Are we not supposed to do books as the theme for a book tag? I know the point is usually to mash-up a book and something else from pop culture but *shrug* WHY NOT? I’ve been having a blast re-reading one of my favorite series — The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer — and coming up with fun posts for the Lunar Chronicles (Re)Read Along! One of them is this very post: a Lunar Chronicles themed book tag! There have been quite a few fun book tags going around the blogosphere and I thought a Lunar Chronicles one would be just delightful!
Anyone who wants to participate is more than welcome — you don’t have to be a part of the read along to do so!
CINDER | The cyborg
a book that’s often misunderstood or underappreciated
ALTHEA & OLIVER was a book I really enjoyed and after a quick look on Goodreads, I found out that it’s the book with the lowest average rating on my “favorites” shelf. Whomp whompppp. Maybe it was a lot grittier than people expected? I thought it was great, loved the friendships, and really connected with it overall.
KAI | The prince
a book about royals/royalty
A whole lot of royalty in THRONE OF GLASS and throughout the whole series (so far). I just adore this series and I’m so glad I got into it!
ADRI | The evil stepmother
a book with a horrible/cringe-worthy parent
My heart just breaks for Eleanor in this book. She has such a hard time at home and her step-father is just absolutely terrible.
IKO | The spunky sidekick
a book with your favorite happy-go-lucky character
I LOVE David in this book. He’s so happy, he’s a go-getter, and I love his sense of humor. I feel like the happy-go-lucky people are usually the sidekicks so it was so fun to see one as the main character!
SCARLET | The rescuer
a book with a character on a mission
Katniss is 100% rescuer (of her sister) and throughout the series, she’s got a serious mission to accomplish! She’s one of the first strong-minded characters I think of when I’m brainstorming fierce and determined females.
WOLF | The fighter
a book with a brutal fight (with words or fists)
I don’t think I’ll receive many arguments when I say that A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the most violent series I’ve ever read. It’s also freaking phenomenal… but violent. There are quite a few battles that go on outsides of swords and fists too — I love the verbal and mental games.
LEVANA | The villain
a book with the absolute worst villan
THRONE | The rascal
a book with the biggest schmoozer
Normally Thorne is my go-to for biggest rascal so I went a little bit of a different route. I wouldn’t say Kvothe is a natural first reaction for a rascally guy but he really does always find a way to get what he wants. He’s so clever and always uses that to his advantage and hello, he was able to schmooze Felurian. I think that counts for something.
CRESS | The hacker
a book about technology, or sci-fi
Space. Spaceships. Colonies throughout the universe. Gimme dat sci-fi!! Not to mention the entire book is told through various forms of technology and the book was SO EPICALLY AMAZING.
ERLAND | The doctor
a book with an illness or revolving around medical issues
I liked seeing another ailment other than cancer in a YA book (there are quite a few more gaining notoriety now) and I really connected with Payton as she and her family come to grips with her father’s MS.
WINTER | The unsound mind
a book with the craziest character you’ve ever read
I’ve read plenty of crazy characters from the many mystery books out there but Amy Dunne is by far the craziest woman I have ever “met”. Woo boy, she really takes things to a next level, and in so many unexpected ways too.
JACIN | The soldier
a book with a military theme
I used to think the military themes were just something that I wasn’t interested in… Turns out I was reading the wrong books. I’LL MEET YOU THERE is heart-warming, realistic, and bittersweet.
So there you have it! The Lunar Chronicles Book Tag! Go forth an post at any time, and don’t forget to tag a friend to participate too! If you share your link on Twitter, be sure to use the hashtag #TLCBookTag so I can find it and share!
This is the part where I tag other people to join in the fun so I’m tagging… well, everyone, but all you #TLCReadAlong participants! Let me see your lists!
16 thoughts on “The Lunar Chronicles Book Tag”
I have to agree with a lot of the answers here, of course! I do think that A Game of Thrones has one of the most brutal war battles and definitely lots of words as well as fighting being throne around 🙂 Katniss is on a mission and boy does she rule!
I’m definitely going to do this tag! I love it and it’s just in time for Winter!
This sound like so much fun! I definitely will have to do this fun tag before Winter is released!
Ooh, this looks like so much fun! I’m definitely going to do it later this month. Thanks so much for creating this awesome tag.
Best idea ever! Loved how you thought outside the box on this one!!
I love this tag. Althea and Oliver has been on my TBR for a while. I did notice the ratings were a bit low. If it is gritty, that doesn’t bug me. I like gritty.
I love that you made this tag, it looks like so much fun! And yes, Umbridge is the ABSOLUTE worst.
This is great! What a fun tag. I definitely want to participate. I love you choices, too.
I love this tag! You’re so creative. I’ll be doing this for sure. Soon. 🙂
Great tag, Brittany! I’ve not yet started The Lunar Chronicles series but it’s still fun to see all the answers. 🙂 I actually enjoy books with a military theme (my husband had a 20+ year Navy career) and I am super excited for I’ll Meet You There. I made a “Top of the TBR” list recently and it was definitely on there.