Top Ten Tuesday – October 28, 2014: Top Ten Characters Who I Would Totally Want To Be For Halloween


October 28, 2014

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic: Top Ten Characters Who I Would Totally Want To Be For Halloween

This is a totally awesome topic. There are so many characters I would LOVE to dress up as for Halloween but 1) I have no Halloween parties and 2) most likely the attendees wouldn’t even know who half of my choices are because they are not cool enough to be as big of readers are we are (high fives!)… So for the mean time, I will just get all these ideas in my head and pretend like I have the means to put these costumes together! 😀

As for my choices, I also sought out pictures that weren’t just Halloween-store, cheapie costumes. As popular as they are, I’m always a fan of the homemade costumes and I LOVE what people come up for cosplaying too! (And seriously. What’s up with the sexy Hermione costume…?)

Celaena Sardothien (Throne of Glass)

Image Source:

Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)

  Image Source:

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)

Image Source: I’m really not sure because the link led to Amazon…? But the Pinterest caption just said SDCC 2013!

Vin (Mistborn)

Image Source: Pinterest (actual blog was removed)

Ismae/Sybella/Annith (His Fair Assassin)

Image Source: Tumblr

Alina Starkov (The Grisha Trilogy)

Image Source: Pinterest (Macmillan Kids)

Cinder/Scarlet/Cress (The Lunar Chronicles)

Image source: (I could only find the link from Pinterest to this photo)

Stephanie Plum (Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series)

Image Source: Maggie’s Corner (blog) 

Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy)

Image Source: Deviant Art

Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)

Image Source:

Image Source: Coolest Homemade Costumes

Well, as fun as these costumes would be, I am not dressing up this year! Someday all of us book nerds will get together and dress up as our favorite characters and what a fun party that will be!
So what do you think? Which costume is your favorite? Which character would YOU dress up as for Halloween?


Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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18 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – October 28, 2014: Top Ten Characters Who I Would Totally Want To Be For Halloween

  1. Nicole Hewitt

    I’m totally behind on reading my posts (obviously), but I just had to comment on these fun costumes! Wish I was creative – I’m way too lazy to come up with awesome costumes, but I do occasionally think it would be TONS of fun to dress up!

  2. Alise

    Wow, these costumes are totally badass. I don’t do anything for Halloween anymore so dressing up wouldn’t be much fun but SOMEDAY when I actually have plans, I’m definitely going to be one of these lovely ladies. Seriously awesome. I don’t know if I could even decide between all these.

  3. acps927

    I like the Alina costume; I was trying to figure out what would work for her but didn’t actually try a search. I also like the Buttercup idea! We actually came up with several of the same characters for today’s post without using the same pictures!

  4. Morgan @ Gone with the Words

    I love the bottom Princess Bride one! And Celaena! They’re all really great choices, love homemade costumes as well.

    I’ve always wanted to be Belle in her blue dress and Elizabeth Bennett 🙂 Maybe one of these years!

  5. Cee

    My favorite are Celaena and Alina Starkov. Every versions of the ones that people wear amazes me because it’s just so badass. Plus, the details in the clothing! LOVE.

    I want a Wesley if I was to dress up as Buttercup. ;D

  6. Amanda

    I almost put Stephanie Plum on my list too! I love the Buttercup and Westley idea! However, hell would freeze over before my husband would go for that I think!

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