Welcome back to BOOK AND A BEVERAGE!
In case you don’t know the deal about Book and a Beverage, it’s a very simple yet fun feature: We read books, we drink beverages, we take pictures of them and then I share your photos and a little about you to the blogging world!
Give a big welcome to Lindsey from Bring My Books!
Name & Blog Name: Lindsey @ Bring My Books
Tell us a little about your blog! I had been thinking about starting a blog for ages, because I do so love talking books with people, and everything I knew about the blogging community just made the idea so much more appealing. I set it up in the middle of 2013, and officially started posting in January of this year. It’s a little eclectic; featuring YA, Historical Fiction, Women’s Contemporary, Fantasy, and a little bit of mystery. Sometimes I do long reviews, sometimes mini reviews of a bunch of books at once, and sometimes I talk about movies or what it’s like to work at a brick-and-mortar bookstore.
What’s been your favorite post you’ve written so far? (Link us up!) Through a Top Ten Tuesday post a few months ago, I found Laura – who ended up basically being my doppelganger. We both love Jane Eyre, we both work at the same bookstore chain, and we both carry 2-3 books with us always. That led to this guest post, which was such a fun thing to compile! There was no possibility of taking a walk that day, so we talked about Jane Eyre instead!
Got anything special coming up we should know about? For now, let’s just hope for regular posts! I’m a bit behind on my book reviews for this year, so that’s what my current focus is 🙂
Whatcha reading? Voyager, otherwise known as Outlander the Third!
Where did it come from? (Library, purchased, publisher, etc) The bookstore! I am still getting the hang of publisher requests, I am absolutely no good at libraries (if there is a blacklist for library patrons, I believe you’ll find my name on it), and working at a bookstore is pretty much the best of times and worst of times. (I always tell customers that I can’t afford *not* to work there – the discount is my saving grace!)
Any special reason you chose to feature this book? It is amazing, and it is going to take over your life, and you will thank the world that such a book and such a series exists. (All of this is assuming that you appreciate Historical Fiction, Highlanders, Romance (of the heaving bosom variety … oof), mystery, adventure, time travel, epic love, etc., etc.)
What’s important that we should know about this book? Would you recommend it? It is not for the faint of heart! First of all, it’s 800+ pgs. Second of all, it’s the third in a series in which each book is 800+ pgs. Third of all, YES. I wholeheartedly recommend this series to anyone interested the aforementioned genres. Or just in things that are incredible, and that have the swooniest of all swoonworthy men. (The best thing about said swoon? He’s just so *real*! Frustrating, stubborn, sweet, fierce, foolhardy, romantic, strong, cunning, and he’s a HIGHLANDER. Yes, please.)
Whatcha drinking? A Starbucks Refresher – Valencia Orange, added Peach Syrup, and then fizzed! (If you didn’t know you could do all these things to a Valencia Orange Refresher, you can. &&you should. It’s delicious!) Fizzed just means adding carbonation, and you haven’t lived until you’ve tried a fizzy Orange Refresher.
What’s your favorite thing to drink while reading? It honestly just depends on what I have on hand, I’m not very particular. I do very much enjoy a nice glass of Pinot Grigio while reading on the porch during the summer time. Those three things all together make for a perfect summer night!
Favorite beverage of all time. Go! I hate to admit it, but I’m going to have to. Mountain Dew. It is my kryptonite, I just … I can’t … how do I give it up? Between working two jobs for the past all-my-working-years, I can tell you it’s gotten me through many an 18 hour day!
What are your top three books you would recommend to other people? Harry Potter series, Enchanted Forest Chronicles, and The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.
What’s your proudest blogging/reading/writing moment? Wow, this is a tough one! Honestly, I think that my proudest blogging moment is just starting the blog and sticking with it! Between two jobs, a boyfriend, friends, and, well, you know, reading – It’s hard to find the time. (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – SO. MUCH. RESPECT. for all of you bloggers out there that have all of those things in your life, even adding children into the mix, and manage to get stuff done. I don’t know how you do it, but I hope to have your organization/time management skills someday! 🙂
Anything else you’d like to share? Thank you to Brittany for hosting such a fun meme, and for featuring me and my little baby blog!
Thanks, Lindsey! Wow, I hadn’t even heard of Starbucks refreshers! That sounds really interesting and in fact, really refreshing! 🙂 I’ve wanted to get into the Outlander series for a while but… I chose A Song of Ice and Fire as my “big book” series first!
I hope you enjoyed getting to know Lindsey! Connect with her at the links below!
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And don’t forget! You can participate in Book and a Beverage at any time! Got a book? Got a beverage? Just tweet or post your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #bookandabeverage and I’ll retweet or repost your photo!
2 thoughts on “Book and a Beverage [68] – Lindsey from Bring My Books”
Outlander series is amaazing and so epic. And YES to Jamie Fraser… *sigh* I have actually yet to try a starbucks refresher. I am a hopeless coffee addict so every time i’m in starbucks I can’t not buy coffee… haha.
Brittany, love this post idea! And LINDSEY!! I love your post! Let’s begin with:
-Outlander the Third hehe. Sounds like royalty or a snobby rich kid at the least. I sort of love it. And I TOTALLY LOVE how addicted you are to the series! You sell it perfectly, I hope everyone reads it after reading your description 😀
-Library blacklist hahaha, you and me both! I’ve gotten better but I can’t tell you the number of late fees I’ve paid and racked up (at more than one library at a time mind you). And there are a couple books I’ve checked out multiple times, renewed, returned late, and still haven’t read. Fail.
-I didn’t know they made orange refreshers! Your version sounds so gooood. Chris loves the Cool Lime one.
-MOUNTAIN DEW!!!! I wouldn’t have guessed that for a million years, I love Mountain Dew. So delicious and caffeine-y.
-Your top three books are perfect. I read the Enchanted Forest Chronicles a long time ago, 8th or 9th grade. Still have my copies so I should probably reread them soon! And you know how I feel about HP and Kate Morton <3 <3 <3