Publishing Info: November 8, 2005 by Random House Publishing Group
Genres: Adult, Fantasy
Find it on the web: Buy from Amazon // GoodreadsDate Completed: October 30, 2013
Related Posts: A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1), A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire #2), A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire #3), A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire #5)
With A Feast for Crows, Martin delivers the long-awaited fourth volume of the landmark series that has redefined imaginative fiction and stands as a modern masterpiece in the making.
After centuries of bitter strife, the seven powers dividing the land have beaten one another into an uneasy truce. But it's not long before the survivors, outlaws, renegades, and carrion eaters of the Seven Kingdoms gather. Now, as the human crows assemble over a banquet of ashes, daring new plots and dangerous new alliances are formed while surprising faces—some familiar, others only just appearing—emerge from an ominous twilight of past struggles and chaos to take up the challenges of the terrible times ahead. Nobles and commoners, soldiers and sorcerers, assassins and sages, are coming together to stake their fortunes...and their lives. For at a feast for crows, many are the guests—but only a few are the survivors.
While A FEAST FOR CROWS wasn’t my favorite of the series so far, it was definitely still enjoyable. It’s hard to review because like all of the other books, SO much happens throughout the course of 1000+ pages, but as always, I will do my best!
A FEAST FOR CROWS is an interesting concept as far as plotting A Song of Ice and Fire goes. George R.R. Martin had SO much to tell about his characters and especially during this specific point in the series that A FEAST FOR CROWS that books four and five are basically one book split into two parts. AFFC follows the more minor characters like Arya, Sansa, Brienne, Sam, and we also get some interesting POVs with Jamie, Cersei, and various Greyjoys. Admittedly, without the “powerhouses” like Jon, Dany, Tyrion, and other favorites, it is a bit hard to get into and… I hate to say it, but I struggled until the last few chapters were things got AWESOME — but I get ahead of myself…
So we follow more minor characters in A FEAST FOR CROWS, but the lack of power players is made up with scenery changes. We get to explore places like Dorne, Oldtown, and other places outside of Westeros. I think this book really adds a deeper layer to the series, seeing more places, adding more history, and really weaving everything together. There were definitely less “OMG” moments seeing as the major plot points are typically following the stronger characters, but we eventually work up to some pretty awesome twists and surprises at the end of the book. AFFC is definitely a slower pace, especially after coming down of the highs and sudden drops in A STORM OF SWORDS, but we receive a lot of important information in this book. I can also say that having already started A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, I’m already seeing these story lines looping back into the main plot and why they were important to see standing on their own.
I really struggled with some of the Greyjoy chapters (Greyjoys. They’re the new Davos.) but I think that was partially because I just really didn’t know that much about them aside from meeting Theon and briefly Asha. It’s always hard to start chapters with new characters whose histories I’m not familiar with yet. Those chapters also take place in the Iron Islands which is a territory I’m also not familiar with so it just becomes to be too much of an unknown and I get swamped in all of the details. They do have an interesting history and what seems to be an important part of the series, but those were my one big struggle in A FEAST FOR CROWS.
I actually didn’t know that this was a sort of “Part One” type of book before I started so I was really missing people like Dany, Jon, and Tyrion when I first started. I definitely think it’s important to know that it’s more like a piece of the bigger picture before starting! The last couple chapters were incredibly interesting and we finally have some “OMG” moments that the rest of the book seemed to be lacking. I’m glad it had an epic ending because it really made me more excited to start A DANCE WITH DRAGONS and the final push of our Song of Ice and Fire read along!
Brienne of Tarth // Character Obsessions: Finding Sansa, finding Sansa, finding Sansa, Jamie.
I loved Brienne in previous books, but admittedly her chapters were DULL in this book. She’s so focused on finding Sansa as her last vow to Jamie and still working on her vow to Catelyn Stark and yes, her journeys take her all over this fantasy world but… It’s a LONG journey. We get a little of her history and FINALLY something incredibly interesting in Brienne’s last chapter in the book, but wow. It took a long time to get there!
Samwell Tarly // Character Obsessions: Protecting Gilly and Aemon, trying not to be a craven.
Sam’s chapters were actually pretty interesting. I wanted a bit more from them at times but Sam’s travels were much more exciting than Brienne’s. I really liked the history that he discovers and the end of his chapters also set up for many questions and left me extremely curious!
Kept Me Hooked On: The minor characters. It is a bit difficult reading 1000+ pages without our favorites, but I really enjoyed getting the back stories of some of the more minor characters and especially some of the people who were originally portrayed as antagonists like Cersei Lannister.
Left Me Wanting More: Action. With the first three books featuring a lot more action and adventure, A FEAST FOR CROWS was definitely a slower pace. I needed more OMG moments to carry me through and I did enjoy the book but not nearly as much as I had hoped.
Addiction Rating
Read it!
Well, you’ve made it three books so no read to stop now, right? I think as long as you know that book four is sort of a “part one” for books four and five, it will help prepare you. It doesn’t quite have that faster pace like the rest of the books, but it’s still a very important installment of the series and it’s not like you can stop now anyway! 🙂
8 thoughts on “A Feast For Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire #4) – George R.R. Martin”
I am reading A Feast for Crows right now. I am glad to hear that the story will pick up towards the end. I find myself getting distracted while listening to this one, especially during the Greyjoy chapters. I do like the back story that we are getting in this one, even though I am missing out on Tyrion!
Great review! I’ve read the first book (and LOVED it) and have the second on my shelf waiting for me (: I picked it up 2 weeks ago to start, but got distracted with something else and haven’t gone back to it. But I’m really hoping to pick it back up soon! Just so many review books that I want to finish. Do you watch the tv show?
Thank you!
I hear ya with so many books to finish!!!
I’ve only watched a few episodes of the TV show, just because there’s so much going on! I definitely want to catch up though. I really wanted to read the books before I watched the show too! 🙂
I’ve watched the first season only, and I really enjoyed it! But I wanted to read the books first too… But that could be a while… so I might not be watching the show for another year or so! Maybe I’ll watch each season after I finish the book. Not sure yet (:
I have to admit that I may have given up with the Game of Thrones series after this one! I know you’ve already come so far by the time we get to this book but I really missed all the big, favourite characters and I wasn’t as interested in the others. I might eventually get back to it though.
Oh no! I can actually see that… I did miss the favorites a lot in book four, but I also understand that it’s more like one part of two pieces. I’ve already started book 5 and I’ve definitely been interested the whole time! After about 25%, I would say it’s worth starting! 🙂
I haven’t gotten this far in the series yet, but I’m glad for reviews like this one that remind me of what I’m getting into here, lol. Great review, thanks!
Thank you!! I think it’s good to be prepared for book four, but you’ve made it this far! Haha. And book five is really good so far, so I think it’s worth it to push though book four 🙂