Top Ten Tuesday – August 27, 2013: Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters


It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish!
This week’s topic:Β Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters


RoarΒ Roar may be one of my favorite secondary characters of all time. Veronica Rossi does a GREAT job at this best friend for Perry and non-romantic companion for Aria (thank you for not making this a love triangle)! I was delighted to meet in him UNDER THE NEVER SKY and to get to know him even more in THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT and the novella ROAR & LIV.



THE PRINCESS BRIDE has always been one of my favorite movies (okay, it’s only fair that I saw the movie first… it’s been out since before I could read & comprehend the book…) and ever since I read the book last year, it totally solidified itself in my heart forever. I absolutely love Inigo and Fezzik as the sidekicks in this book and how their roles really shape it without being the main characters.



Harry Potter……. I think that says it all.



Obviously Rue is a favorite character of THE HUNGER GAMES, but I was actually pretty disappointed that Madge was totally cut from the movies! She was the actual person who gave Katniss her Mockingjay pin and she ended up being an important friend for Katniss in many ways. I ended up really loving Haymitch, especially later in the series like in CATCHING FIRE and MOCKINGJAY!



STURMOND. Loved him in SIEGE AND STORM. He was comedy and tension and friendship and mystery all in one. He was a fantastic addition to the Grisha Trilogy and I hope we see so much more of him in RUIN AND RISING!



CINDER was amazing, but SCARLET totally blew me away. I totally saw similarities between Carwell Thorne and the aforementioned Sturmhond. They were hilarious and great additions in the second books of these series!



I was so impressed with the depth of these two characters in THE SEA OF TRANQUILITY, especially Drew. He could have easily been a one-dimensional and stereotypical character, but he actually turned out to be one of my favorites of the book!



Zuzana was a feisty little best friend to Karou in DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE and more than that, even if she didn’t like it, she was really always there for her. She put a lot of blind faith in Karou and they really developed an easy friendship despite how complicated Karou’s life really was.



GOING VINTAGE had one of my favorite family relationships with Mallory and her sister Ginnie. I loved their sisterly friendship, their inside jokes, constant support, and I loved seeing siblings get along for a change.



I had to pick characters from THE RAVEN BOYS because Ronan is really the main character in THE DREAM THIEVES but still plays more of a minor or secondary character in TRB. I was really fascinated by his character in TRB (which totally made TDT that much more awesome). I also loved Noah and all of this story that comes out in the two books! Also, Blue’s mom is just badass.


So those are my favorite secondary characters! Which ones do we have in common? Which ones did I miss? Personally, I think I could read full stories of some of these supporting characters (hint hint Veronica Rossi….)

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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36 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – August 27, 2013: Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters

  1. Amy

    AHH! I love how we both listed some of the same characters. πŸ™‚ I CANNOT WAIT for you to read more of Zuzana and Mik in DoBaS. They are amazing, and were one of my favorite parts of that book.
    I should’ve just put all the Weasley’s on my list, haha. And SIRIUS! I can’t believe I forgot him! Every character in those books was just so amazing, even the not-so-nice ones.
    STURMHOND. Yes, please. A welcome addition if I ever saw one, no? More of him in book 3, please.
    Love your list, B! And your graphics are so great! I love that font. LOVE IT.

  2. Wendy

    STURMHOND, oh most definitely!! So many layers to him and I just love him! Oh and all those Harry Potter characters! They were all fantastic!!

  3. Asti (A Bookish Heart)

    I haven’t read many of these, but those I have are the same ones I included in my list. And of course, I had to laugh when you pretty much tried to include every HP character in that one box. JK Rowling is so good at creating believable well rounded characters. And there were so many! I wish more authors could do the same.

  4. Sam @ Realm of Fiction

    I can’t believe I forgot Zuzana! She is a brilliant character. And I agree about Drew, too. At first, I did worry that he would be filling a very cliched role, but I really grew to appreciate and warm to him as the book went on. He’s definitely one of my favourites now. Great list! πŸ™‚

  5. Maggie @ Just a Couple More Pages

    I don’t know why I didn’t put Roar on my list. I actually thought of him but decided not to, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Drew from The Sea of Tranquility is another good one, and Ginnie from Going Vintage, I loved her!

  6. Janita @ Book, Interrupted

    Everyone was of the same frame of mind when they put Iko on their list this week. I don’t think I’ve seen one without her on it. I guess that just speaks to how purely awesome she is. And every. single. Harry Potter. secondary character is automatically the best thing ever. Ugh, I always forget how amazing those books are. I put Carswell Thorne on my list this week too. He’s sexy! πŸ˜›

    1. Brittany Post author

      Shame on me — I totally forgot about Iko!!!
      I’m also excited to hear from others that Zuzana plays an even bigger role in book two! can’t wait! πŸ™‚

  7. Charleen

    100% YES to Inigo and Fezzik! Honestly, as far as the book goes, I don’t particularly like Westley or Buttercup… they’re good in the movie, but it’s everyone else who makes the book, in my opinion.

    1. Brittany Post author

      I think I was way too into fangirling over the movie by the time I read the book so I was already in love with Westley and Buttercup… But Inigo and Fezzik really do make up so much of the book!! They’re the comedy! I absolutely love it.

  8. Hazel

    I’ve been seeing Roar all over these TTTs. He seems like a great guy! I still haven’t read any of Rossi’s books (yeah, I suck) but I’ll definitely be picking up the series soon! I recently got The Sea Of Tranquility though so I’m excited that you loved Drew and Clay! πŸ™‚

    1. Brittany Post author

      Ohhh you should totally read Under the Never Sky!! πŸ™‚ And I am SO excited for you to read The Sea of Tranquility! Hopefully it lives up to all your hopes & expectations!!

  9. Christianna

    I’m so glad that The Princess Bride got a shout out! I seriously love that movie and all of the characters in it! I have to admit that I haven’t read the book, but I do have it and I’ll need to read it soon!
    My TTT

    1. Brittany Post author

      You should totally read the book too! It’s actually incredibly similar to the movie (or the movie is incredibly similar to the book) but I really, really loved it!

  10. Rebecca @ The Library Canary

    Roar made my list as well! I chose Iko over Thorne from Lunar Chronicles. It was between the two though. I love them both! I totally agree with Rue and Haymitch from Hunger Games. I’ve also seen Cinna on a lot of lists which I think is great! Great list!

    1. Brittany Post author

      I just loved Thorne and TOTALLY forgot about Iko! Shame on me!! I forgot about Cinna too… Oops πŸ™
      Thanks for stopping by my TTT!!!

    1. Brittany Post author

      YES. You’re the first person who’s commented on Drew! I absolutely LOVED him. Seriously one of the best secondary characters ever.

  11. Angie

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK ROAR. He’s on my list too. I adore him and am so glad that his relationship with Aria did not turn it into a love triangle.

    Loveeeee the Harry Potter choices. I was trying to figure out who to put on my list because there are so many good ones and it was hard so I just ended up going with Dumbledore’s Army & The Weasley’s

    Sturmhond! I love him so much and I’m going to be so upset if he’s dead.

    1. Brittany Post author

      Roar is definitely one of THE BEST. And Sturmhond too! SHHHH don’t even say that about him! Haha
      I know, I could have included every single character from HP. It was hard not to!

  12. Sandie @TeenLitRocks

    Great list! I firmly agree with the ones you picked, except from The Hunger Games I would’ve also picked Finnick, because I think he’s so beautifully layered. He *looks* like a shallow boy toy, but he’s so much more. Love, love, love him. I just mentioned Zuzana in my comment to Candice, so what a lovely surprise to see her here! As a Harry Potter fangirl, I think the secondary characters are ALL much more fun than Harry himself πŸ˜‰

    1. Brittany Post author

      Thanks, Sandie!! I totally forgot about Finnick!! Looking at other people’s lists, I should have included Johanna Mason as well. And Cinna. I rushed! πŸ™
      Haha , I agree — The secondary characters actually mean so much more to me than Harry himself!!!

  13. daphne

    there is so much on this list that is perfect. i find it hard to remember secondary characters in stand alone books, but i definitely agree with Ginny & grandma from Going Vintage. Also, loved Thorne, too! He was funny & i’m wondering who he’ll eventually be paired with (he’s young & goodlooking for a reason…funny, when i first started reading, i pictured him as an old man…but anyway). Loved Zuzana, too & she’s on my list. As for the Hunger Games, I was disappointed that Madge was not in the movie too. But I would also add Gale to that because I loved him. I can’t believe I didn’t think of him. Oh well. And I didn’t put ANYONE from HP, I’m such a ditz. Don’t know who I would have put though…I lie, probably Remus & Tonks, Bill (another one that got shafted in the movies)…I could go on, but it would take all day. great list πŸ™‚

    1. Brittany Post author

      Haha our lists pretty much matched! More or less. I absolutely love it!
      Yeah, I wasn’t sure if Gale was too “main”. I don’t know, I’m actually starting not to like him as much as I did my first read around!

    1. Brittany Post author

      Ohhhh, Roar. Veronica Rossi did SUCH a great job with his character!
      Thank you so much for the follow and the compliment and the comment!!! πŸ˜€ So excited to check out your blog as well!

  14. Stormy

    Yes! So many of my favorite secondary characters on your list. THORNE. I’ve decided he *may* be my all-time favorite secondary character. If not, he’s top three, EASILY. And I like how you combined all your Harry Potter characters. When I was making my list I realized I could easily fill an entire Top Ten Tuesday with ONLY Harry Potter characters. J.K. Rowling is just awesome at making memorable secondary characters that feel like real people! Also definitely had Zuzana on my list as well.

    1. Brittany Post author

      THORNE. He’s so great, isn’t he!?! Him and Sturmhond are my new favs πŸ™‚
      Oh gosh, I could have easily included so many HP characters too!! I even forgot a few I should have included. Darn!!

    1. Brittany Post author

      Me too!! I’ve heard she has an even bigger part in Days of Blood and Starlight so I’m really looking forward to that! Thanks for commenting!! πŸ™‚

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