Top Ten Tuesday – September 2, 2014: Top Ten Characters Who Would Be at My Lunch Table


It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic: Top Ten Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table



  • Cricket from Nantucket Blue & Nantucket Red: Cricket is a character I really identified with on so many levels, especially in NANTUCKET RED. I easily felt like I would fit into her world and her group of friends!
  • Anna from Anna and the French Kiss: Anna is another person who I really connected too. Maybe we’d be TOO similar? But really, I just think we’d be besties!
  • Julia from Meant to Be: Julia was another girl I felt like I really connected with and I think if we met up, we’d be pretty good friends! We have a lot of things in common and I also think we could learn a lot from each other.
  • Macallan from Better Off Friends: Macallan would totally be in my circle of friends. She seems laid back and yet fun all at the same time.
  • Allyson from Just One Day: Allyson and I are a LOT a like and I really related to JUST ONE DAY in so many ways. I felt like I sort of relived my own life while reading that book… And actually, all of these girls feel like little pieces of me. Am I picking best friends or just girls that I feel the most like…?


  • Gansey, Adam, Ronan, and Noah from The Raven Boys: These guys have a nice, mixed group. I feel like I’d get along really well with Gansey but I also love Adam and I think a group needs a little bad boy with Ronan and a little mystery with Noah. They seem like a group of guys I’d like to hang out with.
  • Roar from Through the Ever Night: Well, he’s in UNDER THE NEVER SKY too but somehow I don’t have a copy of that book yet… Anyway. He also got a lot more face time in TTEN and I just love his personality. He’s fun, friendly, and outgoing. He’d probably be one of the guys I had a crush on.
  • Trevor from Pivot Point: Another book that somehow I don’t own the first in the series so you get to see SPLIT SECOND! Anyway… I loved Trevor. He was so great and swoony


  • Adam and Mia from If I Stay: I was a choir nerd in high school and we also hung out with a lot of band and orchestra people… Adam and Mia would totally be in my group of friends (I mean, if they weren’t too cool for me…)
  • Mik and Zuzanna from Daughter of Smoke and Bone: I totally forgot to put this book in the picture… But Mik and Zuze would be awesome friends. I love them together and they would totally make high school a blast!

So those are my picks for this week! I think if I could have these people at my lunch table, I would have a hell of a time at high school lunch! 😉

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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18 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – September 2, 2014: Top Ten Characters Who Would Be at My Lunch Table

  1. Alexa S.

    I need to sit at your table, Brittany! You’ve got some amazing characters as your lunch table regulars, and I want to be a part of that. There are characters I could relate to (Hi Anna and Allyson!), and characters I just adore (Zuzana and Mik! Roar! The Raven Boys!). I’d make a great addition, I think 😉

  2. Bella

    Yes to this list! You have a great mix of characters, all of which I wouldn’t mind sitting with. If I included boys on my Top Ten, Trevor from Pivot Point would have definitely made it! He seems like such a great guy all around 🙂

    Bella @ Ciao Bella

    1. Jessica @ a GREAT read

      Okay, so apparently I am technology inclined–never been a doubt about that! But I’m trying to follow your blog and seem to be having trouble…I tend to use Blogger or email the most, but not see those as options. And the RSS feed is confusing me because it doesn’t have gmail as an option…am I missing something? LOL 🙂

      1. Brittany Post author

        Oh! I used to have a subscribe through email box!! I guess it accidentally got deleted when I changed some stuff around on my site. I will put it back right now. Thanks!!!! 🙂

  3. Heidi

    I’m still mad at myself for not including Mik and Zuzanna. Because YOU KNOW. I DID include Adam, though I should have cheated and invited all the Raven Boys. =)

  4. Morgan @ Gone with the Words

    Anna, Julia, and Macallan! Perfect choices, they’d be so much fun to be friends with. I’d add Sloane and Emily from Since You’ve Been Gone; Emily would fit in well and Sloane would bring a jolt of something hehe.

    And YES ALL THE RAVEN BOYS! Let’s add Xander from The Distance Between Us to the mix, I think he and Gansey would get along 🙂 Rich boys with a heart of gold. Sounds about right.

  5. Veronika

    Love how you divided your list into categories, especially ‘The Power Couple’.
    I really connected to Anna too, actually I thought about adding her to my list but then chose Lola for some reasons.
    Gansey, Adam, Ronan, and Noah. How could I forget about these four? Would love to have them at my lunch table (or really anywhere near me) lol.
    Great list. 🙂

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