It’s Classics Retold Month!


Ah, the time is finally here for Classics Retold month! We’ve been preparing ever since April to read our classics and post all of the retellings and September is finally upon us!

I just wanted to create a post to sort of introduce what I’ve actually read so far since my plans have changed somewhat significantly!

Just as a reminder, all-in-all, there are five different blogs co-hosting this event which focuses on reading a specific classic along with various retellings/spin-offs. We would love if you would join in for Classics Retold and there’s still plenty of time to sign up! Here are all of the categories and there are still tons of open spots:

My specific selection for mythology is EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY and I’ve had a great time and a hard time with it. Some of the adaptations are great and others I really struggled with. Here’s a quick recap of what’s to come in September!


My first choice was THE CHAOS OF STARS by Kiersten White. This was the most obvious and exciting upcoming read but… I got about a quarter of the way through and was REALLY struggling with the main character. I didn’t like the way the gods were portrayed or the story line and it just clearly was not the adaptation for me. The first book I actually picked up was THE RED PYRAMID which is the first book in The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan. I was a little nervous for it because it’s more middle grade than YA, but Rick Riordan did a fantastic job with the myths, legends, and incorporating them into a modern story. I actually think I may continue the series, although they’re quite hefty books! We’ll see how it goes. I attempted a younger MG book, THEODOSIA AND THE SERPENTS OF CHAOS by R.L. LaFevers. I loved Grace Mercy & Dark Triumph but I did not do well with her middle grade. It was younger than The Kane Chonicles but that wasn’t necessarily the problem… I felt like the action wasn’t going anywhere and I quickly became bored. I also read A CLOCKWORK SCARAB which is a mash up of Holmes & Stoker (their relatives) but the main plot revolved around Sekhment and Egyptian mytholgy, artifacts, and traditions. I actually finished it just recently and enjoyed it. Still had a few issues overall, but it was an enjoyable story!



I still have to watch The Mummy and The Mummy II (have to.. haha. I’ve seen the multiple times) but don’t worry. They’re on my DVR now thanks to TNT.

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK : Still want to rewatch Raiders because come on… Indiana Jones.

So that’s it so far! Looking forward to the official posts and I can’t wait to see what my other mythology ladies have in store for us!










Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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8 thoughts on “It’s Classics Retold Month!

  1. Candice

    So yeah… I’m SUPER excited about this but uh… am still reading The Iliad. I’ve been reading since May and am only like 17% done with it!

    That being said, I’m excited to share my OTHER reads! 🙂

  2. Charleen

    I really can’t think of many books that fit the theme, but my favorite take on Egyptian mythology is Stargate. It actually draws on a few different mythologies over the course of the franchise, but the original movie and most of the SG-1 series are based on the Egyptian gods.

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