Time, Space, Continue ‘Em

I feel like I’ve been reading a lot of science-fiction lately and I’ve really been enjoying those sci-fi books that I’ve read within the last couple years. Today I’m combining one concept that I’ve always enjoyed (time travel, alternate universes) and one I never thought I’d love so much (outer space) and assembling a of series and authors that are worth the recommendations and future reads, hence… TIME, SPACE, CONTINUE ‘EM


I adore time travel books. I’ve always been fascinated with the concept and there’s SUCH a long list of books I haven’t even touched yet that I really need to get to. Here are a few that I’ve read and loved!

  • Loop by Karen Akins: Bree goes to school to learn the fine arts of time traveling | Goodreads
  • All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrell: Marina travels through time to stop a madman’s destruction of the world around her | Goodreads
  • Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone: Anna starts to fall in love with a boy who… may not be from this time | Goodreads
  • Unremembered by Jessica Brody: Seraphina is the only person to survive a plane crash and must figure out where her life started | Goodreads

alternate universe

I think I may love alternate and parallel universes even more than time travel. It’s SUCH an interest concept and something that could be possible (I mean, we would never know, right?) and it’s so neat to see the “what could be”s and “what could have been”s.

  • Dissonance by Erica O’Rourke: Del learns the ins and outs of Walking but finds out there’s more to the other worlds than she realizes | Goodreads
  • Pivot Pointby Kasie West: Addie can see the possible outcomes of a decision and must make a big choice at a pivotal moment in her life | Goodreads
  • Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas: Heart had multiple options for prom. Which scenario plays out the best? | Goodreads
  • Just Like Fate by Cat Patrick & Suzanne Young: Caroline asks herself, should I stay or should I go? | Goodreads
  • Undercurrent by Paul Blackwell: Callum tumbles into a world where everything is turned upside down in his life | Goodreads
  • Landline by Rainbow Rowell: Georgie struggles to keep her marriage afloat when she discovers a telephone connecting her to her past | Goodreads
  • Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver: Sam must relive the same day over and over again until she gets it right… but will that end up saving her life? | Goodreads

space and aliens

I didn’t use to be a big sci-fi person and I ALWAYS shied away from books in space or ones that dealt with aliens or alien invasions… But I guess I’ve been reading the right books because I’ve found some VERY enjoyable ones! Like… some of my absolute favorites.

  • The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey: When the alien invasion comes in waves to destroy Earth, Cassie must figure out how to keep on surviving | Goodreads
  • Armada by Ernest Cline: Zack Lightman is called into action when the threat of alien invasion needs his video gaming skills | Goodreads
  • Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Cinder tangles with plague, royals, and an evil stepmother in a sci-fi Cinderella adaptation | Goodreads
  • Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff: An attack leads to fleeing into space while Kady and Ezra struggle to reunite but also… survive | Goodreads

There are ohhhh so many more amazing sci-fi books including these elements but I’m just sharing some of my favorites today. Which of these books top your favorites list? Which ones MUST I read next?

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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27 thoughts on “Time, Space, Continue ‘Em

  1. Alexa @ Words Off the Page

    When Cinder first came out in print I had to read it immediately. I love retellings and I LOVED the fact that Cinder was a cyborg. It was amazing. That’s mostly the reason I love the Lunar Chronicles so much. I still need to get my hands on some good Sci-Fi novels. Other than the Lunar Chronicles, I haven’t really touched YA Sci-Fi, though I definitely have some on my list.

  2. Kay @ It's a Book Life

    I really do love Time Travel and Alternate Universe book, but I am not a huge fan of books that take place in space. I just got Loop from the library and I can’t wait to read it! Pivot Point is one of my favorite books that I read last year! Thanks for all the book recs!

    1. Brittany Post author

      I’m usually not one for aliens or books in space but somehow these wowed me!
      Hope you love Loop! I thought it was a blast!

  3. Valerie

    I really loved Time Between Us, and Cinder, and Pivot Point! There are also a LOT of books about time travel coming out late 2015 and in 2016, so I am excited for that.

    Hmmm. I think I can think of more books on aliens and space! Let me think:
    – Ender’s Game
    – Earth Girl
    – These Broken Stars

    I do want to read Armada so badly, even though I have not read Ready Player One yet. Someone mentioned The Martian, and I want to read that too before the movie comes out!!

    Awesome recs Brittany!

  4. Olivia Roach

    Again, I should really read my way through this list because these books are perfect for me. I love time travelers, especially as a fan of doctor who although it is something hard to get right. I haven’t read many alternate universe books so not sure how to feel there, but I will be reading Dissonance soon so maybe that will give me an idea. And space and aliens? Yes please. I loved Cinder and Enders Game fits right into there too…

  5. Melanie

    I read Wasted by Nicola Morgan a little while ago, which kind of plays on alternate realities a little. Not really, but kinda. Basically, as you read you get to toss a coin and then read the corresponding chapter, so you’re building the story yourself as you read. It’s not the best written book ever, but it had me hooked. It was fun to play along and yes I did sneakily read all the chapters instead of the ones my coin tosses were throwing up. It was so interesting to see how the story could have gone. Interesting concept in a book as well; I used to love those choose your own adventure books. *cough* Used to. *cough*. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7999113-wasted?ac=1 You often mention mysteries etc as well, so I think you would enjoy this one. 🙂

    1. Brittany Post author

      Oooh that’s interesting! I’ll have to check it out! Thanks for the suggestion, Melanie!

  6. Alexa S.

    I really like time travel and alternate reality science fiction! I’m not too keen on aliens, but those two? Definitely fun to read. I really enjoyed Avalon from Mindee Arnett – one of those sci-fi books that I didn’t quite expect to love, but did.

    1. Brittany Post author

      Usually I’m not keen on aliens either so I had to recommend these because they really helped me be a bit more open to it! I think I’m still very picky but not totally closed off 🙂
      I still need to read Avalon! I tried to start it ages ago but wasn’t in a sci-fi mood so I still need to come back to it!

  7. Amber Elise

    I’m a big sci-fi fan in terms of YA, I can’t handle it for adult books.

    I think Alternate Universes/Realities are my go-to genre!

    And for some reason, I have been STRUGGLING to find a time-travel book that I like. ):

  8. Tanya

    I’m not usually a fan of sci-fi but I do enjoy books with a time travel element. That duology by Tamara Ireland Stone was a good YA offering. I really enjoyed Anna and Bennett’s story. As for aliens, I don’t read a lot of those but I did read The 5th Wave and thought it was excellent! I hear very mixed things about The Infinite Sea but haven’t read it yet myself. I’m interested to see what they do with the movie.

  9. Karen Blue

    If you enjoy alien invasions I would recommend Undertow by Michael Buckley. I really enjoyed that YA book. I can’t wait to read Illuminae. I have it pre-ordered. I read the Cinder series. I can’t wait to read Winter and Fairest. I have a copy of Fairest but just haven’t gotten around to it yet.
    Great post!

  10. Maraia

    I’m on a sci-fi kick right now, so I have several suggestions. 😀

    The Martian by Andy Wier
    Flight of the Silvers by Daniel Price
    The Fold by Peter Clines
    Time Salvager by Wesley Chu.

    I loved quite a few of the ones on your list, and I’m really looking forward to Illuminae!

  11. Beth W

    I just finished reading Armada and really didn’t like it. But the rest of the books on your list have interesting concepts, and hopefully are executed in a better way. I know these are all YA, but there are some amazing adult SciFi novels out there, like The Left Hand of Darkness (or for another alien on, The Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness) that I highly recommend.

  12. Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books

    I have never been a huge fan of aliens and science fiction. I am so glad I decided to read 5th Wave. It is such a good series. I need to check out some of those time travel books. I haven’t actually read any of those.

  13. Kate @ Mom's Radius

    For time travel, I love “The Time Traveler’s Wife”. It’s the most consistent time travel story I’ve ever come across. For alternate realities, I really love “The Future of Us”. It’s just so cute and fun, and so relate-able for me based on my age.

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