I got tagged by Jenna from Jenna Does Books and Angie & Ashlea from Disquietus Reads for this hashtag! Thanks, ladies!
- Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their website.
- Post the award’s logo on your blog.
- Answer the ten questions you have been asked.
- Nominate ten other bloggers and ask them ten other questions.
When and why did you start blogging? I started in April 2012 on sort of a whim… My friend Lisa and I got obsessed with our local used book store and with the crazy amount of books I was reading, I felt compelled to do something with my reactions. (Don’t know why but Goodreads reviews weren’t enough.) So I got the idea for a review blog and things escalated from there!
What is your favorite book series and why? Haaaaaa. Like I can answer that. (I guess I can, actually.) If someone asked you what my favorite series was and they know me at all, they’ll tell you that it’s The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. I’m a wee bit obsessed and I collect all of the editions of the books I can. I FINALLY got to meet Marissa this past October and she was gracious enough to sign ALL OF THEM. (But next time we cross paths, all those are already signed so she won’t have to sign so many!!! Haha)
Then a second close favorite is The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, which I also collect multiple editions of, and of course the obvious Harry Potter.
Describe your favorite place to read. Hmmm. FAVORITE place to read is anywhere NEW. I love reading on vacation: on a plane, on a balcony, on the beach, in the forest (I sound like Green Eggs & Ham, but you get it). I don’t know why but I just think it’s so much fun to read in a brand new place! Though honestly, the place I read most often is my couch haha.
What time of day do you read most often? Morning, noon or night? Usually at night because I TRY to squeeze some reading in after work/while I’m cooking dinner/before we watch TV. I also always wake up earlier than Shane on the weekends (unless we get up at the same time) so I use that time to drink my coffee and either read or blog until he gets up. It’s about the only time I have quiet time to read so I try to take full advantage of it!
What genre do you tend to read more of and why? I’ve been pretty consistent with the amount of contemporary I read but I’ve started to get into fantasy a lot more! Both YA and adult fantasy. I will always love contemporary because I can make those connections to my personal life or experience something else that I haven’t been able to through someone else. Fantasy has sucked me in with its world building and magic systems!!! I used to read a lot of dystopian and paranormal, but I seem to have grown a bit tired of them. I feel like they tend to feel a lot more similar than the plots of fantasy and contemporary.
How many books do you read a week, on average? I used to read about two a week when I had the time. I had to do a giant pause on reading with all the wedding planning but now that that’s all done, I’m hoping to pick it back up! Catching up is hard though…
What is one thing you wish you’d see more of in fiction? I don’t think I really have anything! I’m not usually looking for something specific. I just latch onto things when I see them!
Do you consider yourself a book hoarder? Why or why not? Hahahaha yes. Have you SEEN my shelves?
Why do you read YA? This was a hard question for a while and now it’s incredibly easy. I read YA because it’s the age range I connect with. I’m sure some people (especially non-YA readers) think that’s weird since I’m almost 30 years old, but in the past 5 years, I JUST moved out by myself for the first time. I JUST bought a house. I JUST got engaged. I JUST got married. They’re not things that feel old hat to me like they are in some adult novels. I’ve been through everything these teens have gone through (well, not EVERYTHING, but certainly an array of their emotions). I’ve gone through those times and been that age. I even sort of get to relive my own past through these characters and see things I may have done wrong in my OWN life or seen things that have happened to me that I didn’t understand. I worked through things in my past that I didn’t even know I was still holding onto. I can’t do that with adult novels. I just haven’t experienced that stuff yet. I just really have a connection to YA because I feel like I’ve been there!
What do you do when you’re not reading? Ummm work? Haha. That honestly takes up most of my time (of course). Now that I’m not wedding planning, Shane and I have started homebrewing a lot more again. I know we’ll go camping some more this summer and hopefully take a few more vacations (like weekend trips. I can’t take THAT many vacations)! We love to travel and see the US. I have some friends back in town so I’m so excited to see more of them too, and of course, travel to see my long-distance friends too!
What is one book or series that you would make everyone read if you could? The Lunar Chronicles, of course. Actually no — First everyone who hasn’t needs to read Harry Potter first. Let’s start off with the basicis!
Who is your favorite book boyfriend/girlfriend? Of all time!? Well that’s an impossible question. I’d say… Thorne from The Lunar Chronicles, Adam from If I Stay/Where She Went… Ummm. I’m blanking so those must be the two most important ones, right?
What are your favorite book covers? I hate this question. Only because I never keep track! Ummm. Pass on specific examples. I love typography, rainbow-y colors (they just catch my eye). You know. Those things.
Name 3 fictional places you would move to in a heartbeat. Hogwarts. Cabeswater. The Cosmere.
What books are you looking forward to most in 2015? Oh good! An excuse to organize my 2015 shelf! *organizes Goodreads* Well obviously Fairest and Winter (going to count that as one since it’s the same series). Six of Crows. Emmy & Oliver. I’ll Meet You There. The Storyspinner.
Name your favorite and least favorite books of 2014. Oh. Oh my. Okay, BEST OF 2014: Cress by Marissa Meyer. Open Road Summer by Emery Lord. Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. OH MY GOD THIS IS SO MEAN. Listing more than five because I need to.
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater. Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas. Dissonance by Erica O’Rourke. Okay, whew I feel better.
WORST OF 2014: I will only count the ones I actually finished and not my DNFs because I guess it’s not fair if I didn’t finish them, right? A Little Something Different, #scandal, What I Saw and How I Lied, Second Star, Mortal Danger.
Who is your most owned author? I’m pretty sure it’s Janet Evanovich! I own almost all of the Stephanie Plum books plus a few more!
When and why did you start blogging? See above!
What is your favorite thing about blogging? Honestly? It’s all of the friends that I’ve met because of it. LIFE FRIENDS. SOUL FRIENDS. For real.
What hobbies do you have besides reading? Haha NOT MUCH? Beer. Sounds like a shady hobby, but not just drinking. Home brewing, visiting breweries, etc. Hmmm what else. Camping. Taking pictures (I can’t really call it PHOTOGRAPHY because I know nothing legit. I just take pictures and hope they turn out well!)
Oh my gosh, SO much fun! Thanks to Jenna and Angie/Ashlea for tagging me!
Wanna play? (If you’ve already been tagged or don’t want to play, TOTALLY OKAY. I’m just tagging you because I love you) I TAG:
- Alyssa @ Books Take You Places
- Amy @ Tripping Over Books
- Estelle & Magan @ Rather Be Reading
- Andi @ Andi’s ABCs
- Nikki @ There Were Books Involved
- Jess & Morgan @ Gone With the Words
- Jaime & Erin @ Fic Fare
- Danielle @ Love at First Page
- Ginger @ GReads!
- Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books
QUESTIONS for my friends!
- What is your favorite book from childhood and why?
- Have you been to any literary places? (Where an author is from, where a book takes place, etc) And if not, where would you LIKE to go?
- What’s one book or series that you not only recommend but BUY for people because you love it so much?
- What’s your favorite thing about being a book blogger?
- What’s been the best thing/event that’s happened to you because of reading/blogging?
- If you could invite five authors to your Christmas party, who would they be?
- Which do you like better? Short books or long books?
- What’s the longest book or series you’ve ever read?
- Do you have a literary dream job?
- Do you re-read your favorite books or series? And if so, which ones have you read the most/how many times?
6 thoughts on “Book Tag: The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers”
Your book shelves are absolutely fantastic! Everything is just so pretty! Also, with all your raving about The Lunar Chronicles, I’m definitely going to need to read it. Cinder has been sitting on my shelf for forever, but I haven’t had the chance to read it yet.
Seriously B, you have some gooooorgeous shelves. I’m so in love with that photo of them that it’s not even funny! Also, I enjoyed reading your survey answers. It makes me really happy that The Lunar Chronicles appears on there so many times — totally awesome to see someone fangirling HARD over a series I love!
Ok there is so much to comment on in this post but the thing that stuck with me is you listing A Little Something Different as one of your worst of 2014 because that breaks my heart a little haha. I will just pretend that you had a REALLY good year of reading 😉
Awwww! I feel like there were SO many different reactions for ALSD! It wasn’t super terrible (I DNFed all of those haha) but it really wasn’t one of my favorites.
The Cosmere would be nice but it’s a little intense/scary.
I love camping. I miss it. Nobody in Minnesota is into it like my family back in Oregon.
Well… I’ll live in the quietest part of the Cosmere? I really just want Allomantic powers, tbh. CABESWATER. Or even just Henrietta. can I please?
Whaaaat. I can’t believe people in MN don’t want to camp! Let’s meet halfway 😀