My Latest Bookish Addiction [12] – Re-Reading


In keeping with the theme of my blog, I decided to start bringing you updates of the newest and greatest bookish addictions in my life so I can share with you some awesomely bookish things or discuss if maybe we share the same bookish loves. It seemed like a great way to get a little discussion going in a very relaxed way.

This Edition’s Bookish Addiction? Re-Reading

I’ve been re-reading a lot of books lately. Before I was a blogger, I re-read books ALL THE TIME. Literally. Those were all of my reads. I was constantly re-reading Harry Potter and sometimes the Twilight saga. I never really paid attention to new books other than what my sister was reading and what my friends were reading from time to time and I barely had half a shelf full of books that I actually owned and kept and those were my re-reads.

Since I became a blogger, I obviously haven’t had as much time for re-reads, but I also don’t want to forget all of the books that made me fall in love with reading. Recently I’ve been doing a lot of re-reads, most of them via audio (I even made a previous My Latest Bookish Addiction post on my love of audiobooks!) and I’ve been finding that’s a great way to experience my favorite books in a new way to experience them for a second time.

Re-reads have always been really important to me and I’ve been in a few reading slumps lately… Nothing big but sometimes I just end up not feeling my current book and for some reason… it’s been happening a lot lately. What to do, what to do? Pick up a re-read!

It all started a while ago when I felt the need to re-read Harry Potter again. It’s probably been… well, YEARS since my last re-read and those books need to be read way more often than that. I had heard good things about the audio so I decided to try them and just love them! I’ve been making my way though the series (Order of the Phoenix up next!) and ever since then I’ve been picking up a LOT more books to re-read (mostly via audio) as well.

In the last year, I’ve re-read quite a few books and it’s SUCH a good feeling. It’s so nice to remember what I loved about these books and how they made me feel. It’s so fantastic to spend time with them again and to see different things in them that I didn’t recognize the first time around because I was focused on a different aspect of the book when I first read it. Even re-reading Harry Potter for the umpteenth time, I find something different in each book each time I read them. How I read a book and what I see not only changes because I already know some of the basics and don’t have to focus as much on them, but also my reading styles and interpretations change with age.

I’ve read quite a few books for the second (or third… or fourth… or more) time recently and honestly with each re-read, I appreciate the book a little bit more. I might not be as amazed and astonished as I was the first time around but I learn different things about the book that I might not have seen before and I get to spend more time with the characters that I love and the worlds I wish I could experience even more!

So tell me! Do you find yourself wanting to re-read some of your favorites? Do time and dedication to other books hold you back? Or do you make the time to spend some time with your favorite books?



Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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15 thoughts on “My Latest Bookish Addiction [12] – Re-Reading

  1. Erin @

    Oh, definitely. I re-read books all the time, to the point where there are periods where I re-read books more than I read new ones. I have a lot of books on my bookshelves, so at night I’ll just pull random books down and start all over again. I love how you can always find details that you missed before that make the second reading sometimes even better than the first.

  2. BarefootMedStudent

    As a rule I actually dislike re-reading. I have so many books I want to read that I struggle to bring myself to re-reading! Same with movies.
    HOWEVER, last year I re-read The Little Prince, because I first read it at the age of 7 and hardly remembered anything about it – except for the elephant-in-snake. I definitely didn’t remember that dark ending.
    And this month I’ve been participating in “Harry Potter Month” and I’m re-reading the Harry Potter books! YAY and I am SO GLAD I’m doing it. I’m listening to them in audio though, whereas I first read them thirteen years ago.

  3. Estelle

    I have been rereading the most this year and it’s amazing. I just read all of Miranda Kenneally’s books in a row, and a few others throughout the year and yay. It feels so good to just pick what I want when I want and not care and to RELIVE these worlds and these characters who I just love love love. Something old can def feel new again. I’m glad you are doing it too!

  4. amyo3119

    I rarely ever re-read books, but I wasn’t a huge re-reader before either. I re-read the Hunger Game series this year and just loved it. It told me I need to at least make time for a few re-reads in a year!

    1. Brittany Post author

      Oh yay! I re-read The Hunger Games trilogy too and they were even more interesting the second time around I think! I think re-reads are so much fun 😀

  5. Katie @ Polished Page-Turner

    I am glad I am not the only one who has been all about rereading lately. I have been loving it for a series binge before the last book. I was telling someone I like doing this because this will be the last time I can read the first book(s) without knowing how it all ends. There is something special about that. Plus there is no greater feeling than knowing you are going to love a book.

  6. Alexa S.

    God, yes! I’ve really enjoyed rereading some of my favorite books this year. It’s seriously such a fun thing to do, and to experience it differently every single time. I think it’s definitely something I’ll prioritize doing! Glad you’re feeling the same way.

  7. Amanda

    I actually just got Siege & Storm from the library yesterday for a re-read so this is good timing for me. I look at re-reading as my comfort reading. I love the books that I’ve read so many times I can just open them in the middle and go-books like HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban. I also love when its been so long since you’ve read a book that you have forgotten the twists and can be surprised all over again.

    This is a great topic to think about-I do need to make more time for those books!

  8. Courtney @ Courtney Reads A Lot

    Omg! I love this post because this has actually been a pressing issue for me lately! I want to reread the Harry Potter series so badly, among other books, but I keep thinking I need to read new books. There’s just so many new books that I want to read that I can’t help feeling guilty that I’m rereading older books. It’s ridiculous! I know! But I just can’t help it. I just have to stop reading all new books and make time for rereads as well. I think listening to audiobooks is a great idea! I’ve been considering listening to The Book Thief sometime soon because I’ve been meaning to reread it. Lovely post, Brittany!

  9. Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook

    I love re-reading! Granted, I don’t do much of it these days, since I started blogging. But I definitely love it! And I often like to re-read when I’m in a slump too. I even have books that I go to when I am in a reading slump. Like Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz. I love that book, even though it really isn’t an amazing book. But it’s comfortable, fast paced, and fun, and it helps me get out of a slump.

    And I also like re-reading in a different format. When you have narrator it can really change the feeling of the book, and I enjoy that. You definitely can’t read Harry Potter too many times 🙂

  10. Andi

    I’m a huge rereader. I feel like I can get though a book I have already read faster so I don’t feel bad throwing it in here and there when I should be reading other things. More a while I reread A Walk to Remember and Catcher in the Rye every year. That has since changed and I make sure to reread Anna and the French Kiss once a year if not twice (hence having read it 8 times). I also like to reread books before the movie comes out. Because of this I will be rereading Mockingjay and If I Stay and possible Maze Runner.

  11. Amanda @ Book Badger

    I would love to be able to re-read some books and I so totally would as well, if I wasn’t trying to make sure there’s content out a lot of the time, which means new reviews, but I’m hoping that next year I can start re-reading books a little more, giving them a new feel and reigniting my love for them when I’m in slumps, like I’m still currently getting out of, so here’s hoping! I love this post though, actually, I tend to love all of yours 😉

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