Leigh Bardugo, Ann Aguirre, Jessica Brody, and Gennifer Albin
Anderson’s Bookshop, Naperville, IL
November 4, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013 was a magical day for me. Macmillan asked me to be the featured blogger at the Fierce Reads tour event at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL and I literally did a happy dance when I got the offer (and immediately accepted, of course). For my super special blogger duties, I got to sit down for an interview with all four Fierce Reads authors, live tweet the event, and I have a fantastic giveaway for you as well!
I had a blast interviewing the Fierce Reads ladies! Let’s see what they had to say!
(Portions edited for time and reading purposes and will not affect the overall outcome of the show interview.)
Brittany: We’re all here for the Fierce Reads tour so let’s kick it off by talking about what your favorite fierce reads of all time are.
Leigh Bardugo: Okay! I’ve got one. The Grounding of Group 6 by Julian F. Thompson. It is out of print but this is a book about a group of kids who are problem kids who get sent to a new private school and they go to orientation except really Group 6 is every year designated to be murdered — Their parents have sent them off to be killed. (Surprised looks on our faces) YES! It’s an amazing book and when I was a kid, I was sure this is what my parents were going to do to me.
Brittany: That’s terrible!
Leigh: It would make a great movie. They don’t all die! Some of them get their shiz together.
Jessica Brody: I’m gonna go with the obvious answer which is The Hunger Games. I thought that was AHmazing. I read that in a day and I normally take like two weeks to read books. It was the only book where when I put it down I felt like I was missing something. I was like, “Don’t do anything without me! Don’t kill anyone else until I get back!”
(Penn Gilette walks by in the background (He was at a signing for Anderson’s that night as well) and we all talk about Penn Gilette for a few minutes and how he got the spot in the main store and somehow Fierce Reads ended up in the gift shop. Sidenote: This made me majorly sad because HI. Fierce Reads. More important than Penn Gilette!)
Leigh: Fierce Read?
Gennifer Albin: I’ve forgotten every book I’ve ever read now. Penn Gilette wiped them from my mind.
Ann Aguirre: Do you mean fierce in action or fierce in…?
B: In any way you want!
Leigh: Emotionally fierce?
Ann: I think one of the books that had the most impact on me was actually Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett.
Genn: I always have such weird answers.
B: Weird is good!
Leigh: Weird is the new fierce! Fierce is the new weird. Fierd. Weirce?
Genn: Ummm.
Ann: Just say Harry Potter and move on!
Genn: My primary reading of all time is in the 18th century and no one will know what I’m talking about!
(We move on to question two)
B: If you were a character in one of your own books — and it does not have to be a main character AND if you feel like you should be someone else, you can even invent a new one.
Jessica: In any of our books?
B: Yes!
Jessica: Well, I would like to be Lexington Larrabee in 52 Reasons to Hate My Father —
Leigh: And I would like to be your friend! Your dear, dear friend.
Jessica: Well, I would want to be her after she does all the jobs… She’s got a pretty glam life. I would just like her closet! That would be enough for me.
Leigh: I would like to be a member of Sturmhond’s crew in Siege and Storm except that I get really seasick! So instead I think I’m gonna be.. I’m gonna be a Fabrikator, maybe one in charge of delicious snacks, who lives in the grand palace and stays far away from any battles.
Jessica: You’re just the snack maker!
Ann: That’s the problem I have with all of my books! I just want to stay home. I’m like Frodo… or Bilbo. I don’t want to go out and have adventures!
Leigh: Stay in the Shire, Ann!
Ann: I guess I’d be Mama Oaks because she doesn’t have to go out and fight and I would probably cook things instead of sew things as she does, but she is a homebody character and she takes care of people.
Genn: I don’t know… who would I want to be in my books?
Leigh: Cormac?
Jessica: Yeah, I was gonna say Cormac!
Leigh: Walk around in a tux, drinking my tea…
(Genn reveals possible spoilers!)
Jessica: I want to be the secret character from the end!
Genn: Yeah, that’s actually who I would choose too.
Ann: You can’t be that character!
Genn: Well, there’s lots of reasons why I can’t be that character… Not the least of which is that (… possible Altered spoiler?)
Leigh: It’s me, I put myself in a book!
Leigh: That would be the best twist! (More laughter) If like, all of sudden your character was like, “And then Leigh Bardugo walked in!” And you just wrote yourself in, Being John Malkovich-style!
Genn: “I’ve been controlling YOU the whole time while you control the fabric of reality!”
B: Your dreams have come true and you get to live in one of your favorite books or series! What’s the book or series that you would choose and who’s the one person you’d bring with you?
Leigh: I can answer for Genn! Harry Potter!! But we don’t know who you would bring.
Jessica: She’d bring her son James because he dressed as Harry Potter! She’d bring her husband!
Genn: I’d sacrifice myself and let them go together.
Ann: Would you really!?
Jessica: That is really stupid! (Laughter)
Leigh: Well I would have to say it would have been Harry Potter but I’m gonna go with Howl’s Moving Castle. As for who I’d bring with me…. I’d bring my friend Morgan. She’s very charming! She could charm everybody there. She’d be the master of charm and I’d just follow in her wake.
Ann: I would like to go into the Stat Trek universe.
Leigh: Which one?
Ann: The Reboot. The alternate universe they’re doing with Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine.
Leigh: I’ve changed my mind. Can I bring Henry Cavill? I would like to bring him.
B: Of course!
Ann: AND, I would like to bring MacGuyver.
B: Oh, there you go!
Leigh: (Laughing) You’ll end up with just the actor! You’ll end up with Richard Dean Anderson and he’ll be like, “I don’t know how to do anything! Stop handing me paperclips!”
Ann: I want MacGuyer, NOT Richard Dean Anderson. So any problem we have in the Star Trek universe he can fix with a roll of duct tape… and a pancake.
Jessica: I’m gonna go with the shallow answer and say The Uglies series so I can make myself pretty!
Leigh: Don’t they like, mess with your head!?
Jessica: Yes, I will be a bubblehead! But I will be very pretty and drink champagne every day!
Leigh: You can do that now! Who would you take with you?
Jessica: Oh! I would take… my sister.
Ann: Because she’s really homely.
Jessica: No, because she really, really loves that series and I thought she might like it.
B: Lots of people like to know your favorite literary crush but I want to know your favorite literary villains.
Ann: (Answers right away) Snape!
Leigh: But he’s not a villain!
Jessica: He kind of is.
Genn: He has his moments! He’s an antagonist.
Ann: I’m not gonna lie… If I was at Hogwarts, I would be the teacher’s pet.
Leigh: You’re from Hufflepuff — he never would have given you a second look!
(Everyone “aw”s)
Leigh: You can come to the Slythern common room with me.
Ann: I would just follow him and stare at him with big eyes.
Leigh: Does it have to be literary?
B: You can venture out of literary.
Leigh: Because I’m gonna have to go with Jareth, the Goblin King from the Labyrinth.
B: Ooooooh.
Ann: If we’re doing movies, I’m gonna add Riddick!
Leigh: And I’m also going to add Flagg from Stephen King’s Eyes of the Dragon — not so much in The Stand. Flagg keep showing up in his work. But yeah, both of those were big influences on the characters in the Grisha trilogy. (Brittany sidenote: I’m now picturing the The Darkling as Jareth.)
Genn: I almost always root for the villains. Is that bad?
B: Not at all! One of my best friends loves the villains.
Jessica: I’m gonna be a kiss-ass and say Cormac Patton!
Jessica: He’s a great villain! Oh! And President Snow.
Leigh: He’s a really good villain.
Jessica: He smells like blood and roses.
Leigh: (in a creepy voice) He drinks blood!
Jessica: They should release a perfume line.
Leigh: You know, don’t put it past them!
Ann: Scratch and sniff!
Leigh: Like, you scratch Donald Sutherland’s beard and it smells like blood and roses!
Genn: You know who is one of the most delicious villains because I actually HATE them? I hate them with every fiber of my being like my skin crawls and that makes them such a beautiful villain to me is Dolores Umbridge.
Genn: She’s the villain of bureaucracy!
Leigh: She’s probably the most evil character of the whole series! And she’s so plausible. We’ve all encountered somebody like her.
Genn: She’s SO well-written. She gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Ann: Is it, “The odds are ever in your favor” lady?
Genn: Nooo, she’s the one who wears the pink wool suit in Harry Potter… “I will not tell lies”…
Ann: OHHHH oh oh oh. And she takes over everything, right?
Jessica: With all the kitty plates!
Leigh: Remember that teacher I had that told me I would never amount to anything? She was my Umbridge and her office was decorated all with Scottie dogs and when I read that character, the hair rose on my arms.
Ann: I think we’ve all had some permutation.
Leigh: That’s why she’s so terrifying. Voldemort it’s like, “You’ve got no nose! Saw you coming! Kinda knew you were band news!”
B: That’s what’s so terrible. Because everything’s under a mask of niceness!
Jessica: Kitties!
Genn: I think she thinks she’s doing right and that she’s making the best decisions. I think that’s what makes a good villain a good villain.
Leigh: I would actually love to read her backstory. Like what makes a Dolores Umbridge a Dolores Umbridge.
B: Do you have any quirky reading and/or writing habits?
Ann: I am a gluttonous reader… I have to be really careful about starting a book after midnight. Even if it’s terrible, I will most like read it until it’s done and even if that takes me all night long and I’ve got no sleep and it’s time to get up in the morning and then make breakfast, I’m like “I regret everything about the decision making I’ve done for the last eight hours…” So I have to be reasonable about my start times otherwise I will get no sleep.
Genn: I do the same, but I regret nothing!
Leigh: My weird reading habit is I will never stop reading on the fourth page, or the twenty-fourth page or any page number that ends in a four.
Jessica: That is very strange!
Genn: If you want Leigh Bardugo to read your book paginated —
Leigh: I’ll never be able to stop!
B: What if it’s the last page of the chapter?
Leigh: I will go on to the next chapter.
Jessica: Where does that come from?
Leigh: Ever since I was a kid, I had a hang up with the number four. It’s not like to the extent where it’s real OCD but I’m aware of it all the time. And even if I write an email, I have to make myself — if there are four things in a list, I’m like, “I need a fifth!” or like “Number Five, because I don’t like four things in a list!” It’s pretty common actually! Number obsessions. And I didn’t know that until I was listening to this radio show one night and he was like, “I have a problem with odd numbers,” and I was like, “I have a problem with even numbers!”
Jessica:I guess my weirdest thing is that I’m obsessed with Audible audiobooks and I listen to them all at two times speed. And everyone thinks that really weird AND the misconception about two times speed is that everyone thinks it sounds like a chipmunk but they don’t actually speed up the voice — they just take out the gaps between the words so it really is just someone reading it faster.
Leigh: I wonder if the books seem more exciting because of that!
Jessica: I think they do! And anyone who gets in my car and there’s an audiobook playing, their head spins, like “What are you listening to!? I’m going to have an aneurysm!”
B: November is National Novel Writing Month! Are you working on any new projects for NaNo or in general?
Jessica: I’m just trying to finish the third book in my trilogy so that’s my NaNo… My every day, really!
Ann: I cleared my desk before I left for tour so I got notes two days before we left from my editor and I was like, “We’re going on the road! I hope you don’t expect these revisions back any time soon!” So that’s what I’m going to be doing November is revising, before I can write new words.
Leigh: I don’t really do NaNo in the sense that I don’t post my word count and I try to avoid other people’s word counts, but I do like to use it to get things done and I knew I wasn’t going to write while I was on tour so before tour, I cranked out almost 30,000 words and I”m hoping to jump back in when I get home. We’ll see. I usually need some decompression time when I just lie around watching all the old episodes of Project Runway!
Genn: Now for me is like the holiday season? It’s like the whole year just starts over for me. It starts with NaNo and then your whole writing year starts over that’s just how it is for me BECAUSE my first book was written during NaNo. So I’m really, really eager to get home to and actually do something towards it because I kept telling myself I would write on the road… It’s really, really hard to write on tour because you’re like “Well, I’ll do it tonight because there’ll be time after the event” and then you just sit in bed and you’re like, “My brain is made of jello!” But I will be doing NaNo… We have the Night of Writing Dangerously so I do have to write something before that because I can’t walk in like, “Listen to me give you advice! I’m going to give you a speech but I haven’t written a damn word in November!” Do as I say, not as I do!
That interview was an absolute blast. Everyone was so much fun and they had really creative answers! Sorry I had such difficult questions! Another MANY MANY thanks to Leigh Bardugo, Ann Aguirre, Jessica Brody, and Gennifer Albin! They were absolutely fantastic and I had such a blast!

Ann Aguirre, Gennifer Albin, Leigh Barugo, me, and Jessica Brody (sorry my iPhone takes truly terrible pictures. Time for an upgrade!)
Okay, okay, I know you want to get to the giveaway. It’s pretty EPIC if I do say so myself. Firstly, a huge thanks to Macmillan for providing all of the books for this giveaway! I got to take a whole stack of literally ALL of the featured Fierce Reads series that are currently available (and some that are not!) and get them signed by the authors. Here’s what we have to offer:
UNFORGOTTEN by Jessica Brody (Unreleased ARC!)
UNREMEMBERED by Jessica Brody (Hardcover)
CREWEL by Gennifer Albin (Paperback)
ALTERED by Gennifer Albin (Hardcover)
ENCLAVE by Ann Aguirre (Paperback)
OUTPOST by Ann Aguirre (Paperback)
HORDE by Ann Aguirre (Hardcover)
SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo (Paperback)
SIEGE AND STORM by Leigh Bardugo (Hardcover)
The winner will receive ALL NINE BOOKS. That’s right. ALL NINE. ALL SIGNED. How exciting is that!?! All you have to do is enter the Rafflecopter below! Winners must be 13 years of age or older and the shipping address must be US or Canada only. Sorry, International!
Runners up will receive some various Fierce Reads swag! You could win a Fierce Reads tote bag, Fierce Reads posters, and swag from the books! If you want to win some swag, just let me know when you fill out your Rafflecopter entry!
45 thoughts on “Fierce Reads Tour Fall 2013 (Chicago): Recap, Author Interview, and Giveaway!”
I agree that Henry Cavill is always the person to bring. I think he is the only thing that could make Leigh Bardugo’s books even better.
What an amazing interview. I am absolutely obsessed with Crewel, and even more so with Shadow and Bone and Siege and Storm! But the one that I haven’t read that I am most looking forward to is Unremembered. Been wanting to read that one for a LONG time now. 🙂 You’re so lucky that you got to meet all these great ladies!
Ah!! I am super excited for Unforgotten!!
“Ann: That’s the problem I have with all of my books! I just want to stay home. I’m like Frodo… or Bilbo. I don’t want to go out and have adventures!”
That answer made the entire interview for me. Most likely because I feel the same way. No admittance: exception party business! Haha.
Anyway, those ladies seem like tons of fun. I’m jealous you go to talk to them. 😀
A fun interview. I’m most excited about Siege & Storm.
I enjoyed the interview. My favorite question was Do you have any quirky reading and/or writing habits. I’m looking forward to Jessica Brody’s two books.
EPIC interview! Great job!! 😀 Can I be excited for all of them?
Seemed like such a great event! Thank you for typing out the interview for everyone who couldn’t go to a Fierce Reads event. I’m most excited to read the Shadow and Bone series!
It was such a great time and the authors were so wonderful! You should definitely pick up Shadow and Bone! Leigh Bardugo’s books are some of my favorites of all time!
Awesome interview! I’m really excited about Siege and Storm! 😀
Thanks so much! Siege and Storm was SO fantastic!! I can’t wait for you to read it!
I thought you did an amazing job on the interview! And, I love most of the Fierce Reads books, so I’m pretty much excited for them all (:
Thank you so much!!! They were SUCH a fun group! 🙂
Oh I’m so jealous!! I’m love all of these ladies, and their books! I cannot wait to read Unforgotten.
They are SUCH a fun group! 🙂 I’m super excited for Unforgotten too!
Thanks for commenting!!
Best quote from the interview: “Leigh: Weird is the new fierce! Fierce is the new weird. Fierd. Weirce?”
“Weirce” is my new favorite word! XP
I can kind of related to Jessica’s “weird” habit of listening to audio books at a faster speed. I don’t listen to audio books, but I don’t like to music that has a lot of space in between the lyrics or that is sung slowly. And I don’t like people who talk slow. My friends make fun of me for preferring fast-talkers and music with a lot of words or music that’s faster.
I’m most looking forward to the Razorland series. I’ve been waiting for the trilogy to be finished to read it. :]
Hahaha “weirce” is so perfect. I love it!
I’ve been curious to listen to an audiobook and 2x speed! especially since I’m listening to Game of Thrones haha. It takes forever!!
Thanks for commenting!
Its a fun interview! Everyone seems funny and really nice. I’m excited about The Razorland Series since thats the only series that i havent read yet among fierce reads authors.
They were so wonderful! Lots of fun and all very nice.
I read book one of the Razorland series and I’m already ready to read book two! It started off just a touch slow for me but I got really excited about the ending 🙂
I love the interview! Everyone is so hilarious!
I’m mostly looking forward to reading Horde. I’ve heard from tons of different people that it’s beyond good.
They were SO much fun!! I just started the Razorland series recently and I enjoyed book one! Definitely looking forward to continuing on in the series.
Thanks for commenting! 🙂
Haha! Interviews like this makes me want to be friends with the authors 😛 So much fun!
Haha me too! I wished we could have just hung out the whole night! Those ladies were so much fun!
Thanks for commenting 🙂
Great interview! I am most excited about Shadow and Bone; I’ve heard so many great things about it.
Shadow and Bone is absolutely one of my favorites and Siege and Storm was AMAZING. So excited for you to pick up that series! I absolutely love it.
Fantastic interview. Harry Potter really is the answer to everything. I am excited to read all of these books now. All of the books! 🙂
It’s so fun to be the featured blogger, I swear! I’m glad you got a chance to meet these amazing ladies. They’re pretty darn awesome!
You ladies had ALL THE FUN! …Minus the share of fun I had reading the transcribed interview. XD Great job, Brittany!
Aw, you did such a great job! It sounds like such a blast, and I wish I could have gone. The answers were hilarious!
Awesome interview! And it looks like so much fun. Thanks for the crazy-amazing giveaway!! 🙂
What a great interview! Sounds like you all had a blast!
I’m most excited for Enclave – I’ve heard nothing but great things about the series!
All four series sound great, but I’m especially excited about Enclave!
I really love the authors’ interactions with each other. I went to a Fierce Reads signing in June with Leigh, Jessica, Gennifer, Emmy Laybourne, and Anna Banks, and they were just so funny, especially when they would play on or tease each other!
I think I’m most excited for Unforgotten because I’ve read Unremembered. Also, Altered because I’d love to binge-read those two books!
Great interview! I love getting to know authors more especially what books interest them. Can’t wait to read Unforgotten! I need to do a reread of Enclave because it’s been so long and then I can read Outpost & Horde.
Great interview!
I have already devoured Leigh Bardugo’s books (and can’t wait for the third!), but I keep hearing good things about the Enclave series, so I am excited to check them out.
Love the interview! And I’d love to get and read all of these books, but I know more about Shadow and Bone so that’s probably my top pick 🙂
gah! how have I not said hello to you in person yet!!! I was there!
next time I’m finding you!!
I saw you beforehand but then I had to sneak back for the interview!! We really must say hello sometime 🙂
Hope you had fun! I just love these authors. They are an absolute blast!
Sounds like you had an amazing time! The first author event I went to was the Fierce Reads tour back in June and it was a fantastic experience. I wish they had come close to me for this one because I would have loved to see Bardugo again. These ladies are just plain hilarious.
My very first author event EVER was Fierce Reads last year in June so it kind of has a special place in my heart! 🙂 These ladies are just so much fun. It was an absolute blast!
Great interview! I loved Leigh Bardugo before but now I just want to go and hang out with all these women! I am not jealous at all that you got to hang out with them. Not even a teeny tiny bit. Oh, who am I kidding?? I’m incredibly jealous! 🙂
I LOVE Leigh Bardugo. All of the ladies were such a blast to hang out with and Leigh is just so funny too! I would love to hang out with them every day! 🙂
Thanks so much for leaving a comment! xo
Add Sarah J Maas and Kristin Cashore into the mix as well and that might just be my ultimate fantasy dinner party! 🙂 x
That would be a FANTASTIC dinner party! Can I join? Haha!
Ha ha! When I open up my dream bookshop in Paris and am hosting the fantasy dinner party to celebrate, I’ll send you an invite! There was no reply button to your last comment in case you wonder why I stuck this up here! 🙂