Book Blogger Love-A-Thon: Questionnaire


2015 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon
Hosted by: Alexa Loves Books
Dates: February 21-22, 2015, 9AM-9PM EST

This part of the Love-a-thon has previously been an interview swap, but this year it’s a questionnaire which I also enjoy very much! Get to know a little bit more about me and my blog with this year’s questionnaire! I can’t wait to meet more people and get to know the ones I love even better!


What’s your name? Brittany from The Book Addict’s Guide

Where in the world are you blogging from? I live in an outer suburb of Chicago — if you know Naperville, it’s about 25 minutes southwest (almost as close as you can go the cornfields without hitting the country!)

How did you get into blogging in the first place? Back in 2012, my friend Lisa and I (who is now back in town! Yay!) got obsessed with this used bookstore (RIP Bundles of Books) and we kept going back and buying soooo many used books. I started reading a lot more because of it and felt like I wanted to do something with all of the thoughts in my head about these books. I must have been feeling creative that day and Goodreads just wasn’t enough because I thought about starting a blog and just sort of went for it!

How did you come up with your blog name? See above! I started buying waaaaay too many books (hence the book addict part) and I wanted to be able to share my reviews with people to help them choose their next read. (At the time, I thought I was going to be VERY influential… somehow haha. I was a bit delusional about what I would do with my blog. I kind of thought people would read it but at the same time didn’t even expect it.) It actually started off as “The Book Addict’s Guide to Reading” but I eventually dropped the “to Reading” part because it was long and made me sound a bit pretentious haha.

What genre do you read and review the most on your blog? It’s changed a lot over the years. I started out with most adult cozy mysteries and YA dystopian with a splash of adult contemporary. Now it’s more YA contemporary and fantasy with a bit of adult fantasy and contemporary, and of course other YA genres like sci-fi, paranormal, and still some dystopian but I find it hard to find a really good one nowadays since I exhausted that genre a bit!

What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews? I have a few different features that I host on my blog — Book and a Beverage is a blogger spotlight & interview feature which I post every Thursday with a new blogger (and their book/beverage, of course)! I also have features that I post periodically like My Latest Bookish Addiction, where I share my… well, latest bookish addiction haha!
I’m also hosting the Book Blogger Organization Challenge where I invite bloggers to make plans to do all of the maintenance and behind-the-scenes aspects of blogging! There are lots of reading challenges which I LOVE but I’m more in need of the organization side of things.
There are also a few features I host with other bloggers! A group read & post with my besties that we call On the Same Page (we also host Twitter chats and ARC tours, as well as the OTSPSecretSister project and A Fortnight of Fright during Halloween season) and a book and beer feature called Pub Date!
ALSO, the usual things that aren’t special features like discussions, interviews, blog tours, and even my own handy-dandy infographics/reading guides!

BookandaBeveragebanner MLBA
blog_organization_button OtSPcirclebanner250 Pub Date

Best blogging experience so far? Gah, there are quite a few that have totally made my blogging life! The first one that comes to mind is the Fall Fierce Reads tour stop in Chicago from this past October (2014). I was not only asked to be the featured blogger on the stop (meaning I got to interview the authors and give some amazing books away) but I was also asked to MODERATE THE EVENT. *dies* It was so nerve-wracking but in the BEST possible way! Know what made it EVEN BETTER? Marissa Meyer was one of the authors I got to meet and interview!!! (And we all know how obsessed I am with The Lunar Chronicles!)
After that, I’d have to say all of the events I’ve been to! Meeting bloggers at events like BEA 2013 and 2014, ALA 2015, and all of the Anderson’s events… it’s been so amazing!


Favorite thing about the blogging community? The people! I’ve honestly made some best and life-long friends through this community! It’s so amazing to meet so many people that I connect with on so many levels and I know that some of these friendships will last for a lifetime!


Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2015! Just five!? That’s hard! Hmmm. I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demitrios (I have my copy now but still need to read it!), The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows (March),Β Liars Inc by Paula Stokes (March), The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West (May), Resonance by Erica O’Rourke (July), Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman (September), The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater (September), Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (October also omgggg), Winter by Marissa Meyer (November also omgggg then my world ends goodbye)

What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read? I’m actually going to say Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech. I read it as a kid and LOVED it, re-read as an adult and still LOVED it and I think if you haven’t read it before, it’s never too late. Maybe it’s just because I had such a strong connection to it but I know several others who love it as well!

Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF? Male BFF (assuming he’s taken) is Captain Carswell Thorne from The Lunar Chronicles. LOVE a scoundrel and he seems like he’d be SO much fun, a blast to hang out with, and an all-out riot. Female BFF, I want to hang out with Anna Oliphant from Anna and the French Kiss. I just think we’d CLICK and I want to hang out with her and her friends!

Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests? WELL those are most of my interests haha! But Shane (my husband) and I love to homebrew together (that’s brew our own beer in case there was a question — I’m assuming you know but you never know!) and we love to travel, go camping, and occasionally take on home improvement projects. I used to scrapbook but I just haven’t had the time for it! I’m hoping to eventually get back into some craft stuff but I need to sort out all of my time schedules first!

Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for? Well book shopping is #1. I really don’t go shopping for clothes or shoes, etc (seriously just bought new work clothes for the first time in… oh, 8 months? I don’t go shopping haha) but occasionally I’ll go thrifting with my friend Lisa (but that can’t count because we’re mainly hunting down books)! I was going to say I like going to the liquor store but that makes me sound like a boozebag… what I MEAN is like I like picking out new beers and trying new craft beers! I also love buying things off of Amazon because I’m too lazy to go to the real store and when I do, I’m often buying too many things that I don’t need at Target.

At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing? Oh gosh, I have become that person who listens to their book on tape and doesn’t listen to music anymore. I really don’t have any jams right now but I do have a Motion City Soundtrack CD on constant loop in my car whenever I’m done with my audiobooks so we’ll pretend like that’s a good answer.

Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book. The Lunar Chronicles!!!! Omg I NEED this seriesΒ to be made into movies… but I would also be very, very scared. And let’s talk about how ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES has already been optioned and my heart is already breaking.

Thanks for getting to know more about me! I can’t wait to check out everyone else’s questionnaires and getting to know more about them too!

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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Brittany S.’s favorite books Β»

30 thoughts on “Book Blogger Love-A-Thon: Questionnaire

  1. Bree

    I miss Chicago. I used to live in Andersonville and Uptown. I really miss living so close to the beach. And the restaurants. And bike riding.

  2. Angie

    Used book stores are the best. I wish we had a decent one in St. Cloud. We have one but it is mostly stuff I’d never read.

    Your blog name is one of my favorites and you have some of the best, most creative features.

    I love cozy mysteries! I need to start reading them again.


    THE ORPHAN QUEEN <3333333333333
    The Raven King will kill me.

    I LOVE Motion City Soundtrack. The Conversation is one of those songs I can listen to on repeat for days.

    1. Brittany Post author

      OT3. You kill me. I absolutely love this title haha!!!
      I miss cozies! But I have no time to read them because of all the other amazing things! I should get back to reading like, one a month. If you want a cozy mystery buddy, I’m there for you!

  3. Mel@thedailyprophecy

    I like your name, I think it’s something we can all identify with. I know I am guilty of buying too many books, just because it’s amazing to get them, pet them and admire them on the shelves. Reading them all proves to be a bit difficult, haha. The raven king, Six of Crows and Winter; yesssss. Can’t wait.

    1. Brittany Post author

      Thanks, Mel! Sometimes I’m weird about my blog name… BUT it’s still very appropriate haha!!
      Omggg I can’t wait for all of these amazing books that come out in the fall!!

  4. Kate

    Hi Brittany! I also rarely buy clothes for work since I can wear dress jeans most of the time. When I do buy new clothes I usually end up at Target. I’m sad that your used bookstore closed. They are difficult to find these days. I had one that I loved where I used to live but I haven’t found many in Columbus. Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

    1. Brittany Post author

      Hi Kate! Thanks so much for stopping by!
      We have another used book store here in the ‘burbs but it’s much farther and not as good πŸ™ I wish they had more support around here! But I still find gems at some thrift stores πŸ™‚

  5. Erin @ The Hardcover Lover

    Hello, Brittany!

    Chicago is on my list of must visit places, and I’m hoping to get there soon.

    The Lunar Chronicles would make such good movies. I sometimes see scenes from the books in my head, and I know that I would definitely be first in line to see them.

    1. Brittany Post author

      Hi, Erin!
      YAYYYY come to Chicago!
      I would DIE if TLC was made into a series of movies. Ooooh that would be amazing!
      Thanks so much for commenting!

  6. Dawn Abron

    Hey Brittany,
    I feel like we go to the same author events but we’ve never officially met. One day we will meet. I don’t go to the Anderson events because it’s so far and 88 is a very scary exit but every other event in the greater Chicago/Milwaukee area, i’ll be there and I’ll look for you.

    1. Brittany Post author

      Hi Dawn!
      I hope we get to run into each other someday!!! Most of my events are at Anderson’s because it’s the closest to me but I’m sure we’ll cross paths someday! πŸ™‚

  7. Amaris (

    Hi Brittany! I just found out that you host the #OTSPSecretSister and my mind was kinda blown because I’ve been trying to find out what the heck it was! If you guys are planning to do another round at the end of the year, I will most definitely be joining πŸ™‚

    1. Brittany Post author

      Hi Amaris!
      I think we will most likely be doing another round! Round 1 went great and so far round 2 is excellent as well! Hope to see you join the next one πŸ˜€

  8. Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

    I agree with ALL of your most excited for books haha. SO MANY amazing books coming in 2015!!!

    Home improvement has recently been one of my boyfriend and I’s fun things to do as well!

    OMG your answer for the music one… is totally the same as mine! I have recently been substituting the times I would normally listen to music to audiobooks πŸ˜›

    1. Brittany Post author

      Thanks for commenting, Lauren!!!

      Haha I know — I miss music but all my time is filled with audiobooks… and that’s not bad either πŸ˜€

    1. Brittany Post author

      Kasie West is fantastic! If you don’t want to wait for The Fill-In Boyfriend, you should totally read her other books! they’re amazing! πŸ™‚

  9. Jackie

    Wow! That’ so cool you got to interview authors! I like your blog name/story behind it. πŸ™‚ Can you please give me some cozy mystery recommendations? Please?

    1. Brittany Post author

      Thanks, Jackie!
      Sure! I have a bunch of cozy mystery favorites — The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, Size 12 is Not Fat by Meg Cabot (also a little bit adult contemporary), Lye In Wait by Cricket McRae, Delicious & Suspicious by Riley Adams
      Hope you enjoy some of those!

  10. Ella

    I’m going to have to break down and read The Lunar Chronicles. I keep seeing everyone raving about those books. It’s so cool that you homebrew. My husband and I discussed it once but we decided against it because we have ridiculously sneaky (and mischevious) kids and it made me nervous so it’s on our “Empty Nest” list for when they’re gone and we have nothing to do but stare at each other. LOL Love the blog name, by the way! I can definitely relate! πŸ™‚

    1. Brittany Post author

      OOOH yes do! They’re some of my faaaavorites!
      Oh how fun! I hope you get to homebrew someday! It’s so rewarding πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for commenting!

  11. Christy

    Oh, I LOVED I’ll Meet You There! I’m really excited about the other 2015 Books you listed too!

    I actually missed the cut off to sign up for #OTSPSecretSister but I’m hoping I can make the next round, if there’ll be one? πŸ˜‰

    1. Brittany Post author

      Thanks for commenting, Christy! I just finished IMYT the other week and loved it too!!!!
      There should be another round, yes! Check back around July/August! Hope to see you there! πŸ˜€

  12. Alexa S.

    I loved reading all of your answers, B! It’s so cool to see how many events you’re involved in, and also even more fun to see you sharing your love for The Lunar Chronicles once again. I seriously don’t know how we’re going to survive reading Winter!

    Thanks for joining the Love-a-Thon!

  13. Stormy

    Your list of anticipated 2015 list is so excellent, I just read it and was like “yup. yup, oh, that one too!” I totally forgot about The Fill-In Boyfriend, though, so yay for that reminder! Oh, Thorne is such a great pick! I think I didn’t even think of him because I more want to marry him than be his friend(haha), but he’s just so interesting & fun.

  14. Andi

    Seriously the friends thing is the best about blogging. I have meet such fab people and have had such amazing experiences because of it. And I’m going to convince you to come to Boston one of these days. Mark my words.

  15. Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    I too used to blog mostly dystopian, but now it’s switched to contemporary and fantasy. I love Chicago, I hope to go to college in or near the city! I love all of the projects and events you’ve created, they’re so fun and creative πŸ™‚ IMYT was so amazing, I loved it. I can’t wait for Winter either! Thorne would be a great BFF, never a down moment. Lovely getting to know you!

  16. Sarah @ What Sarah Read

    Brittany!!! Love this Q&A and it’s been so wonderful getting to know you this past year. I’m always so impressed by your creativity and enthusiasm, and thank you SO much for all of your support of my new blog. It means the world to me! {hugs}

  17. Brittany T

    Hi lovely! I just want to say thank you for the multitude of awesome things you have directly brought into my life through the book bloggin community such as OTSP arc tours, The so much fun Secret Santa, and the OTSP Secret Sister program. All of these things take some serious time and effort and you are very appreciated ( all the other girls to but I’ll be visiting them soon) *huggles*
    I still sorry for all of the email and / or texts you recieve on my behalf lol.
    ❀️Britt @ Please Feed The Bookworm

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