Top Ten Tuesday – March 10, 2015: Top Ten Books Featuring Scoundrels


March 10, 2015

It’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the wonderful blog at The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic was:
Top Ten Books for Readers Who Like _____ (so I chose SCOUNDRELS) 


Scoundrels are some of my favorite characters. Some are more unscrupulous than others. Some are nastier. Most of the ones I fall in love with are more of the rogue and rascal variety! I just love scoundrels. They’re clever, witty, smart, and daring — and they ALWAYS find a way to keep things lively! I had a lot of fun coming up with my favorite books featuring scoundrels — as we know, I love me some Swoony Snark — so check them out below!


So those are my favorite scoundrels! Some are more just swoony wise-crackers (Finn, Jason, Emilio, Thorne), some are clever schemers (Tyrion, Littlefinger, Sturmhond)  and some are honestly thieves (Locke Lamora, Hale). Some are a bit more good-natured than others but they all crack me up, fascinate me, and hold a little piece of my heart!


From rascals to trouble-makers to straight up thieves, scoundrels have a special place in my heart. Who are your favorites?

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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19 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – March 10, 2015: Top Ten Books Featuring Scoundrels

  1. Digne

    Great list! I’ll add Cole from Brodi Ashton’s Everneath series. He’s just awful in that roughish amusing way. A great complex villain.

    I also might add The Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy to this list. He’s not good natured like Sturmhond but he’s certainly got swagger.

  2. Danielle @ Love at First Page

    This list just put the biggest smile on my face! I LOVE a good scoundrel. I had a feeling Thorne would make your list; he was the first one I thought of. 🙂 Love the mention of Emilio, too!
    They’re just so irresistible and charming, yeah?

  3. Maraia

    Haha, love it! Locke Lamora pretty much defines “scoundrel” in the best sense of the word. 🙂

  4. Em

    I just re-read Heist Society! I LOVE that book! Meant to Be, Scarlet, and Catching Fire are all great too! I am eagerly awaiting A Court of Thorns and Roses!!!
    Thanks for sharing, will be checking out the other books on this list 🙂

  5. Kayla @ The Thousand Lives

    There’s a reason that Scarlet and Siege and Storm are my favorites in their series 😉 I guess these scoundrels had something to do with it! But I do love Cress too since Thorne continues with his shenanigans in that one. Now we’ll just see what happens in Winter O_O

  6. Alexa S.

    What a fun idea for this post, Brittany! I love it. Gonna have to agree with quite a few of your choices, and making a mental note to check out The Lies of Locke Lamora soon, as well as Heist Society 😉

  7. Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    AHHH!!! I love this. Some of my favorite characters are scoundrels and rogues. Thorne and Strumhond are fantastic. I still need to read Lies of Locke Lamora but I’ve heard great things about Locke and Jean. And I love that you consider Tyrion a scoundrel. I would have seriously thought you were going to say Jamie for that book, I mean he is known as the Kingslayer after all. Great list!

  8. Amanda Marie

    These are great picks. Throne would love to be on this list.
    In Game of Thrones, Littlefinger is the biggest scoundrel of all. He is just a crazy schemer.
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. Rebecca @ The Library Canary

    Captain Carswell Thorne! Love him!! And I really need to read the Grisha Trilogy so I can meet this Sturmhond guy everyone talks about. Ooh Finnick! Good choice, I never would have thought of him! Love the topic you chose!

  10. Emily Alfano

    ahh yes Captain Thorne and Finnick! couldn’t agree more! (also agreed with alot of your honorable mentions as well) great idea for this week’s post! its one of the best ones i’ve read yet!

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