Book and a Beverage [57] – Saru from To Read or Not To Read?

Book and a Beverage

Welcome back to BOOK AND A BEVERAGE!

In case you don’t know the deal about Book and a Beverage, it’s a very simple yet fun feature: We read books, we drink beverages, we take pictures of them and then I share your photos and a little about you to the blogging world!

Give a big welcome to Saru from To Read or Not To Read!




Name & Blog Name: Hi everyone! My name is Saru, and my blog is To Read or Not To Read?
Tell us a little about your blog! My blog is the ramblings of a teenaged fangirl. I read and blog about mostly YA and some Middle Grade books. I partake in some memes and I review books(rather inconsistently, unfortunately).
What’s been your favorite post you’ve written so far? (Link us up!) Probably my discussion post about Book Hangovers. I got some good feedback from it, on my blog and on my Google+ page. I really enjoyed talking to everyone who commented!
Got anything special coming up we should know about? Well, now that summer is coming, I’ll have more time to write posts, without worrying about school. I’ve made it a goal of mine to write at least one post a day, which should give me a chance to catch up, or at least make some headway in my giant list of reviews to write.


Whatcha reading? I just finished City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare and it’s left me in a bit of a book hangover.
Where did it come from? (Library, purchased, publisher, etc) I was the first hold on it at the library so I got it the day after it came out!
Any special reason you chose to feature this book? The Mortal Instruments is one of my all time favorite series, and this book was the last one, making it all the more special to me. No book makes me smile like these ones do. 🙂
What’s important that we should know about this book? Would you recommend it? It’s the 6th and final book in a series so don’t pick it up without reading the other ones first! And DEFINITELY read the whole series. You will not regret it!.


Whatcha drinking? Some Starbucks iced coffee. It’s good stuff!
What’s your favorite thing to drink while reading? It really depends on my mood. But I love going to Barnes and Noble, reading, and having a frapuccino. So I guess something from Starbucks.
Favorite beverage of all time. Go! I think I’d have to go with the Java Chip frappuccinos at, you guessed it, Starbucks. Chocolate and coffee is a match made in heaven.


What are your top three books you would recommend to other people? The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, and Paper Towns by John Green.
What’s your proudest blogging/reading/writing moment? 
Whenever an author contacts me asking me to review one of their books, or likes one of my reviews, I freak out a little. It makes me very proud that they liked something of mine enough to contact me.
Anything else you’d like to share? 
Thank you to anyone who has ever looked at my blog, commented on one of my posts, followed me, or encouraged me. You guys keep me going. 🙂

Thanks, Saru! So happy to have you on Book and a Beverage! I think it’s always exciting to have an author contact you! Such an honor 🙂 

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Saru! Connect with her at the links below!
Blog // Twitter // Tumblr // Goodreads // Bloglovin’

And don’t forget! You can participate in Book and a Beverage at any time! Got a book? Got a beverage? Just tweet or post your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #bookandabeverage and I’ll retweet or repost your photo!


Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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2 thoughts on “Book and a Beverage [57] – Saru from To Read or Not To Read?

  1. Mia Hayson

    This is such a sweet post!!

    The Mortal Instruments has reignited my passion for the paranormal. It’s so great. One day I want to have as much sass as Jace.


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