10 Things I Felt About This Book is a mini-review feature to give you a quick run-down of a book without those long, lengthy paragraphs. It’s designed to give you a concise impression without bogging you down and a way to keep reviews creative!

Publishing Info: March 24, 2015 by Macmillan, St. Martin's Press
Genres: Science Fiction, Time Travel, Young Adult
Find it on the web: Buy from Amazon // GoodreadsDate Completed: February 28, 2015
At a school where Quantum Paradox 101 is a required course and history field trips are literal, sixteen year-old time traveler Bree Bennis excels…at screwing up.
After Bree botches a solo midterm to the 21st century by accidentally taking a boy hostage (a teensy snafu), she stands to lose her scholarship. But when Bree sneaks back to talk the kid into keeping his yap shut, she doesn’t go back far enough. The boy, Finn, now three years older and hot as a solar flare, is convinced he’s in love with Bree, or rather, a future version of her that doesn’t think he’s a complete pain in the arse. To make matters worse, she inadvertently transports him back to the 23rd century with her.
Once home, Bree discovers that a recent rash of accidents at her school are anything but accidental. Someone is attacking time travelers. As Bree and her temporal tagalong uncover seemingly unconnected clues—a broken bracelet, a missing data file, the art heist of the millennium—that lead to the person responsible, she alone has the knowledge to piece the puzzle together. Knowledge only one other person has. Her future self.
But when those closest to her become the next victims, Bree realizes the attacker is willing to do anything to stop her. In the past, present, or future.
- EXCITED. I love a good time travel book and this one somehow wasn’t even on my radar until Andi of Andi’s ABCs recommended it to me! I saw her pushing it and knew it was my kind of book.
- DELIGHTED. As soon as I started reading, I knew it was true. This was totally a “me” book! Time travel + a feisty main character? Yes, please!
- FRIENDLY. I loved the characters in this book and I felt like I got along really well with Bree and her friends! It’s always so great when I find characters that I instantly want to be friends with.
- CURIOUS. The wheels were turning! The scene was set where Bree first met Finn but I was so confused how this all played out since her first encounter was when he was a bit younger than her.
- IMPRESSED. I knew I should trust in Karen Akins and… she totally nailed it. The time travel story line always loops (Ha. Hahaha. Sorry. Bad pun.) and I LOVED how it folded on top of itself, looped back around, and always had more clues and insight coming!
- FEELSY. I absolutely, positively developed some serious Bree and Finn feels. I loved Bree’s attitude and I loved Finn’s reactions to her. They were seriously adorable together and gahhh even thinking about them while I’m writing up my thoughts is giving me all the butterflies again!
- NERVOUS. These kids also made me pretty nervous. I mean, of course you hope (and assume) that things will come together, but what if they don’t? What if they get themselves into or remain in serious trouble? It was a good kind of nervous that kept the plot going!
- HOOKED. I really didn’t want to put the book down. LOOP is what one might call “sci-fi lite”. I actually haven’t looked up the “technical” definition of sci-fi lite but to me it means that things don’t get insanely technical and the overall feel is a bit lighter in the sense that a wider audience can appreciate the book and not just hardcore sci-fi fans. This can also be a double meaning for LOOP because I loved the humor throughout the book as well!
- SLEUTHY. There were some mysteries in this book that NEEDED solving. One was actually kind of obvious for me (there were some fun clues along the way) and others totally surprised me but I was so anxious to solve them all!
- HAPPY. LOOP just really left me with an overall great feeling! It easily became a favorite and although I didn’t give it five full stars, the amazing feelings it left me with easily bumped it up to a favorite in my book!
“The View from Goodreads” is a featured section in my reviews that I decided to incorporate! I tend to update my Goodreads status a LOT when I read — reactions, feelings, notes — so I thought it would be fun to share the sort of “reading process”! All status updates are spoiler-free (no specific plot points will be revealed) but will contain reactions to certain pages and/or characters!
Kept Me Hooked On: Time Travel. I always love some good time travel but it’s interesting to see the different ways that authors choose to have it all work out! I love seeing the different rules in each book and how everything works. It just fascinates me!
Left Me Wanting More: Twists? I’m really not sure what I would say is “missing” from LOOP because I just loved it overall but there was something holding me back from giving it a big old five-star rating. There was one twist that I was able to guess and it was neat and yet cheesy all at the same time haha! Definitely a lot of fun but I also think a few more big surprises would have totally knocked me over.
Addiction Rating
Read it!
LOOP was SO much fun! I don’t know why it took me so long to get my feelings out into a review but now that I have, I feel even more anxious to read TWIST and finish the pair!
(Click the cover to see my review!)
5 thoughts on “10 Things I Felt About This Book | Loop by Karen Akins”
Not only do I love this review style, but I am so thankful you told me about this book. I am a HUGE fan of all things time traveling. I must get it from the library ASAP. 😀
My favorite part was Bree hiding Finn in her closet at school 🙂
We’re blog twins today! (I finally posted my own review of Loop.) I totally agree with all of these feelings–especially the sleuthy one which might be my favorite of the ones you mentioned. I really need to read Twist soon!
I can’t believe I haven’t heard of this before! Sounds like my kind of book!
This is amazing! And I’m so so so happy that I got you to read it. Fiin and Bree for life!