A hangover is usually a bad thing — something to be prevented — but a book hangover? Bring it on!! That means that the book I just read was PHENOMENAL and I can’t imagine picking up anything else right after because nothing else could compare at the moment. Personally, I love a good book hangover. Whatever book gave it to me probably just wrecked me emotionally but that also means that the book will stick with me for a long, long time and likely bring back strong emotions no matter how many times I read it. They’re guaranteed to be my favorites and likely they’re books I’ll come back to for re-reading and collecting and loving for the rest of my life.
Here are 17 books that gave me a book hangover and hopefully stick with you!
1. THE RAVEN BOYS by Maggie Stiefvater
This book is the reason the reason why I wrote this post and how I got this idea. BOOK HANGOVER EXTRAORDINAIRE. The last book in the series (THE RAVEN KING) releases in 2016 so I decided to re-read the series so far in preparation. I needed an audiobook and quickly so I started the audio of THE RAVEN BOYS that I had borrowed from the library. I inhaled it. I’ve read the book before but I couldn’t pull myself away. I just loved experiencing the story all over again since I had MUCH more knowledge of the characters, plot, and feelings that were going to hit me and when the book ended… Ughhh. I mean, glorious but all of those feelings all over again and I had to start a totally fluffy book because I couldn’t possibly put any good contender after THE RAVEN BOYS. (Well, I did want to immediately start book two, THE DREAM THIEVES but I’m trying to pace myself. 2016 is still far away!)
2. ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES by Jennifer Niven
I had heard lots of good things (aka heartbreaking things) about this book before I started it but was really excited to throw my emotions into this book and get totally absorbed. Well… it did that. My husband happened to call right in the middle of some ugly crying so needless to say, I was a bit wrecked after finishing.
3. ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins
ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS is quite possibly my all-time favorite contemporary. I’ve read it three times (which isn’t really a lot but it’s the most I’ve re-read a series since I stopped re-reading the two series I owned and actually started buying new books) and I can continue to read it forever and ever. Each time I read it, all of those wonderful feelings come back and any book after it just isn’t quite the same!
4. THE NAME OF THE WIND by Patrick Rothfuss
I’m getting more into adult fantasy lately and Patrick Rothfuss’s books are AMAZING. They’re long books so by the time I’m done reading them, I’m just so emotionally invested in the plot as well as the characters. Kvothe is an amazing protagonist and his plight just makes me so nervous!! I cannot wait to see where the rest of this series goes.
5. MISTBORN by Brandon Sanderson
MISTBORN was actually one of the first adult fantasy series I read and I instantly fell in love with this world and with Brandon Sanderson’s books. I thought they were so well done with a great cast of characters and constant surprises. If you’re new to adult fantasy, this is a great place to start! I pretty much binge-read the whole series because I just couldn’t stop!
6. A GAME OF THRONES by George R.R. Martin
I read the first five books in A Song of Ice and Fire back in 2013 and took two months to read each book… so basically I spent almost a full year getting invested in this series. Once I was finished, I didn’t quite know what to do with myself!! Where was I without these books?! It took me a while to get over the fact that I was going to be waiting a WHILE for a new book in this series.
7. WALK TWO MOONS by Sharon Creech
WALK TWO MOONS was a big book for me when I was kid. I really fell in love with it and it was something that I held near and dear to my heart until I re-read it as an adult. My childhood feelings were so invested in this book that it made my re-read that much more special. I also forgot how it ended and I totally ended up with a huge book hangover from all of the feelings the ending left me with!
8. OPEN ROAD SUMMER by Emery Lord
Emery Lord’s debut book just blew me away. I loved every minute of it and fell head over heels for her characters, setting, and wonderful story. I was so, so happy it lived up to the hype I had seen about it because I was so excited to be just as wowed as everyone else was! This was a stunning YA contemporary and needs to be on your list if you’re a fan of contemps!
9. EMMY & OLIVER by Robin Benway
If you don’t know Robin Benway yet, you need to. EMMY & OLIVER is her latest book and it was just so, so wonderful. I originally got to know her writing in her ALSO KNOWN AS books and they were so delightful! EMMY & OLIVER shares that same humor but also shows a much more serious side and my feelings got so wrapped up in this story!
10. THE STORYSPINNER by Becky Wallace
I really enjoyed this debut from Becky Wallace! It was so much fun and it felt like such an original setting for a YA fantasy! I absolutely loved the characters and found myself shipping QUITE a few. I couldn’t wait to learn more about this world once I had finished and I found my thoughts constantly drifting back to the book once I was done… I just wanted more!!!
11. HEIR OF FIRE by Sarah J. Maas
I binge-read Sarah J. Maas’ books back in the summer of 2014 so I could start my advanced reader’s copy of HEIR OF FIRE and WHEW BOY. That was quite a ride. I grew more and more invested in the characters, the story, the EVERYTHING and when I was finished with HEIR OF FIRE… I just couldn’t fathom the wait until the next book!!
12. DANGEROUS GIRLS by Abigail Haas
I’m SO glad I read this book! I love mystery/thrillers and this book definitely thrilled me! I read it in one day — I couldn’t put it down!! It was so excited and gripping and I’d really recommend it for those looking for a good mystery! Honestly the less you know about it before you start, the better! I went in not really knowing anything and was totally swept away.
13. CRESS by Marissa Meyer
The Lunar Chronicles is one of my favorite series of all time but CRESS really left me with a book hangover. I was just so amazed by how perfectly these books come together to create one really solid series. The romance, the action, the plot — they all had me fully hooked and CRESS really knocked it out of the park!
This was the first book I read of Sarah’s but it was SO beautiful. It has some really great family moments, a swoony romance, and just a really lovely story. I was totally surprised with how emotional it made me but I was totally okay with that! It really gave me a great connection to the book.
15. WHERE SHE WENT by Gayle Forman
IF I STAY was one of the first YA contemproary books I really got into but I had soooo much more of a book hangover with WHERE SHE WENT! I’ve re-read both books and Adam’s POV just kiiiiills me. I felt like this book was so raw and emotional. I just really FELT this book!
Emotion level high with this book!!! I devoured it in a single day. I couldn’t stop reading and these characters… It was just SUCH a good reading experience and Robyn Schneider’s writing was beautiful! Another contemporary that I highly recommend!
17. CODE NAME VERITY by Elizabeth Wein
Have you read this book? Feels galore. I think the hype got to some people who read it but I was fortunate to grab it before the hype was too big and HOLY COW. It was a very intense and interesting book. I loved the friendship and I’m not a historical fiction person so the fact that the WWII setting grabbed me felt like it was saying a lot!
I think that’ll wrap it up! These are the books that have really kicked me in the feels (in a good way?) and left me either pining over the end of the book or desperate for the next book in the series.
Do we share any of the same book hangover books? Which would be your selections?
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26 thoughts on “17 Books to Give You a Book Hangover”
You know sometimes I am looking just for a book that gives you a book hangover! I agree with Cress, Emmy & Oliver, Heir of Fire, and Dangerous Girls. A lot of the other books on your list I haven’t even read yet. I need to change that, especially with The Name of the Wind and Open Road Summer.
I haven’t read most of these but I’m in the process of listening to the Raven Boys audiobook and I’m in LOVE! The narrator is great too. I think I’ll try print for the next ones though for some variety.
The ones I’ve read from your list, I absolutely LOVE. You’re right, they are definitely book hangover material. So it’s safe to say that I will immediately check out the ones I haven’t read here. I NEED THEM IN MY LIFE.
Love your post!
Definitely yes to All The Bright Places and Cress. All the bright places had me in tears at the end. And I swear, every single book in the Lunar Chronicles series just gets better and better.
I’m pretty sure Code Name Verity, The Raven Boys, and All the Bright Places gave me book hangovers too. They are all PHENOMENAL. And oh, I love a good book hangover. I love that feeling after finishing a book and not knowing what to even read afterward, giving myself time to just soak in what I just read and savor the feels. I haven’t had one in awhile, though Six of Crows was hard to get over when I read it in June. I even want to reread it before it publishes.
Quite a few of these I want to read and haven’t yet, and this just makes me more excited about them! Bring on the hangover.
Great list! I agree with a lot of books on your list. I love the Mistborn series and Heir of Fire so much! They definitely caused big hangovers. All The Bright Places crushed my heart. I think about this book all the time. It is such an incredible, crafted story.
Book hangovers are the best and the worst! Some on your list I haven’t read and some I have and completely agree with. The Raven Boys, Mistborn series, Throne of Glass series and Lunar Chronicles I so agree with. They’re all just so amazing! When I read the Lunar Chronicles, I was in awe of how Meyer managed to write books that just continued to improve. I miss the characters from The Raven Boys; after reading those books, I’m always left wanting to be apart of their group. Do you have a favourite? They’re all pretty great, but Gansey’s my favourite. Mistborn is just out of this world! The third book broke my heart.
My book amnesia is pretty bad, but I’m always left wanting to read more when I finish an Alyxandra Harvey book. I’m currently rereading the Drake Chronicles and loving it. It’s like reuniting with old friends. I also recently read All Fall Down by Ally Carter and had a bit of a book hangover after that.
Love this post! 🙂
I’ve only read 2 books from this list, Anna and the French Kiss and Dangerous Girls. Though AATFK didn’t really gave me hangover (it’s one of my fave contemporary too), Dangerous Girls definitely gave me hangover! I devoured it in one day and a half, and continue to think about it for one more day. I couldn’t get it out of my head!
Oh! I completely agree with All The Bright Places, Where She Went and Emmy & Oliver! I definitely cried a ton during and after ATBP. It emotionally wrecked me and afterwards I was just in a daze stuck thinking about it. Where She Went was amazing! I had to begin reading it right after If I Stay (though I didn’t finish it until a couple weeks later). Emmy & Oliver was one of my most recent reads and I completely loved it!
The last book that really gave me a book hangover was Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, but More Happy Than Not fixed that up. 🙂 Both were so great. I need to read The Lunar Chronciles, GoT, and Throne of Glass series. 🙁 One day I’ll get to them.
Great post! I loved it.
I just added six titles to my to-read list! Thank you!
I definitely felt the Hangover with Dangerous Girls. I just wanted to read it again and again and again and have someone make it into a movie so I could watch it.
I have Raven Boys (for over a year now really) but I have not read it. Does that make me a bad person?
This is a fun post! Definitely felt hungover after Cress, Code Name Verity, The Raven Boys and Anna and the French Kiss.
Love this list! I just finished Code Name Verity and am in a daze. I’ve recommended Anna and the French Kiss to everyone I know and strangers. And I’m still not ready to talk about All The Bright Places.
YES! Couldn’t agree more with that list. I still get that giddy feeling every time I reread Anna, and every time I read The Raven Boys I usually need a week to decompress before I can pick up another book – it’s just. so. good. Emmy and Oliver is a new favorite of mine as well! Really resonated and left me with a serious case of the feels.
Fun fact: When I read Heir of Fire, I mistakenly thought ToG was a trilogy and it was the last book. Totally messed up my reading experience, haha.
I last read Heir of Fire in SEPTEMBER and I’m pretty sure I STILL have a hangover! I’ll never be over that book.
Same goes for The Raven Boys, honestly. It’s like a permanent hangover that I can only manage if I don’t think about it XD
Kiss of Deception/Heart of Betrayal both left me with huge book hangovers.I just finished The Wrath and The Dawn and I’m still not entirely over that one. I’ve gone back to reread a lot of my favorites in the past, but I’ve probably read the Guardians of the Flame series by Joel Rosenberg more than any other. I think I’ve read the series at least 4-5 times. They aren’t super long so they are pretty easy to get through. The series is about this group of college kids that get transported into their RPG world as their characters. It has action, adventure, humor, romance, and the characters are great.
So many great books! I haven’t read them all but I had major book hangovers after Anna and the French Kiss, the first two Throne of Glass books (haven’t read the third), and Open Road Summer 🙂 As painful as book hangovers are, I can’t help but want books to leave me feeling like the only thing that matters is that book. I’ve seen so many reviews of Emmy & Oliver around and all of them have said that it’s a must-read so hopefully I’ll get to experience that particular hangover soon 🙂 Nice list!
I’m reading Anna and the French Kiss and Emmy and Oliver right now. Double book hangover maybe? 🙂
Great list! I haven’t read most of them, but I did read Raven Boys and I totally agree with you!
What a coincidence! I just finished The Dream Thieves (sequel to the Raven Boys) and was left with a total book hangover! Nothing else sounded good in comparison, and I actually didn’t read ANYTHING for two whole days. That almost never happens to me! Awesome post! 🙂
Most of these books I haven’t read but they’ve been on my TBR for a loooong time and I seriously still need t read tem but the ones that I have read on here left me with the biggest book hangover ever. I’m just fangirling over all these books, don’t mind me, haha. 😀
The Raven Cycle is AMAZING. Did you see Maggie Stiefvater’s released Twitter excerpts?!?! Ronan and Adam! Gansey and Blue!
And Sarah J Maas is a GODDESS with words. I ADORE her work. She is AMMMAAAZZZIINNNGGG. And she’s so cute in real life! So funny and quirky!
I agree with everything on this list! (Well, the ones I’ve read). I had to put Storyspinner down but I might have to give it another try! I also love a good book hangover. Where I can just sit and simmer (or cry, in the case of Emmy & Oliver).