Top Ten Tuesday – September 23, 2014: Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR


September 23, 2014

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic: Top Ten Books On My Fall To-Be-Read list

I always love the Top Ten Tuesdays involving TBRs! I never know what to pick though… Do I pick new books that are coming out this fall or books I plan to read next? Well, I guess in any case, this one is easy. I’m falling behind with my new release/review books so let’s focus on the September/October/November books I’m looking forward to!



Yes, yes, I know. I still haven’t read I’LL GIVE YOU THE SUN yet. I’m just waiting for the perfect mood! I have so many things going on right now that I want to be able to dedicate the time and attention to this one, but don’t worry! It IS on my list to read ASAP!


I tore through THE 5TH WAVE last summer so I’m really excited to get to THE INFINITE SEA! I’ve heard some mixed reviews so far but there are still some positive ones so I have hope! It’s been a while since I’ve read THE 5TH WAVE too so maybe my expectations won’t be overly high.

trialbyfire I also couldn’t wait to get my hands on TRIAL BY FIRE and whoops. Still haven’t read it. Although I will say that the more I know about it, the more it seems not like what I expected… but in a good way! I think I’ll really like this one when I pick it up.


I’ve also taken a really long time to read FALLING INTO PLACE. I was hoping it would be like IF I STAY but it seems like there are lots of mixed reviews for this one as well. I guess there’s an unlikeable narrator? I still want to try it but the disappointment from others has made me push this one back for now. fine_art_of_pretendingTHE FINE ART OF PRETENDING looks absolutely adorable. I’ve seen a lot of good reviews for this one and I can’t wait to read it!



I really loved Christa Desir’s FAULT LINE. It was so emotional, extremely real, and had really interesting characters. With BLEED LIKE ME coming out in October, I’m definitely looking forward to more of her work! snow_like_ashes

I’ve heard some good things about SNOW LIKE ASHES and… well, to be honest, it’s been so long since I’ve read the synopsis that I forgot what it was even about. But it did sound interesting and I know it’s one that’s on my list for October!  trust_me_im_lyingTRUST ME, I’M LYING just sounds like a “me” book. I’m really excited for this one and it just sounds like so much fun!



I have been geeking out over A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU since I first heard about it last year in MARCH and I cannot wait to get to it! It sounds absolutely fantastic and I think I’ll really enjoy it. And omg THAT COVERRRRR.


I’m actually not 100% sure how I’ll feel about THE WALLED CITY, but I definitely still have interest! I’ll have to go check out some reviews and see what the early readers are saying about this one. I have a copy from BEA but it’s not quite jumping out at me YET.

Heyyyy, I ACTUALLY kept it to ten! Of course, my fall TBR holds MANY more books than this, but this is what I’m working with for now! I’m always behind so let’s pretend that I’ll actually get to these. (We all know I never really read the books I put on Top Ten lists saying I’ll get to them in X season… Life happens!)

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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22 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – September 23, 2014: Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR

  1. Danielle @ Love at First Page

    Great list, lady! The Fine Art of Pretending and The Walled City are two I’m looking forward to as well.
    You definitely need to read I’ll Give You the Sun! It’ll break your heart and mend it at the same time. I’m sure you’ll love it. 😉
    Happy reading to you!

  2. Amanda @ Late Nights with Good Books

    For this seasonal topic, I have this routine of picking 5 new releases and 5 older ones, and that seems to work out well for me. This season’s was particularly hard, though, because there are so many amazing fall releases! I’m also very excited for I’ll Give You the Sun. I do plan on reading The Infinite Sea eventually as well, but is it just me, or does it seem like after the hype the first book received, we’ve been hearing nothing about the sequel? Strange.
    I don’t know much about your other picks, but I’m definitely curious to learn more about Snow Like Ashes and A Thousand Pieces of You in particular.
    I hope you’re able to get to many of these this fall!

  3. Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

    SO many good books! I can’t wait to compare thoughts on I’ll Give You The Sun and Falling Into Place! As for Snow Like Ashes and Trust Me, I’m Lying – I can’t wait to read these!!! I also hope to squeeze The Infinite Sea in there somewhere! Happy Reading! Try and catch up on all your ARCs in time for ALA MW 😉

  4. Samantha

    What is this ‘I’ll Give You The Sun’ book? I’ve seen it everywhere lately! There is some gorgeous cover art in this post, you’ve piqued my curiosity!

  5. The Avid Reader

    I’m excited about a bunch of these too! Trial by Fire, Snow Like Ashes, and Trust Me, I’m Lying all look like books I would love.

    I STILL haven’t read The 5th Wave, but I really want to!

  6. Tanya Patrice

    I still haven’t read 5th Wave yet so I’m hoping to get to it and the next release this Fall too. Hope you enjoy all your Fall reads no matter which books you get to 🙂

  7. Lisa is Busy Nerding

    I see some of the books on YOUR list that are on MY list so if you want to read in tandem (I’ll Give You The Sun or Walled City) – HOLLA.

    Also how did I forget SNOW LIKE ASHES that book sounds perfect.

  8. Kayla @ The Thousand Lives

    Trial by Fire was SO good! Definitely a favorite for me for this year 😀 The story is just so easy to get into, and I was totally involved in every single part of it.

    I’m also really excited for Snow Like Ashes; it’s one the top of my list for the next few months!

  9. Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook

    The Fine Art of Pretending is pretty adorable. I must admit that I didn’t love it as much as I was hoping, but I still really liked it and I think you will, too, Brittany.

    I’m curious about Trial by Fire, but I don’t think I’ll be reading it right away. Happy fall reading! 🙂

  10. Stormy

    I’ll Give you the Sun & Snow Like Ashes are on my TBR too! I definitely want to read Snow Like Ashes soon, and I’ve seen it on tons of TTT list today! And The Infinite Sea too, though I need a refresher on The 5th Wave I think. I barely remember the storyline.

  11. Michelle (Pink Polka Dot Books)

    Trust Me I’m Lying sounds like a “me” book too. I also need to read I’ll Give You the Sun… I’ve been sitting on it since June and that makes me sad 🙁 I didn’t love Falling Into Place. It was okay, but just kind of blah. The Fine Art of Pretending looks cute too!

    My TTT

  12. Terri @ Starlight Book Reviews

    Man I forgot how pretty that Snow Like Ashes cover is, particularly the piece you’ve isolated for your picture there! So pretty with the light and stuff. I don’t even remember what it’s supposed to be about either, but remember liking the cover when it came out. I want to read the fine art of pretending too, because it looks pretty cute! Mostly I’m just a sucker for the adorable cover.

  13. Melody

    I absolutely loved Falling Into Place. It’s one of my favorite reads of the year! Hope you enjoy it! The majority of these books are on my TBR list as well and I hope to get to them all this fall! Love, love, love the cover of PIECES too!!!! Great list!

  14. Andi

    I’ll Give You the Sun and Thousand Pieces are both on my TBR list. Not sure what has held me back with the Nelson book. Maybe it is all the love. It scares me.

    Great list.

  15. Jessie H.

    I’m so excited for The Walled City and A Thousand Pieces of You! I’m a bit sad that they changed the cover for Walled City. The first one was gorgeous! Great list!

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