Top Ten Tuesday – October 21, 2014: Top Ten Series I Want To Start


October 21, 2014

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic: Top Ten Series I Want To Start

So wait. Really quick: FLASHBACK to the 3/5/13 Top Ten Tuesday post where I listed which series I wanted to start soon. I remembered doing a series post and I wanted to go back and see which ones I had listed. I only remember exactly two series — one which I hadn’t started yet (Mara Dyer) and one which I had actually started and finished (Daughter of Smoke and Bone) so I wanted to see which other series I had on that list! Did I finish any of the other series I wanted to start? Had I even started them? Well the short answer is… NO. Out of all of the series listed, I started exactly ONE other one (and DNFed the book). Sigh. SO I will redo this list in entirety because I’m not exactly super keen on starting some of the ones previous listed. Not that I don’t want to read them, but others seem to be more pressing!

Then I went through my Goodreads list and I just have so many series on there… Then finally decided there is no better place to go than my bookcase!



I may have never picked this book up but Juliet Marillier is one of my bestie’s (Alyssa‘s) favorite authors EVER. She actually bought me the first book in this series — DAUGHTER OF THE FOREST — and like the bad friend that I am, I still haven’t started it! But I did make a promise to start it in 2015! I think it’s good that I’ve waited for so long because I wasn’t as into fantasy UNTIL this year so hopefully I will be reading it at just the right time!


TRIAL BY FIRE honestly sounds like something I would love…. so why haven’t I started this yet!? Well actually, I did start it but barely and then I didn’t have the time to continue yet. I really enjoyed the… 20 or so pages that I read so far! I really want to continue sometime soon!


Well, this is embarrassing. I went to go look this one one up to see what the series name was and it’s not listed as a series! Maybe it’s too new? Maybe it’s a stand alone? Someone can educate me on this! 😀


I’ve had my eye on this book for a long time but was never really sure what it was about… I finally bought a copy when I met Elizabeth Norris at an event and it sounded so good! It’s also only a two book series so I could definitely knock out this series if I really enjoy it!


This is another book/series about which I have heard nothing but good things! Alyssa also bought me this book so I really, REALLY need to start reading the books she buys me! There are reasons why she loves them!


I have heard soooo many good things about this one too. Again, it took me a while to really get into fantasy because I was figuring out what kinds of things I enjoyed reading within the genre and this one hasn’t come into the rotation yet. Now that the series is finished, I shouldn’t have any excuses!


I am now apparently obsessed with Brandon Sanderson thanks to my read of the Mistborn trilogy/series (thank you, Nikki. Sarcastically but also so, so seriously.) I actually had the ARC from forever ago and then Amy — having found out about my new Sanderson obsession which she also revels in — bought me a copy of STEELHEART! Now I cannot WAIT to get into more Sanderson! (And also the Stormlight Archive.)


Again. Crazy Brittany. Not reading series she’ll probably love! this sounds right up my alley. Just shame shame shame.


I actually borrowed this book from the library and didn’t have enough time to read it! Now that book two is coming out, I think Alyssa, Amy, and I are planning to read book one together! Me for the first time and re-reads for them!


Yet ANOTHER series that has gotten so much love and that I just haven’t started yet. I cannot waaaaiiiitttttt!

So what do you say!? Which of these series should I start first? Which are the most important ones! I really need to start of these this year!


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Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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28 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – October 21, 2014: Top Ten Series I Want To Start

  1. Danielle @ Love at First Page

    So many great ones on there, girl! I definitely recommend Fire and Thorns – book 1 isn’t my favorite, but books 2 and 3 are phenomenal. These Broken Stars is probably my favorite new-new series – I love the world building and all of the characters.
    I hope to read Unraveling, Scarlet, and Seraphina at some point too!

  2. Shae/Shelver @ Shae Has Left The Room

    Brittany. BRITTANY. Do you have any idea of the boys you’re missing out on? Tarver! Rob! Little John! Much! HECTORRRRRRRRRRRR! If I could order your life for you, I’d say you need to read Rae Carson’s entire series STAT, then Gaughen’s, then Kaufman and Spooner’s.

  3. Morgan @ Gone with the Words

    Oh man, I think I bought Daughter of the Forest 10 years ago and I still haven’t read it! I really need to.
    Scarlet is fantastic and Girl of Fire and Thorns is the best kind of series- each book is better than the last! The second book is amazing.

    I’ve heard such good things about Seraphina and These Broken Stars. Might need to bump them up my list!

  4. acps927

    LOVED Seraphina and cannot wait for book two! Hope this list or series you need to start works out better than your last one (I know I did that last one, so now I’m curious to see how well I did!).

  5. Lucy

    Good idea to shop your bookshelves for new series to start! I’ve only read Girl of Fire and Thorns from your list but heartily recommend it. These Broken Stars is on my list too. Happy reading!

  6. Stephanie

    I CAN”T BELIEVE I DIDN”T THINK OF THESE BROKEN STARS!!!! I definitely should have had this on my list. I have the book and everything, but I haven’t started it yet. (And it is one that I REALLY want to read!)
    I also really want to read Trial by Fire, The Scarlet series and the Girl of Fire and Thorns.
    I LOVE Steelheart, I can’t wait for book #2!
    Great choices, love your list!

  7. Rachele

    I have heard really good things about girl of fire and thorns. Sadly I have not read it and it is on my reading list. Every time I go to start I get distracted by another series.

  8. Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook

    I had a hard time with this topic because I was trying to think of new series, books that have been published recently. It was soooo hard. I definitely want to read the Sevenwaters books. I’ve heard that are amazing!

    I really liked These Broken Stars, and I think you’d really like that one Brittany.

  9. Amber Elise

    ADORED These Broken Stars, The Girl of Fire and Thorns and Unravellling! I hope you get to them soon! 🙂 Although I’m guilty too because I haven’t finished ANY of the above series! XD

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  10. Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    Oh man, lots of these are on my TBR even though they didn’t make my list this week including Scarlet, Girl of Fire and Thorns, and Zodiac. Steelheart was my first Brandon Sanderson and it’s really great. Lots of the same elements of Mistborn but a little less complicated. The second book, Firefight, comes out in January! Great list!

  11. Lori

    Scarlet and These Broken Stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scarlet is amazing, you have to get past the dialect, but otherwise it’s so good. And These Broken Stars almost killed me! It was a slow start for me but totally worth it in the end. I mean, Tarver and Lilac. You have to read it.

  12. Andi

    Read Hourglass. I still need to read the last book but I know you will enjoy it. I almost passed on it because I thought it was about weird cyborgs. Further proof not to judge a book by its cover and get crazy ideas about it. 🙂

  13. Lauren at Bookmark Lit

    I REALLY liked Trial By Fire. So much world-building; it was awesome! I don’t think it was as action-packed as I expected, but it did a good job of setting the stage for the rest of the series. There are a lot of things I want MORE of in the second book, but I think the series is totally headed in an awesome direction

  14. Anne @ Lovely Literature

    DAUGHTER OF THE FOREST>> START IT ASAP. Sorry, I adored that book. The series is a hit too, I may love the second book the most (so far). I ran out and bought all six because they are soooo good. Also, Seraphina was magical and I would highly recommend that as well.

  15. Valeria @ A Touch of Book Madness

    I have to agree with you! There are so many series out there, but we have to start somewhere, and definitely the best way to go is with our own shelves! I hope you get the chance to read them soon, because some of the series in your lists seem to be freaking amazing! I’m particularly curious about Fire & Thorns and These Broken Stars, but am also very very drawn towards Brandon Sanderson lately. I guess I’ll have to pick a book of his one of these days.

  16. Amanda @ Late Nights with Good Books

    I second the greatness that is Marillier’s Sevenwaters series. So, so good. I hope you enjoy it! I also need to start Scarlet and finish up the Fire and Thorns trilogy. And so glad to see Seraphina on your list. Hands down one of the best books I’ve read since becoming a blogger. It’s one that definitely needs more attention.
    Good luck reading these!

  17. Rebecca @ The Library Canary

    Girl of Fire and Thorns!!!! I LOVE that series so much. And These Broken Stars is amazing too!!! Trial by Fire, Scarlet and Seraphina are all ones that I want to start soon. I also want to start the Mistborn trilogy soon. I’ve heard so many great things!

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