August 2013: Recap & Wrap-Up!

I can’t believe August is already over. Where in the world did the time go!? Here’s my little recap of the month, this time for my blog AND personal life!



  • I got engaged!! Shane proposed on August 5th, 2013 <3333 We still need to set a date so more wedding planning details to come!
  • I also bought a house! Shane and I moved in together on… August 5th, 2013 haha. He ended up proposing on our first night in the house together.


  • Number of Books Read In August: 6 (EEK. This was a slowwww month for reading thanks (or no thanks) to moving!)
  • Popular Search Terms:  “best friend to boyfriend” (and many various other search terms that lead to the Best-Friend-Turned-Boyfriend-Romance post… still my most popular post!), “the dream thieves review“, “chantress amy butler greenfield”
  • More Amusing Search Terms:how do i romance a friend?“, “books a nerd girl reads” (huzzah!!),  “how to turn into a book addict” (You’ve come to the right place, my friend.), “why are people suprised that i have my jacket off” (To be honest, I’m not quite sure.)
  • Most Referrals (Non-Twitter/FB/Wordpress, etc): Alexa Loves Books, The Grown-Up YA, The Broke and the Bookish —- Thank you, ladies!!!
  • Where My Blog Most Often Leads You (Non-Goodreads/Internal Links, etc): Gone Pecan, Just A Couple More Pages, Tripping Over Books (AWESOME blog friends. You guys have great taste!)





Other Reviews Posted

An Updated Look at my Goodreads Reading Progress

Screen Shot 2013-08-30 at 9.55.52 PM

Bloggers featured on Book and a Beverage

Other Features & Discussions

That wraps up August! It was a crazy-busy month with moving and everything but hopefully I’ll get back on track with reading in September!


Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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10 thoughts on “August 2013: Recap & Wrap-Up!

  1. Jessie Marie @ The Daily Bookmark

    First off, I didn’t know YOU GOT ENGAGED! Congratulations. Coincidentally, August 5 was my two-year anniversary, and I thought FOR SURE we were getting engaged that night. No dice for me but I’m beyond happy for you. Hooray!

    Also, great recap. Lots of goodness all around. I love your listing of search terms that led to your blog. HILARIOUS. : )

  2. Stormy

    Whoa, August looks like it was super busy(but exciting!) for you. Congrats on the house AND the engagement. That’s a lot for one day!!
    It’s so cool to see your Goodreads update progress(plus, it just reminded me I need to check mine, haha).

  3. Savindi @ The Streetlight Reader

    Congratulations on your Engagement!! That’s pretty exciting! Have you decorated your new house yet? Ohhh I’m so glad you posted a link to your Dream Thieves review! I saw Candice mention you in her review, but I couldn’t find it on your blog. I’m off to read it now!

    Have a great Labour Day Weekend!

  4. Kristen@My Friends Are Fiction

    First off…CONGRATULATIONS!! So exciting!

    You had a very packed August–lots of good things. I love how you do an overview of the month including reading progress and search terms 🙂 I need to check mine more often. I have The Dream Thieves up to read in the next week or so. Excited!! Have a great September (come on fall!)

    My Friends Are Fiction

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