Book and a Beverage [111] – Flo from Book Nerds Across America

Book and a Beverage

Welcome back to BOOK AND A BEVERAGE!

In case you don’t know the deal about Book and a Beverage, it’s a very simple yet fun feature: We read books, we drink beverages, we take pictures of them and then I share your photos and a little about you to the blogging world!

Give a big welcome to Flo from Book Nerds Across America!

book nerds across america book and a bev


Name & Blog Name: Flo, Book Nerds Across America
Tell us a little about your blog! We are three gals from Florida, Ohio, and West Virginia — hence the “Across America” — who love to read — hence the “Book Nerds”!
Blogging can be a little overwhelming and stressful at times, but I love it! It makes me happy and I LOVE the book blogging community and the lovely authors. I hope to be blogging for more years to come.

What’s been your favorite post you’ve written so far? (Link us up!) My review of Divergent. I was surprised to see the ARC in my mail one day and when I asked my friends about it, they were like, “Oh my gosh, I’ve heard that’s a ‘drop everything and read this!’ kind of book.” They were right! This overlaps with my proudest blogging moment because author Veronica Roth actually tweeted out the link for this review from her Twitter and said she liked it 🙂 
Got anything special coming up we should know about? I’m thinking there will be some book giveaways in the near future…stay tuned! 🙂


Whatcha reading?
Until the Beginning by Amy Plum
Where did it come from? (Library, purchased, publisher, etc): Publisher at ALA Midwinter
Any special reason you chose to feature this book? Honestly, it was a rainy day and I was a little sick. I wanted to curl up on the couch with my favorite t-shirt quilt and a cup of tea and just read. I realized I had a book and a beverage and thought, “Hey….”
What’s important that we should know about this book? Would you recommend it? Amy Plum is an author loved by all three Book Nerds — here we are with her at the RT Convention back in 2013:

amy plum
To see more of Flo’s thoughts on Until the Beginning, check out her review! Until the Beginning [review]

beverageWhatcha drinking? Chai tea. Like I said before it was a cold (I use that term relatively, since I live in South Florida!) and rainy day and I was sick. The thought of chai tea made me think of comfort and wellness and warmth.
What’s your favorite thing to drink while reading? I love to unwind at the end of the week with a glass of wine and a good book.
Favorite beverage of all time. Go! I drink a lot of orange juice and margaritas.


What are your top three books you would recommend to other people?  Just 3?!?? Okay…I’ll say The Hunger Games trilogy.
What’s your proudest blogging/reading/writing moment? I had someone recognize me at YALLFEST last year because she read my blog. Also, my best friend told me she went to recommend my blog to a co-worker and that person said, “Oh yeah! I read that one!” Stuff like that blows me away!!

 Thanks, Flo! I love your book recommendations! Straight to the point! (And it’s so true. I can still inhale those books!)

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Flo! Connect with her at the links below!
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And don’t forget! You can participate in Book and a Beverage at any time! Got a book? Got a beverage? Just tweet or post your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #bookandabeverage!#bookandabeverage

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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