn’t that bad, but we did have some big rifts from time to time…. Mostly about that ONE BOY.)
Your relationship with a sibling: Sisters In Sanity (My sister and I kept each other sane! We didn’t talk a TON in high school since she’s three years older but she WAS the cool sister who let her freshman sis hang out with senior girls!)
What you thought about your parents rules/parenting style: Going Vintage (They were good parents, but of course as a teen I felt that they were a bit old-fashioned and too traditional at times!)
(My high school partners in crime… Lisa and Alison)
Describe you and your best friend at 16: Pushing the Limits (HAHA. Nah, we weren’t bad kids, but she was more… daring? Rebellious? Willing to push the envelope and test fate? Everything “bad” I learned from her haha!)
Your Social Status: Where She Went (I had a couple best friends but I really wandered from group to group. I had basketball friends, my core friends, choir friends, lunch table friends…)
Describe Your Group Of Friends: Also Known As (I had a few different groups and it wasn’t a big deal for people to switch in and out of groups or combine groups of people.)
(Junior & Senior year photos below!)

MADRIGALS! Whatever if you think this is nerdy. It was TOTALLY cool at my school… And I’m not just saying that. It was an honor!
Your Perception Of High School Upon Entering: Pandemonium (I came from a Catholic school and my 8th grade class was 24 kids. High school was BIG and I only knew people from the neighborhood)
Your relationship with academics: The Summer I Became a Nerd (I totally loved school and doing well in school haha)
Your Weekends Were: Wild Awake (We weren’t wild really, but the weekends were OUR time. I basically did something all the time, every weekend)
If Your High School Life Was A Movie It would be called: Life As We Knew It
A Class You Wish High School Would Have Offered: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Your Senior Year Was: The Infinite Moment of Us
Describe prom: Dark Triumph (Junior year date was a HUGE crush but he didn’t feel the same way (triumph = date, dark = not gonna happen, B.) and senior year date was a guy who was barely even my friend but at least I had a date (triumph = date, dark = what was I thinking))
When High School Ended It Was: Siege & Storm (Let’s go.)
(Featured below: Spring Break 2009!)
How You Felt About The Prospect of College: Fangirl — I was soooo excited.
How You Thought Your Life Would Be At 26: Golden
(Featured below: Shane & me in the Snowy Mountains in Wyoming… aka, the most perfect vacation ever; Photo 2: )

Describe Your Love Life Now: Meant to Be (no, really)
Describe The State Of Your Friendship With Your High School BFF: Time Between Us (We talk every once in a while but time & space has pushed us apart. Meh)
Your Relationship With Your Parents Now: Divergent (I love my parents but now that I’ve moved into a house and gotten engaged, I feel like they’re STILL trying to help too much and it’s driving me bananas)
Your Thoughts On Your High School Reunion (either if you had it or if it’s upcoming): Mockingjay (Yeahhhhh I’m not going.)
Biggest Lesson You Learned In High School: The Sky is Everywhere (Opportunities are endless!)
One Thing You WISHED You Had Learned: The Death Cure (aka how NOT to kill all my relationships)
Advice You Wish You Could Have Given Your Teen Self: Let the Sky Fall (Let things happen, let things fall to pieces and stop trying to make everything work. Some things don’t need to work out and they’re not supposed to.)
Something You Could Learn From Your 16-Year-Old Self: The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (Having besties is important! I didn’t realize that for a while there and thought I could just do everything along. I need lady friends to talk to!)
7 thoughts on “My YA-self in YA Titles!”
Super cute survey! I was a choir geek too 🙂
Great answers! I love reading these and seeing the pictures (I really need to scan some of my high school pics!), your prom/dance pictures are great, I love that blue dress!
You did an amazing job with this! Thanks for sharing the pictures too.
I loved all of your answers and your explanations. And your dresses. Seeing prom dresses is like one of my favorite things in the entire world! 🙂
I’m glad you are still your hopeful self (possibilities are everywhere) and hope that those boys that didn’t fall for you ARE VERY SORRY NOW. 😉 Yay for you and Shane! Share some more pics from that beautiful trip, please!
EEE all your picks are so perfect!! And I’m LOVING the pictures!! I feel like a lot of us answered similarly for biggest insecurity with a title that could designate how we all didn’t want to be left out. Like I think that was seriously my biggest insecurity and it kind of makes me feel better that I just wasn’t SUPER crazy and everyone else felt that way too. Meant To Be…aww so perfect for you two lovebirds. GAH I wish i could comment on every single one bc they are awesome!!
YAYYYY thanks so much, Jamie!! I loved reading all the surveys and especially filling them out (of course!) — This was such a great idea 🙂
So cute! I love the titles you came up with. And the fact that you were boy crazy. Cause. Me. Too. 😉 How ironic that you picked Fangirl for the prospect of college. Works by the title but I don’t think Cath would feel the same. : )
The pictures were absolutely necessary. Thank you for that!
You had lots of dances!! Such cute pictures! And that vaca pic looks like awesome fun to meee 😀 <3