Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014: Interview Swap!

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014

I’m so excited to be participating in the BOOK BLOGGER LOVE-A-THON again this year, hosted by Alexa and Katelyn! First thing today is the interview swap and I’m super excited to have interviewed KIM from THE NOMADIC BOOK HOARDER!

Brittany: I love that your blog is called The Nomadic Book Hoarder! (I am a book addict after all…) How did you end up deciding to start a book blog?
Thank you! I have been reading book blogs for so long, but I was always a lurker! I’ve wanted to start my own book blog for quite a while, but I was hesitant because I’m not a native English speaker. I knew there were more international bloggers, but it was always holding me back. The funny thing is that Twitter made me start my own book blog. When I joined Twitter, I started following all my favorite book bloggers and I learned how much fun bloggers were having recommending each other books and talking about books and fangirling over books. And then I knew, this was a great community for me, because I want to talk about books all the time, but my family and friends are getting sick of it. And that’s how after  years of being a lurker I finally joined the book blogging community!

B: I saw from your blog that you just started blogging this past July! What’s your favorite thing about blogging so far?
K: My favorite thing is definitely getting to know other bloggers and connecting with so many people! I’m a very newbie blogger but the welcoming in the book blog community has been great 😀 I’m so glad to have made bookish friends (because before blogging I didn’t have any friends who read!). I also love that I’m writing again. Not stories, but writing blog posts counts as writing to me. I used to write all the time in my teens but I gave up when I went to uni.

B: What’s one of your favorite posts that you’ve written so far? Was there any special reason it meant so much to you?
I personally love to read discussion posts on other blogs, they are my favorite kind of posts. I have written a few myself and I’m proud of them because I found them so hard to write, much harder than reviews for example. My favorite discussion I’ve written is the post where in I share my thoughts on J.K. Rowling’s Ron/Hermione revelation, because I love the Harry Potter books and Ron/Hermione is my OTP. This was near to my heart and I needed to write this post, because I had to vent about it.
Another favorite post of mine is my review of Get Well Soon by Julie Halpern. It’s a one-star review (which I don’t like), but also a very personal post and that’s why I like it.

B: If you could pick one book or series to live in, which would it be?
K: Okay, first thing on my mind was Throne of Glass because of CHAOL. But then I thought I wouldn’t actually want to live in that world and also Chaol should be with Celaena haha. Not that he would pick me over Celaena, but you know, a swooning fangirl can be quite annoying!
I love this question, but it’s also very hard to answer because most of my favorite books have worlds I’d never want to live in (like most fantasy and dystopian worlds)! Like, I love the idea of living in Hogwarts, but not during the events in the book! No, I’d much rather be a student there AFTER the Battle of Hogwarts. So, I’m picking Pivot Point. It’s still in our world, so I wouldn’t need to adjust too much, but I would get an awesome mind power ability! AND there’s no evil wizards or scary monsters.

B: What’s one book that you really, personally connected with? (Either a recent read or one from your childhood!) Was there any specific reason why?
K: When I was in my teens I read and loved the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series and I really connected with it. This is because I could see myself so clearly in one of the main characters (Lena), and I related to her so much that it hurt. In a good way, mind you. I used to reread these books every summer (summer seemed fitting!) and I cried every time during some of her chapters.
Two years ago I read Sisterhood Everlasting, the final book in the series that follows the main characters ten years after the fourth book. And I could still see myself in Lena.

B: You’re stranded on a deserted island and can only bring three books with you! Which would they be?
K: Ah this is so hard, because do I choose my favorite books or books that I cherish for other reasons (like signed copies)? Hmm…I would definitely go for favorite books that I could re-read again and again, because those signed copies are awesome but I wouldn’t have any shelves on the island to showcase them.
I will bring Tiger Lily and Persuasion with me, because they are two of my all-time favorite books and I can re-read them and not get bored of them. Also, I’m cheating because I’m bringing the Harry Potter box set with me, so I’ll have the whole series with me! Actually, being stranded on a deserted island would be perfect right now, because I can finally reread the entire Harry Potter series as that is something I’ve been meaning to do for ages. As long as you pick me up after I’ve finished it, I don’t want to be stranded forever, lol!

B: Do you have any special reading or blogging goals/ideas/posts in mind for 2014? 
I do have some new type of posts planned. You might have noticed the ‘Nomadic’ in my blog name and wondered what it is doing there. Well, besides reading I LOVE travel and when I started my blog I wanted to write a lot of travel posts too and have my blog name reflect that, hence the ‘Nomadic’. But I never got around to it, because I loved writing about books to much! But this year I am going to write some travel related posts and have a few planned. But I don’t have any specific goals in mind for this year. I just want to continue having fun with blogging and meeting other bloggers!

Thanks so much to Kim for the interview!!! It was great getting to know a new blogger! Please do check out her blog and say hello!! I’ve already been chatting with her on Twitter since we got paired up and she’s pretty awesome! And don’t forget to check out Kim’s interview with me over at her blog too!

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Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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13 thoughts on “Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014: Interview Swap!

  1. Stormy

    This makes me so happy Brittany since you & Kim are two of my favorite bloggers! Good pairing.
    Pivot Point is an awesome pick for a bookish world. I’d love to have some of those paranormal abilities!(Others, not so much).
    I always connected to Lena too. There was something about her that made me drawn to her.

  2. Alexa S.

    Kim, I am THRILLED that you’re a Throne of Glass fan, because I am, too. I’m in love with this series (okay, maybe Chaol in particular) and can’t wait for Heir of Fire! I’m happy that you’re feeling welcomed into the book blogging community, and making tons of friends. That’s part of the reason I enjoy it so!

  3. Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

    I really need to try out Throne of Glass, I have seen SO much love for it, and even a ton today alone in interviews!!

    I loved that you had a personal connection to Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I actually have never read those books, but I did see the movie and enjoyed it so I will give them a try! I love that the last book happens ten years later, that’s a great way to wrap up a YA series!

  4. Katelyn

    This was such a fun interview Brittany! Thank you so much for joining and for introducing us to Kim! I loved reading through all of her answers and learning about her new blog 🙂

  5. Hannah @ In the Best Worlds

    First – I’m totally with you with the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It’s a series that definitely influenced my teen years and reading Sisterhood Everlasting was kind of like growing up. Second – There’s just something wonderful about the way Tiger Lily and desert island seem to go together…

  6. Hazel @ Stay Bookish

    Great interview you guys! So nice to meet an awesome new blogger like Kim! I’m so excited that she loves Chaol and that she’s a fan of travel too! And I definitely adore her blog name and awesome header photo! 🙂

  7. Michelle

    It seems to be the universal answer to say that we would all bring Harry Potter with us in a dire situation. It truly is amazing the impact those books have had on all of us!

    And I agree–I LOVE discussion posts. They are the posts that I definitely mark as ‘need to make sure to find time to read’! 🙂

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