Top Ten Tuesday – January 20, 2015: My Top Ten Fantasy Books (So Far)


January 20, 2015

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic was a freebie so I chose: My Top Ten Fantasy Books (so far)

I’ve only somewhat recently gotten into fantasy. For the longest time I thought they just weren’t for me… until I picked up the RIGHT books and then slowly eased into the genre. It seems silly that I didn’t used to enjoy them because now fantasy novels make up some of my all-time favorites and I have a hunger for them that I currently cannot satisfy! (And okay, it’s much MUCH more than ten.)

Because fantasy for me is a bit more of a recent thing, I wanted to spend this week’s Top Ten Tuesday sharing a few of my favorites all in one place!

Fantasy Favorites

I have a LOT more fantasy to catch up on but I’m slowly making my way through everything I’ve missed! Let me know which are your favorites and what I should look out for!

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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Brittany S.’s favorite books »

39 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – January 20, 2015: My Top Ten Fantasy Books (So Far)

  1. Lesley Hunt

    Very nice lists. For the other worlds section I would definitely recommend looking out for a copy of Escape From Netherworld by David Kuklis (
    A group of role playing enthusiasts find themselves trapped in a dungeons and dragons world when transformed into their characters. A really fun and exciting read that I think has wide appeal and very cool concepts. My top pick from 2014 for sure.

  2. Olivia

    I love a good retelling, so I should really get around to reading Cinder (since I own it) and Tiger Lily! I also have the Winner’s Curse which I have every intention of reading soon. Shadow and Bone is on my TBR. I actually finished Game of Thrones today – loved it!!! As well as that, I have only read the first two books of Harry Potter and they are okay so far.

  3. Kay @ It's a Book Life

    So I have always only read a little fantasy here and there. Like you I wasn’t sure it was for me at first (hence why I only read like a handful of fantasy books a year, then again I was reading a lot of dystopian and paranormal instead which were the big things), but then the last like year or so I have become addicted. I honestly think Nicole from The Quiet Concert is partially to thank for that. 🙂 I am so glad I expanded my love for fantasy books. Now I want to get my hands on any and all that I can. Throne of Glass of course is my favorite! Graceling is a good one too. Actually, if I named all the ones I loved this comment would never end. I’m glad you are exploring Fantasy and are finding some good ones!

  4. Alexa S.

    It is seriously making me so happy to see that you’ve developed such a strong love for fantasy novels! We’re actually moving in opposite directions, as I grew up loving fantasy and not so much contemporary… Though I’m loving contemporary more now 😉 Glad to see a lot of my favorites in this post today!

  5. Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

    haha when I clicked on this link I thought to myself “Is she really going to pick just 10 because I would find that impossible” and of course you didn’t because that is impossible! I love your choices. Especially Graceling and Tiger Lily (the others get enough love)

  6. Sarah @ Sarah Can't Stop Reading

    Based on your favorite fairy tale retellings, I think you would like Echantment by Orson Scott Card. It’s one of my all time favorite books regardless of genre. Another favorite is Ella Enchanted. I re-read both of those books about once a year.

  7. Ash @ Typing Tiara

    So many of my favorites on there! You’ve definitely hit on the right fantasy. And I think I’ve discovered a few from your list that I want to try more now because your list is filled with so many of my favorites…I think our tastes might be really similar in fantasy. Great list! [:

  8. acps927

    I’m just getting into fantasy more recently too, so I certainly know what you mean! I love several of the books you chose! Have you read Seraphina yet? I think you would enjoy it.

  9. Samantha

    Awesome topic! I loved Cinder and really need to get around to reading The Night Circus. I’ve had it sitting on my shelves since it first came out. 😛 I’m currently reading Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge and love it. It’s a Beauty and the Beast/Blue Beard-ish Fairytale retelling. I would also recommend giving Poison Study by Maria V Snyder a shot. It’s pretty fantastic.

  10. Gem

    This is such a great list. I love the Mistborn series. Throne of Glass and The Lies of Locke Lamora are on my TBR for next month. And I really want to read Cinder too!

  11. Maraia

    I love fantasy, and this is a great list!

    I tried (and failed) to narrow down my list, but here are my top recommendations.
    Adult fantasy:
    – Daughter of the Forest and sequels by Juliet Marillier
    – Robin Hobb (I started with the Tawny Man series, which is actually out of order, but it’s still my favorite)
    – The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
    YA fantasy:
    – The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima
    – Seraphina by Rachel Hartman (great audiobook, btw)
    – The Archived and sequel by Victoria Schwab
    – The Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray

  12. Mel@thedailyprophecy

    Excellent choices, you show you have a great taste in books. Tiger Lily, Cinder & Stardust are great books. I LOVELOVE Tiger Lily and how it broke my heart. Cinder is so unique and showed me I can like sci-fi books. The winner’s curse and Graceling: I especially loved Fire. Game of Thrones is massive, but the world-building, details and characters are stunning. I really want to read The lies of Locke Lamora. Harry Potter 😀 Of course! I’m going to tackle Mistborn soon. I FREAKING LOVE GRAVE MERCY AND THRONE OF GLASS. The raven boys is also amazing.

    So. I agree with a lot 😀

  13. Rachel Patrick

    I wasn’t a huge fan of fantasy books either, but then I read THRONE OF GLASS and was all like FANTAAASYYY. I love TIGER LILY, and The Lunar Chronicles are so much fun! I hope to read THE WINNER’S CURSE and GRAVE MERCY this year, but really, there are so many fantasy books I need to read!

  14. Morgan @ Gone with the Words

    EXCELLENT choices!!! I love Cinder and The Princess Bride was really funny. I have Tiger Lily and Stardust on my tbr list 🙂 The Winner’s Curse, Graceling, A Game of Thrones- yesyesyesyesyessssssssss. Harry Potter- OF COURSE. Shadow and Bone is my favorite of the trilogy, and you know I looooove The Raven Boys! Just bought the Scorpio Races, I’ve heard literally nothing but good things. And I got Grave Mercy for Bookish Christmas 🙂 Throne of Glass!!!!!! Eeeeep. Will def check out the books on your list I haven’t read!

    One of my favorite fantasies that I read last year was Stolen Songbird by Danielle Jensen. SO original and really awesome romance, characters, and mythology. The trolls were surprisingly great and the sequel comes out in June 😀 Also The Witch Hunter, omgggg. Also out in June. The Burning Sky is really good but can be confusing at first. Pretty intricate magic and shippable characters once you get into it 🙂

    Loved your TTT this week!!!

  15. Ellie (The Storybook Girl)

    Such a great list! Stardust and The Night Circus are two of my all-time favourite books, they are ever so magical and I try to re-read them at least once a year 🙂
    I’ll definitely be checking out some of the other books you mentioned, fantasy is such a wonderful genre to get stuck into on cold winter nights! Hope you’re having a lovely week 🙂 xx

  16. Kayla @ The Thousand Lives

    More fantasy I’d recommend is anything from Cinda Williams Chima! If you want high fantasy, go for her Seven Realms books, starting with The Demon King (OMG SO GOOD). Then for the fantasy/real world mix, go for the Heir Chronicles, starting with The Warrior Heir 🙂

  17. Tammy

    I’ve read nine of the books on your list. My favorite being completing the Song Of Fire & Ice series, now I’ll just twiddle my thumbs until Winds Of Winter is released.

  18. Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook

    Some of these are my absolute favorite! Of course Harry Potter, but I also love The Scorpio Races, The Raven Boys, Cinder! I’ve actually liked fantasy for a long time, but I don’t read a lot of high fantasy. And lately I’ve really been enjoying contemporary. But there is something wonderful about a fantastic fantasy read.

  19. Amanda

    Great list Brittany! I really need to try Locke Lamora and some Sanderson soon. The Lumatere Chronicles are excellent high fantasy as well.

  20. Elizabeth

    I also wasn’t sure I liked fantasy, but have really gotten into it lately. I’m currently reading Mortal Heart and gah, I’m so happy that we get to see all three girls together again! I am going to assume you already have Juliet Marillier on your TBR, but if not, Daughter of the Forest is probably my hands down favorite fantasy that I’ve read recently.

  21. Sarah @ What Sarah Read

    I look at this list and I think to myself…this is everything I ever wanted in life! So many amazing books and series here. I wish I didn’t have to work a full time job because all I want to do is go home and read all the fantasy books!

  22. Amanda @ Late Nights with Good Books

    Ahh so many fantastic books listed here! And I’ve read basically all of the, so yay!
    If you haven’t read it yet, you should consider reading Patrick Rothfuss’ The Name of the Wind. I just finished it and it’s such an incredible adult fantasy and would fit perfectly under your High Fantasy or Detailed Magic System lists. 🙂

  23. Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

    I’ve had Grave Mercy on my shelf for a while now but have been unsure about if I would like it (sometimes high fantasy is hard for me to get into) but I’m excited to read it now based on your recommendation! I’ve also preordered the Winner’s Curse for when it comes out in paperback so I’m excited to start that series too! Thanks for such a wonderfully detailed list this week! 🙂

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