Top Ten Tuesday: August 19, 2014 – Top Ten Books My Friends Think I NEED to Read!


It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic: Top Ten Books People Have Been Telling You That You MUST Read


So my fantasy recommendations mainly come from my fantasy experts: Alyssa, Amy, and Nikki. I’ve been meaning to read DAUGHTER OF THE FOREST since it’s one of Alyssa’s favorites and I really should get to it soon! THE NAME OF THE WIND and MISTBORN both came highly recommended and I’m on a really good fantasy kick right now so I’m anxious to get to all of these!


I know, I know. I promise I would get to MY LIFE NEXT DOOR this summer… But sigh. Wedding planning among other things just go in the way and I had to push it aside yet again. I really REALLY do want to get to it soon because everyone says I will love it but I just need to find the time! Sandie from Teen Lit Rocks also just recommended ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES which is coming out this winter (and apparently has already been optioned for movie rights even before the book is published) so I’ll take that to mean it should be amazing (and I always trust Sandie’s recommedations)!


I’ve heard so many great things about all of these books through other bloggers and on Twitter… I do own a few of them now so that’s a good start! Others I still need to find a copy so I can hurry up and get to these!

I have high hopes that I’ll love all of these and I love all the book pushing! Now if I just had the time to read them… Someone get me a time-turner!

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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25 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: August 19, 2014 – Top Ten Books My Friends Think I NEED to Read!

  1. Amanda @ Late Nights with Good Books

    I freaking love Daughter of the Forest and its two sequels. Never read the final three, but the first three are certainly worth reading.
    I haven’t read Mistborn or Name of the Wind just yet, but they’re also on my tbr list and feel like books I should read soon, since I do love fantasy so much.
    Pointe is really very good. Difficult to read at times, but a well done story. I think the same is true for A Monster Calls, but I haven’t summoned up enough courage to actually read it yet.
    I hope you’re able to get to some of these recommendations soon!

  2. Alexa S.

    I’m right there with you on need to read Daughter of the Forest (which Alyssa gave me!), as well as Pointe, which I bought after a solid recommendation. Here’s to hoping we BOTH get around to reading these two books! (Also, I definitely think you should read My Life Next Door AND Graffiti Moon.)

  3. Danielle @ Love at First Page

    I think whenever I visit your blog MLND is somehow always mentioned. Meaning: you need to read this book asap. 😀 I also loved Graffiti Moon – the writing is gorgeous!
    Daughter of the Forest (and co) is a series I want to read too! I’ve heard such great things.

  4. Jessie H.

    I’ve only read The Name of the Wind and Mistborn on your list but they are freaking amazing! My Life Next Door is on my list of contemporaries to read soon!

  5. Justine @ paperback heart

    I read this last year like minutes after becoming a blogger and it instantly became my favorite book. It’s the book that I want to keep to myself, so I didn’t even put it on my list this week (and I did books I push on other people) – but since you already know about it I guesssss I’ll start pushing haha

  6. Angie

    FREAKING NIKKI. I blame most of my unconquerable TBR on her. Also Graffiti Moon and My Life Next Door are fantastic so read them soon!

    1. Brittany Post author

      I JUST started Mistborn this morning and I bought A Monster Calls because of all the good recs! Hoping they go well 🙂

  7. Stormy

    A Monster Calls! I love all of Patrick Ness’ books, but that one’s my favorite.
    Behind the Scenes is pretty fun–not really what I thought it would be, but I think I ended up liking it more because of that fact.

    1. Brittany Post author

      Oooh yay! Glad to hear both are good. I bought AMC because of all the good reviews and I’ve heard pretty much only good things about BTS 🙂

    1. Brittany Post author

      I just started the audiobook for Mistborn this morning! I mean, I haven’t made it far yet but so far it’s good 😉

    1. Brittany Post author

      I think I’m buying NOTW with my Audible credit next month! 😀
      I know, I know, I still need to read MLND! Don’t hurt me!! Hahah

  8. Rebecca @ The Library Canary

    I literally just finished The Name of the Wind last night and it was sooooo amazing!!! You must read it soon! Add me to the list of people book-pushing this on you. That book seriously blew my mind. It wasn’t super fast-paced or anything, but it was so well done. I loved every single second of it.

    I really need to read MLND. I should have put that one on my list for sure. Ppl keep telling me to read it and I keep putting it off.

    Oh and Mistborn is another one I really want to read. I’ve heard amazing things!!!

    1. Brittany Post author

      Yayyyyy! I think I’m going to use my Audible credit for NotW next month! I’ve heard great things about the audio too! I just started the Mistborn audio this morning and haven’t made it far but so far, so good! 🙂

    1. Brittany Post author

      Yay!! I’ve heard such good things about her books and have been told I should love them! I really need to get to Daughter of the Forest soon!

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